Cultural and Heritage 2014/03/20MINUTES CULTURAL AND HERITAGE COMMISSION MEETING LOCATION Downtown Anaheim Community Center 250 E. Center St., Anaheim, CA 92805 TIME COMMISSIONERS PRESENT Chris Maya, Chair AndnswDeneau EnmeshJN1edrano Bradley Pettigrew Alfonso Rodriguez RyanRue|ns COMMISSONERS ABSENT STAFF PRESENT Janis Heckel, Community Services Superintendent Jane Newell, Heritage Services Manager Martha Billingsley, Sr. Secretary AGENDA ACTION TAKEN 1� CALL TO ORDER: Chair Maya called the meeting of the Cultural and Heritage Commission huorder atO�36p.m. Chair Maya welcome the new commissioners Ryan Rue|ao& Ernesto Nledranoand asked them tn introduce themselves. 2. SCHEDULED COMMUNICATION: Noreport 3 UNSCHEDULED PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: Noreport 4 CORRESPONDENCE: Chair Maya presented the newsletter from the Anaheim Arts Council and distributed invitations to the Soiree being held on April 4, 2014, at the Business Expo Center from 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm. 5. APPROVAL DFMINUTES: Commissioner Pettigrew made a motion to approve the minutes for the February 20, 2014 meeting; Commissioner Deneau Made a second and the motion passed with five ( ayes and one (1)abstention. O. NEW BUSINESS: Chair Maya announced that a Vice-Chair needed to be elected due to the recent resignation of Commissioner Kelly Castillo, Commissioner Rue|ee made motion to elect Commissioner Pettigrew for Vice-Chair, Commissioner Rodriguez made a second. Chair Maya inquired |f there are any other nominations ordiscussion, There being none, Chair Maya asked if Commissioner Pettigrew would accept the nomination for Vice-Chair. Commissioner Pettigrew accepted the nomination; and the motion passed. GALLERIES OUB'COk8K8|TTEE: Janis reported that the Center Gallery has all exhibits scheduled fur 2014. The Anaheim Community Center will be closed for two weeks April 7" through the 18 for the annual cleaning and maintenance. Janis stated that following this closure, the CaIifornia Coastal Commission will be exhibiting the 2013 photography winners in the Center Gallery. Chair Maya shared the history of the Galleries Sub-Committee with Commissioners Ruelas and Medrano and invited them to parUdpabawith the Galleries Sub-Committee. 8, ART FACILITIES SUB-COMMITTEE: No report ART|CPROJECT: Janis reminded the commissioners uf the Artio tour scheduled for Friday, April 1 81h, from 9�00 a,m., 11:00 a,m. and offered to contact Jamie Lai, Transit Manager, to reschedule due Cultural and Heritage Commission March 2O.2014 Page AGENDA ACTION TAKEN bu scheduling conflicts of the commissioners that are educators, Janis will report back tothe commissioners the dates that the tour is available. 1[i INFORMATION ITEMS: A. Commissioner Deneau No report B. Chair Maya'. Chair Maya inquired about the status of the development project ontheproparty located at the corner cf Lincoln/Anaheim Blvd. Chair Maya further inquired if there could bem public art component to the project, Chair Maya noted the disrepair of one of the bird houses located om the north/east corner of Lemon and Center Street at the Promenade, and the Chinese lanterns in Buster's Court that are beautifully crafted and not being used. Janis asked the Commissioners if they would like her ho request a project update from the developer of the UnmzKo/Anaheim Blvd. project. She noted that they had attended e meeting |n the past and shared renderings of the apartments. Janis advised the Commission that they could inquire if the project had any Public Art and, if not; the commission could make a recommendation to send to Council and/or the Planning Commission to suggest they include Public Art in the project. C. No report D, Commissioner Pettigrew reported that the project being developed for the corner nf Lincoln/Anaheim Blvd is a24O apartment complex. Commissioner Pettigrew inquired about the status of the QR (Quick Response) code or another way to identify the artist on Public Art. Janis suggested that the commission could form a Sub-Committee to research this item for further discussion, Chair Maya appointed Commissioner Pettigrew and another commissioner, in be named later, to serve on this aub-oommittee. E. Absent F. Commissioner Rodriguez: Noreport G. Commissioner Ruelas: Commissioner Ruelas reported that Commissioner Rodriguez and heare part of the CABE (California Association of Bilingual Educators) and Anaheim High School is hosting a conference that 3 educators will attend the first week ofApril. Commissioner Rue|os noted that one of the events ina presentation from a Visual Performing Arts regarding how ithas affected their lives and helped them to learn as English Learning students, H. Staff� Janis reported on the Annual Recognition Event held at the Grove of Anaheim and presented Commissioners Rodriguez, Pettigrew and Deneau with recognition pins for their service. Janis stated that she was contacted by Brody Luebkernan with Brookfield Homes requesting the commissions email addresses iu invite them to an Open House for the model homes that were completed across from the Packing House. [t will be held unThursday, March 27.2O14a15:O0 p.m.to7:OOp.m. Janis also noted that the K8uzeoin searching for a new Executive Director. Janis informed the Commission that Downtown Anaheim Com be closed for their annual cleaning and maintenance on April 7"' through the 1O`' Janis asked where the Commissioners would like to hold their April 17 "' Cultural & Heritage Commission meeting, and Cultural and Heritage Commission March 2O Page AGENDA ACTION TAKEN they agreed that the Chance Theatre would be their preference and the second choice is the Muzeo. Janis gave a brief overview of the duties and responsibilities of the commission for the newly appointed representatives, Jane Newell explained that the Heritage inCultural & Heritage isin regards to the Carnegie Museum, part cf our historic building with the W1uzenfacilities, Jane also noted that in June 2O14 the Commission will be meeting in Founders' Park and they will be able to see additional historic structures; the Mother Colony and the Woelke-Stoffel House; all three are on the National Registry. Jane reported that the new roof for the Woelke-Stoffel House is completed, and a lot of the outside d6cor was replaced on the building including the snow guard that was oO the house originally and shown in photos. Jane stated that for the next fiscal year she has requested funding for the Mother Colony House from the {}DGBin the amount ofS52.00O for structural and wiring design work for the VVouke- Stodfe|Houee. Jane also noted that the National Registry plaques and the Mills Act plaques were ordered but it could be May or June 2O14 until they are received. 11. NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be held on Thursday, April 17 Muzem.241 8. Anaheim Bhd_Anaheim. 12. ADJOURNMENT: Chair Maya adjourned the meeting at T45 p.m.