APFA2013/05/28ANAHEIM PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 28, 2013 The Anaheim Public Financing Authority regular meeting was called to order at 5:41 P.M. for a joint public comment session with the Anaheim City Council. The meeting notice, agenda and related materials were duly posted on May 24, 2013. Present: Chairman Tom Tait and Authority Members: Jordan Brandman, Gail Eastman, Lucille Kring and Kris Murray. Staff Present: Interim City Manager Marcie Edwards, Interim City Attorney Michael Houston and Secretary Linda Andal ADDITIONS /DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA: None PUBLIC COMMENTS: No public comments made related to the Public Financing agenda. CONSENT CALENDAR: At 6:40 P.M., Authority Member Brandman moved to approve the Public Financing Authority consent calendar as presented, seconded by Authority Member Eastman. Roll Call Vote: Ayes — 5: (Chairman Tait and Authority Members: Brandman, Eastman, Kring and Murray). Noes — 0. Motion Carried. PFA187 1. Approve minutes of Public Financing Authority meeting of October 23, 2012. END OF CONSENT CALENDAR: 2. RESOLUTION NO. APFA 2013 -001 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF 13137.1 DIRECTORS OF THE ANAHEIM PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY authorizing the refunding of the Authority's Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2002 -B (City of Anaheim Electric System Generation System Refunding) and approving all actions in connection therewith Marcie Edwards, Interim City Manager, remarked this item was intended to reduce utility debt overall, save approximately $4 million in interest expense and create flexibility for the utility to continue to economically manage its energy portfolio. Ed Zacherl, Assistant General Manager of Finance and Administration, reported this item was a resolution authorizing a refund of the outstanding APFA Series 2002 -B electric revenue bonds with the same transaction included on the council agenda to identify the source of the funds for the refunding. Staff was requesting council approve the Utility's use of the previously- approved line of credit in the amount of approximately $51 million in order to retire the outstanding bonds. He stated the majority of the bonds were used to fund Anaheim's partial ownership of the San Juan Generating Station, the coal burning electric generating facility located in New Mexico and that normally, the request to refund these bonds would be to take advantage of the current low interest rates and replace them with new bonds with a fixed rate maturing in 2020, the original maturity date. However, he pointed out, rather than refund these bonds, staff was asking instead to retire them, using the line of credit to do so and not issue new bonds. ITEM NO. 04 Public Financing Authority Minutes of May 28, 2013 Page 2 of 2 This action was requested because the bonds were associated with the San Juan Generating Station and that coal burning plant was subject to increasing emission control standards and associated costs. In fact, Anaheim's on -going participation in San Juan was being evaluated and was not certain at this time. By using the line of credit instead of issuing new bonds, Utilities could take advantage of the significantly reduced interest rates and more importantly, use the line of credit that would afford greater flexibility with respect to Anaheim's future role In the San Juan Power Plant. Using the line of credit as opposed to refunding the bonds, the department would not be locked into having to stay in the San Juan power plant until the year 2020 and be able to convert from tax exempt to taxable funding within a week's time. Being able to quickly convert to taxable funding, he explained, Anaheim Utilities would avoid violating the IRS private use restrictions that were otherwise associated with tax exempt debt. In addition, funding the remaining debt in this fashion, Anaheim would then be able to divest its share of San Juan should the opportunity become available and be the prudent course. Any actual divestiture actions, he added, would require council approval. In summary, about $4 million in interest expense savings would be realized between now and 2020 and the retirement of the bonds would free up existing restricted $9.2 million in reserve funds. As far as risks associated with using the line of credit, Mr. Zacherl stated staff believed they were manageable. The credit could be paid back at any time and was not subject to a specific debt repayment schedule and cash flow could be better accommodated. In addition, he noted, if short term rates were raised significantly, the department could still issue fixed rate bonds to pay off the line of credit and mitigate that issue. He ended the report stating this transaction was a sound business decision and an appropriate way to manage assets, reduce debt, and provide options and flexibility in response to changing business conventions and regulations. Council Member Kring moved to approve RESOLUTION NO. APFA 2013 -001 OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE ANAHEIM PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY authorizing the refunding of the Authority's Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2002 -B (City of Anaheim Electric System Generation System Refunding) and approving all actions in connection therewith ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, Chairman Tait adjourned the meeting of the Anaheim Public Financing Authority at 6:46 P.M. Res ec ully Submitted, Linda N. Andal, CIVIC Secretary, Anaheim Public Financing Authority