Community Center 2005/09/22s } Community Center Authority September 22, 2005 Anaheim Convention Center Executive Board Room 12 Noon Members Present: Paul Kott, Ed Munson, Larry Slagle, Pat Carroll, Diane Quezada- Singer. Members Absent: None. City Staff. Greg Smith, Executive Director; David Meek, Convention Center Manager; Carol Meier, Financial Accounting Manager; Ed Zacherl, Assistant Finance Director; Chuck Smith, Contract Administrator; Alison Kott, Deputy City Attorney; Terry Harper Anaheim Union High School District; Claire Hahn, Senior Secretary. Irene Reyes - Hofmann posted the agenda for this meeting on Friday, September 9, 2005, at 1 p.m., in the Convention Center Box Office Advance Sales window. Call to Order President Paul Kott called the meeting to order and self - introductions were made. Public Discussion None. Approval of Minutes The meeting minutes of the May 26, 2005, were approved. Financial Report Carol Meier reported on the Statement of Revenues and Expenditures for the year ended June 30, 2005. Reporting from the schedule, Carol highlighted the Convention Center's operating profit of $1.074 million versus the original suggested loss of $2.3 million, a positive variance of $3.362 million attributed to revenues coming in higher than suggested by $2.6 million. Expenses came in lower than projected of $720,000. The total income for the year was $712,000 versus the original projected loss of $4.037 million. On the operating side, most of the revenues came in higher than suggested with the exception of food and beverage income, which was primarily due to new bookings. The expense side came in lower due to lower salaries and burden cost. On the non - operating side, operating revenues came in under projection by $204,000, which was attributed to the losses from the Grove. Carol pointed out that the Convention Center contributes $1 million to the City's General Fund as a subsidy to their budget that will continue this current fiscal year 2005/06. The non - operating expenditures are down in capital outlay by $1.6 million; however, that will be carried over for the current year. Greg Smith commented that it is important to know that the Anaheim Convention Center operates without a City subsidy. From a financial standpoint and a great benefit to the City, the Community Center Authority Minutes September 22, 2005 Page 2 Convention Center contributes to the general fund and also maintains a reserve fund of approximately $17 million. Greg informed the members that the reserve fund will be drawn down for an upcoming project by $5 million. The Convention Center keeps a balance not lower than $9 -10 million. On an average, the Convention Center's infrastructure maintenance is approximately $2 million a year. Greg shared that generally the Convention Center turns a profit. Discussion ensued regarding reserves. Arena Lighting and Landscaping Update Greg Smith explained the displayed pictures of the lighting and landscape of Phase I, a multi -phase upgrade project to the exterior of the Arena, which is almost complete. He described in detail the arrangement and colors of the new lighting and uplighting of the palm trees. The goal is to make it lush and pretty, pedestrian friendly, and add balance to Arena's exterior. The maintenance of this project will fall under the Resort Maintenance District. Greg updated the members on the replacement carpeting for the Convention Center lobby area stating his concern about recreating the same dramatic and elegant look. He and David Meek are still looking and have looked into using large square carpet tiles. The next block of time for carpet to be installed would be in June 2006. At the next meeting samples may be available to show. Greg wanted to fill in the gap regarding the Grove that Carol Meier mentioned earlier in the financial report. He briefed them on the background regarding the purchase of the Grove from being sold to Ogden Entertainment to SMG acquiring the property and the City's option to purchase the land. The Grove property was being sold to a church for $6.2 million; the City of Anaheim had the option to purchase the property if they could match the offer. The City needed the property for leverage and tapped in to the Convention Center's reserve fund to buy the Grove and designated it to be under the umbrella of the Convention Center. The first year the Grove netted a profit, and the Convention Center was able to share in half of the profits. However, last year there was a loss, but the Convention Center's share of loss is capped at $200,000. This year it is projected to make as much as the first year of operation. Greg communicated to the members on an upcoming announcement on an exclusive Arena booking rights agreement with Anschutz Entertainment Group (AEG). AEG is the owner of the Staples Center and a strong concert producer. AEG will book the Arena facility, have responsibility to sell the naming rights which is worth 600,000 per year, provide all of the marketing, programming, acts, and the wherewithal. The Convention Center will provide the facility and the split is 50150. AEG guarantees over the five -year term on the agreement a minimum net revenue of $2.5 million. Part of this deal includes AEG bringing in a developmental league NBA basketball team. Discussion ensued regarding events in the arena. Diane Singer questioned if our facility has any place in the City's recovery plan. Greg indicated that the Convention Center is a designated shelter for the City's disaster plan, we have a micro generator on the west side of the building that runs and generates electricity for the City's grid, Community Center Authority Minutes September 22, 2005 Page 3 and the Convention Center has its own emergency backup in the building. Homeland Security is looking into investing money and using this facility as a beta site for new technologies. Discussion Concerning Proposed Amendment to Resolution CCA —1669 Establishing the Date, Hour & Place for General meetings of the Community Center Authority Greg Smith informed the members that at a Council meeting the Mayor brought up the fact that all boards and commissions should meet at convenient times such as mornings or evenings for the public to attend. The Mayor was encouraging boards and commissions to consider establishing more conducive time slots for the public to attend. The Mayor commented that the lunch period was not a conducive time. Discussion ensued regarding attendance and the CCA meeting time. With no public participation or complaints regarding time, no public comments expressing the desire to change the time for the public to attend or that it is an inconvenient time to meet, the general consensus was to keep the 12 noon meeting time; however, they will keep it in mind should they need to change the time. Discussing of Meeting Room Expansion Project Greg Smith updated the members on the meeting room expansion project designs indicating that there has been no change. He is waiting for a resolution by the hotels to create a fee upon themselves that will fund the Convention Center expansion. The City has stated that the benefactors of the increase meeting room space will be the ones that pay for it. Hotels are saying the City benefits from the expansion and wants the City to participate. The hotels are still trying to establish a methodology on who pays how much based upon proximity of the building, based upon the size of hotels, and TOT. The Bureau is heading up this effort. There are two phases to the plan, Hall E and the unfinished area on the third level, the second ballroom that was part of the original construction plan. There is a committee working on loss of business due to the lack of meeting room space. Discussing ensued regarding subsidy. Adiournment There being no further business to discuss, it was, on a motion duly made and seconded, adjourn at 2:13 p.m. Signed: Approved and Certified: Greg Smith, Assistant Secretary Secretary of the Governing Board of the Community Center Authority * * *Next meeting* * * January 26, 2006