Library 1987/23/09Minutes of the regular meeting of the Anaheim Public Lil_i�ary Board for September 23, 1987. PRESENT: Jean McClain, Earl E. Dahl, La Frafce (Slim) Terrell and Barbara (Barbi0i Whorton. ABSENT: R. Davis Taylor. ALSO PRESENT: Connie Blomeyer, Library Board Liaison, Friends of the Anaheim Public Library. CALL TO ORDER The agenda having been posted at 4:00 p.m. on September 18, 1987, the meeting was called to order at 4:09 p.m. by Chairman Jean McClain. ACTION ON THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF AUGUST 26, 1987 Earl E. Dahl motioned that the minutes be accepted as submitted. Motion seconded and carried. CORRESPONDENCE: (a) Copy of a letter of appreciation sent to Mrs. Vivian J. Picker on August 26, 1987 by Jean McClain on behalf of the .Library Board to thank Mrs. Picker for chairing the Roston Rummage Sale. (b) A copy of a memorandum sent to the Library Staff on August 26, 1987 by Jean McClain on behalf of the Board thanking the staff for donations and assistance with the Roston Rummage Sale. (- Letter dated August 28, 1987 from patron Claire Brown regarding operational changes at the Haskett Reading Center. The Library Director informed the Board that Connie Phillips, Haskett Branch Librarian, has spoken with Mrs. Brown regarding the changes at Haskett. Mrs. Brown was particularly interested in reference pro- cedures and has expressed satisfaction with the response received from Mrs. Phillips. The Board asked Chairman Jean McClain to draft a letter to Mrs. Brown acknowledging the receipt of her letter. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S REPOR Mr. Griffith informed the Board he had just received word that R. Davis Taylor was ill and had been hospitalized. Everyone expressed concern for Mr. Taylor and extended their best wishes for his quick recovery. The Library Director will meet with the Facility Maintenance staff on September 28, 1987 to discuss the condition of the -2- Central Library building and parking area. Facility Main- tenance has done additional research on the construction of a fire corridor for the Library's multipurpose rooms and estimates the cost at $10,000. They do not view this as a maintenance item and, therefore, feel the cost for the corridor should be borne by the Library Department rather than the Facility Maintenance Department. The Library's new integrated automated system will be fully operational in mid - October. Training classes on the new equipment are currently underway. PRESENTATION ON INTEGRATED AUTOMATED LIBRARY SYSTEM Patricia Earnest, Library Technical Services Manager, gave the Board a brief - history of the various systems and data bases which have been used by the Library since 1969. She explained that the new automated system will integrate the data bases on acquisitions, catalog and circulation and will allow us access to the data bases of other Data Research Associates customers thereby enlarging our base of informa- tion. The new automated system will also enable the check -in of periodicals, the booking of videos and meeting rooms, and the provision of referrals and information on community based groups. Following her oral presentation, Ms. Earnest took the Board members to the training area for a "hands on" demonstration of the new equipment. '_°.:TON FINANCIAL REPORT The Financial Report was submitted to the Board. It was unanimously agreed that discussion be postponed until the October meeting. P FORUM No members of the public were in attendance. A- JOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:00 p.m. � ,. airman i Secrets"