Public Utilities 2014/01/29I;Lu;j 0 UK111 I my N I WS KINI N 2014, in the 11"' Floor Large Confeience Rooni, Anabehn West Tower. 201 S. Anaheini Blvd., Analichn, California. Board Members Present: J. Machiaverna, D. Singer, B. Hernandez, S.E. Faessel, D.Wain, L. Cahill, C. Monaco Board Members Absent: None. Staff Present: D. Lee, D. Calkins, S. Sciortino, J. Wei, B. Beelner, J. Lehman, G. Bowen, A. Kott, M. Brownrigg, L. Quianibao, M. DeSollar, P. Oviedo, J. Coe Guest(s) Present: Stage Arakawa. Manager Bay-Delta Initiatives, Metropolitan Water District M Zit's] - �wj I eggs I WISHOY1 'UPROM N 519MR4 3. PRESENTATION ON THE BAY DELTA CONSERVATIOJ PLAN. wff� AGENDAITEM protect existirig water supplies. The Board discussed infonnation oll tile project cost, potential rate impact to customers, and the proces for gaining public input oil the proposed project. I I MINI I "IFIXI 111110 1 Nil 191 11 RI MUNII N l on � XffftW PA V If )KE IL-AFMI WIMMINI I MI IA M. Brownrigg, Resource Efficieney Advisor, shared inforl oil the revised process for providing solar rebates to address the prior year's oversubscription. Solar rebates are provided to utility ACTIONTAKEN AGENDA ITEM I W I D. Lee shared that the second repoil coneeming Capital Improvement Projects contains maps ofon-oing projects throughout the City of' L- Anaheim, and explained that there is also an online project tracker lool where projects can be viewed in real time. ACTION TAKEN D. Calkins will review details of the pricing oftwo ro . ects. and re oil back to 11111 In response to a Board member"s inquiry. A. Kott provided an overview of [lie recent settlement ol'a lawsuit against the City 1"W1 N ACTION TAKEN AGENDA ITEM have been received Ii several weeks. I kI Kvill W I VICNI I I&W- 1 121F.11 Ma W111 Finally, she provided an update on the Depamment's Electric Reliability Compliance program (Program). She mentioned that 011 Tuesday, February 4"', the Department will undergo a federal audit of' compliance willi [lie mandated electricity reliability standards associated will) the Program. She explained that these reliability ACTION TAKEN 2014 -5 AGENDA ITEM MOM 0 14 111A 1819 1 liz RUKIFXNMx «�� L. Callill commented on the variety of interesting projects and initiatives affecting the Department. Monaco shared his experience with a helpful customer service cepresentative earlier in the day. D. Wain shared his experience attending a conference oil Water Conservation for HOA last week in the Gordon Hoyt Conference room. He learned a lot and suggested expanding on additional ways of saving money in the future. S. E. Faessel shared that Analicim Public Utilities is the key to many ;�uccesses fortheCityofAnaheim byofileringcompetitive rates, — reliability, sustainability, and variabIlity, including educating L- ACTION TAKEN AGENDA ITEM ACTIONTAKEN custoniers on rebates and potential scams. She thanked stall" for making those things happen daily. J. Machiavemastated that this is a critical time for the DepariMelit and there are si I icant decisions to make in the near future, and L- commented on thestaffs excellent ]III Job over (lie years in doh right For Anaheim customers. Indicates item(s) that Nvill be forwarded [o City Council for action upon recommendation by Ifie Board. Indicates item(s) that will be forwarded to City Clerk and City Council Im inflormational purposes. �iI