Parks and Recreation 2013/10/23PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Brookhurst Community Center, 2271 W. Crescent Avenue, Anaheim, California October 23, 2013MINUTES COMMISSIONERS PRESENT:Chairman Manes andCommissionersHuitt,Lappin, Navarro,Anderson,and Levy COMMISSIONERS ABSENT:Vice ChairBrennan STAFF PRESENT:Lynn Smith –Community Services Manager,Larry Pasco –Parks Manager, Pamela Galera, Principal Project Planner, Wendy Solorio –Community Services Supervisor, Eleanor Granflor –Sr. Secretary CALL TO ORDER–Commissioner Huittcalled the meeting to order at 5:36p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE–Commissioner Huittled the Pledge of Allegiance. INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND COMMUNICATIONFROM OTHERS A.Written Communication –None B.Unscheduled Oral Communication from the Public –None. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES–Chairman Manespresented the September 25,2013Minutes to the Commissioners for changes or corrections. Commissioner Huitt made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Commissioner Levy.There being no further additions or corrections, Chairman Manesaccepted the Minutes. REPORTS A.Recreation and Human ServicesActivity Report –August/September–Lynn Smithpresented the report. Lynn Smith highlighted on the Homeless Property Storage Initiative located across the street from La Palma Park. The City has a contract with a local organization, Mercy House, which will be operating the storage facility.In the first month of operation, fifty percent of the storage facility was occupied. Lynn Smith reported City Council has advised City staff to work with the County of Orange on a long-term solution of bringing emergency shelters to the Anaheim area. Larry Pasco reported an Ordinance was approved by the City Council that prohibits camping and storage of personal property on public property including parks. Lynn Smith stated the Ordinance will not go into effect until 30 days after the Armory Emergency Shelter opens in Fullerton. B.Recreation and Human Services Park Ranger Report –September–Lynn Smithpresented the reportand answered questions regardingcurfew. C.Parks Capital Project Progress Report–Pamela Galera presented the report, provided updates, and answered questions on the following projects: 5 Coves–A community meeting washeld on October 15.The City applied for a Bicycle Corridor Improvement th Program grant and will be applying for an Urban Greening grant. Little Peoples Park–A community meeting will be held on October 28. th Miraloma–The groundbreaking ceremony is on October 24. th Modjeska Park –With the help of KaBOOM!, a new playground was installedon October 21. st Paul Revere Park–Project is out to bid. SchweitzerParkPlayground–This project is substantially complete. Both playgrounds are now open. Schweitzer Park Restroom–The restroom is now open to the public. 1 Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes October 23, 2013 D.Senior Citizen Sub-Committee Report–Commissioner Huitt stated SeniorServ has held meetings throughout the County of Orange and the City did not have a representative at the last two financial planning meetings. Wendy Solorio requested that she send herthe dates of the meetings so she can investigatewhy a City representative did not attend. NEW BUSINESS A.Approval of Master Plan for the Ponderosa Park and Family Resource Center–Pamela Galera reported staff will be movingforward with the Ponderosa Park and Family Resource Center project. Pamela reportedthatthe Family Resource Center will be replaced with a new facility and major renovations will be made to the park. Pamela Galera introduced Tomas Munoz (Tom), Principal of Nuvis Landscape Architecture and Planning. Tom presented the Master Planfor the Ponderosa Park and Family Resource Center, answered questions, and requested the Commissioners to concur with the Master Plan.Commission Lappinmade a motion to concur, seconded by Commissioner Anderson. Commissioners concurred. Motion passed. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS–Chairman Manesreported the following: Anaheim Halloween Parade and Fall Festival areon October 26. The Fall Festival will be from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 th p.m. and the Halloween Parade will begin at 6:00 p.m. A Sister City fundraising eventis scheduled for October 23. rd Miraloma Groundbreaking Ceremony is on October 24. th Veterans Day Ceremony is on November 9at the Downtown Anaheim Community Center. th “National Prescription Drug Take Back Day” hosted by Kaiser Permanente and the Anaheim Police Department will be held on October 26from 10:00 a.m. –2:00 p.m. th Harvest of Creativity Gala Dinner hosted by Creative Identity is on October 26. th A Gem Show will be held at the Phoenix Club on November 2and November 3. ndrd Art in Public Places event will be held at the Downtown Anaheim Community Center on November 7at 6:00 p.m. th The Marine Expeditionary Unit Adoption Committee will be collecting monetary donations and gift cards through November 18. th Commissioner Levy reported anInterfaith Program event will be held on November 27at 7:00 p.m.at a church located at th 1770 West Cerritos Avenue. ADJOURNMENT–Chairman Manesadjourned the meeting at 6:41p.m. 2