Sister City 2014/02/24 CITY OF ANAHEIM SISTER CITY COMMISSION MINUTES February 24, 2014 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Anthony Al-Jamie, James Dinwiddie, Lori Farrow, Jackie Filbeck, Ann Gallaugher, Laurie Leonard, Mark Lopez, Pat Pina, Debbie Juliani, Linda Newby COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Brian Kyndell Paine, Anna Piercy, Russell Lahodny, John Nguyen STAFF PRESENT: Erin Wahlen, Office GUESTS PRESENT: David Bracey Yuko Saito-Rodriguez Shigeno Saito Agenda Posting: A complete copy of the Anaheim Sister City Commission Agenda was posted at 3:45 p.m. on Friday, February 21, 2014 at Anaheim City Hall. Public Input: Commissioner Leonard explained that members of the public are invited to address the Anaheim Sister City Commission and will be called upon under Agenda Item No. VI. Public Comment. I.CALL TO ORDER The meeting of the Anaheim Sister City Commission (ASCC) was called to order at 4:07 p.m. by Treasurer Laurie Leonard on Monday, February 24, 2014 at the th Floor, Anaheim, California. Treasurer Leonard indicated Chairman Nguyen and Vice Chair Paine are both out of town, so she is going to chair the meeting.  II.OATH OF OFFICE Erin Wahlen administered the Oath of Office to the newest member of the Sister City Commission, Lori Farrow. -8)123 Anaheim Sister City Commission February 24, 2014 Page 2 Commissioner Farrow introduced herself. She has been an Anaheim resident for over 25 years and her husband is a retired Anaheim police officer. She works for a Chinese firm that sells botanical extracts and sugar. The manufacturing company is located in the southern part of China. III.APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION: Commissioner Ann Gallaugher offered a Motion, seconded by Commissioner James Dinwiddie AND MOTION CARRIED (Vote: 8-0; Absent: Mark Lopez, Kyndell Paine, Anna Piercy, Russell Lahodny and Lori Farrow abstained) that the Anaheim Sister City Commission does hereby approve the minutes from the ASCC meeting held on January 27, 2014 as presented.  IV. Commissioner Leonard reported there had been Report since last month; therefore the balance remains at $18,687.26. MOTION: Commissioner Filbeck offered a Motion, seconded by Commissioner Pina AND MOTION CARRIED (Vote: 9-0; Absent: Mark Lopez, Kyndell Russell Lahodny) that the Anaheim Sister City Commission does hereby approve dated February 18, 2014. V.AD HOC SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS Commissioner Dinwiddie reported onbehalf of the Cultural Exchange Ad Hoc  Subcommittee that they met and discussed the 2014 Inbound Mito Exchange Program. Mito is proposing to visit Anaheim for 15 days, from July 25 through August 9. The Subcommittee would like to reduce the duration of the inbound exchange group to two weekends and one week, for a total of nine days, between the dates of July 25 and August 9. And they are also going to look at the number of students that Mito is proposing to send. Since there were difficulties with the finances last year, the Ad Hoc Subcommittee wants to make sure that the trip is well covered this year. Commissioner Filbeck suggested letting Mito know up front how much it would cost per student and Mito could then decide how many students they could afford to send. a day for the entire group or $89.00 a day per participant. Anaheim Sister City Commission February 24, 2014 Page 3 Erin Wahlen stated the question before the Commission is to agree on either suggesting a shorter timeframe for the visit and possibly reducing the number of students or letting Mito know how much it would cost per guest up front and let It was decided that Commissioner Dinwiddie is going discuss this matter with Chairman Nguyen and then write a letter to Mr. Wang advising him about the shorter timeframe, the cost per guest and the number of guests the Commission is able to accommodate. Regarding fundraising for the Anaheim Sister City Commission, Commissioner Juliani reported there are some ideas floating around to do a fundraiser with Anaheim breweries. It would consist of a fun day tour to all of the Anaheim breweries and for an evening dinner. Erin Wahlen asked to be kept in the loop as the Mayor is very supportive of Anaheim brewery businesses and would very much support this idea. Commissioner Al-Jaime stated he asked YukoSaito-Rodriguez to take a look at  the Sister City display case located on the first floor of City Hall and make recommendations about the exhibits on display. Yuko Saito-Rodriguez introduced her mother, Shigeno Saito. Mrs. Saito was born and raised in Mito and brother has been a member of Sister City Commission since its inception. Mrs. Saito is very familiar with the city of Mito. Yuko invited Mrs. Saito to look at the exhibits in the display case with her and they both agreed the display is very nice. The kimono is faded, but they recommend not changing it. Also, the beautiful gift items on display are irreplaceable. They noticed dust in the display items that should be cleaned, but just a little housekeeping is all they recommended. Yuko emphasized the display is very nice. Mrs. Saito recommended that a glass of water in the display may keep the dust from settling on the objects and the materials will last longer. It was also recommended that original letters that have faded be either framed or archived and scanned and that a duplicate be displayed. Erin Wahlen circulated a name badge list to take an inventory of who needs a name badge and asked the Commissioners to indicate how they would like their name displayed on the badge. Erin is going to send a proof to the entire Commission so they can see what the badge is going to look like. Anaheim Sister City Commission February 24, 2014 Page 4 Commissioner Newby suggested that the Commission wear their name badges at the Volunteer Recognition luncheon on March 19. Erin is also going to follow up with an email to the Commission to find out who needs business cards. Erin further reported that the Anaheim magazine is going to be mailed out on Friday, February 28. The half page advertisement seeking host families that was included indicates that students will be here late July through early August and asks host families to apply today; thus there are no hard dates as referenced in Section V. There will be another opportunity in April to run a second advertisement in the Anaheim magazine if the Commission wishes to do so. VI.PUBLIC COMMENT Yuko Saito-Rodriguez stated the condolence message from the Commission and Mayor Tait was received by Dr. Hataya and he was very touched by the nice gesture. Yuko also reported that the garden for Dr. has been designed, but there are two different designs that are being considered and they are trying to decide which one they are going to go with. The monument that is going to be part of the garden is taking a little longer to design. It may be another two weeks before they decide on the design and then she will be able to share it with the Commission. Yuko anticipates she will be able to bring the desired design to the next Sister City Commission meeting, but if she gets it sooner she will email it to staff. Erin explained that once the design is received and approved by the Sister City Commission, Erin will submit it to Community Services for their review and approval. VII.COMMISSIONER COMMENTS Commissioner Farrow gave each Commissioner a notebook that she had brought back from China. VIII.ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:47 p.m. to th Monday, March 24, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. at the Anaheim City Hall, 7 Floor, City