RES-2014-147 RESOLUTION NO 2014-1
WHEREAS, Chapter 1.06 of the Anaheim Municipal Code establishes the
employer-employee relations system for the City; and
WHEREAS, Chapter 1.06, Section 1.06.100 requires Memorandum of
Understanding to be presented to the City Council for determination; and
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Anaheim finds that approval of a new
Memorandum of Understanding executed on July 31, 2014 between the International
Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 47, and the City of Anaheim in the best interest
of the City of Anaheim. '
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of
Anaheim that the Memorandum of Understanding between the International Brotherhood
of Electrical Workers, Local 47, Representing Part-Time Customer Service Employees
and the City of Anaheim executed by the City Management Representative and the
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 47, on July 31, 2014, as set forth
in the document attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein, be and the same
is hereby adopted and that the effective date of such Memorandum of Understanding
shall be January 3, 2014 through January 2, 2017.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Resolution No. 2013-088 is hereby repealed
effective January 3, 2014.
THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and adopted by the City Council
of the City of Anaheim this 12 day of August, 2014 by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Mayor Tait, Council Members Eastman, Murray, Brandman and Kring
NOES: �ne
between the
representing the
and the
January 3, 2014 through January 2, 2017
ARTICLE1 - PREAMBLE ..................................................................................... 1
ARTICLE 2- UNION RECOGNITION .................................................................. 1
ARTICLE 3- UNION ORGANIZATION ................................................................ 1
ARTICLE 4- EMPLOYEE RIGHTS ...................................................................... 3
ARTICLE 5- MANAGEMENT RIGHTS ................................................................ 3
ARTICLE6 - NOTIFICATION ...............................................................................4
ARTICLE 7 - CONSULTATION ............................................................................ 4
ARTICLE8- MEET AND CONFER ...................................................................... 4
ARTICLE9 - CHECK-OFF ................................................................................... 5
ARTICLE 10 - COMPENSATION ......................................................................... 5
ARTICLE 11 - HOURS OF WORK AND PAY DAY .............................................. 7
ARTICLE 12 - PREMIUM PAY ............................................................................. 8
ARTICLE13 - BILINGUAL PAY ........................................................................... 8
ARTICLE 14 - VACATION BENEFIT .................................................................... 9
ARTICLE15 - GENERAL ..................................................................................... 9
ARTICLE 16 - APPOINTMENTS AND PROMOTIONS ...................................... 10
ARTICLE 17 - ELIGIBILITY LISTS ..................................................................... 11
ARTICLE18 - PROBATION ............................................................................... 11
ARTICLE19 - DISCIPLINE ................................................................................ 12
ARTICLE 20 - LAYOFF AND REINSTATEMENT ............................................... 12
ARTICLE21 - LEAVE ......................................................................................... 14
ARTICLE 22 - MILITARY LEAVE ....................................................................... 15
ARTICLE 23 - METER READER RULES ........................................................... 15
ARTICLE 24 - TRAVEL AND MILEAGE EXPENSE ........................................... 15
ARTICLE 25 - FITNESS FOR DUTY .................................................................. 15
ARTICLE 26 - GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE ....................................................... 15
ARTICLE 27 - HEALTH INSURANCE ................................................................ 17
ARTICLE 28 - PENSION AND DEFERRED COMPENSATION ........................ 18
ARTICLE 29 - PHYSICAL EXAMfNATIONS ...................................................... 19
ARTICLE 30 - CONSTRUCTION ....................................................................... 20
ARTICLE 31 - SAVINGS CLAUSE ..................................................................... 20
ARTICLE32 - NO STRIKE ................................................................................. 20
ARTICLE33 - AGENCY SHOP .......................................................................... 21
ARTICLE34 - DURATION ................................................................................. 23
1.1 The wages, hours, and conditions of empioyment that are set forth in this
Memorandum of Understanding (hereinafter called "MOU") have been
discussed and jointly proposed by and befinreen the staff officials of the
City of Anaheim (hereinafter called "ANAHEIM") and Local Union No. 47,
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers AFL-CIO (hereinafter
called "UNION") representing the Anaheim Part-Time Customer Service
Employees bargaining unit working in the classifications set forth in
Appendix "A".
1.2 The terms and conditions of employment that are set forth in this MOU
have been discussed in good faith between the staff officials of ANAHEIM
and the UNION. The UNION agrees to recommend acceptance by its
members of all of the terms and conditions of employment as set forth
herein, and the staff officials of ANAHEIM agree to recommend to the
Anaheim City Council that all of the terms and conditions of employment
as set forth be incorporated in full in a resolution of the City Council. Upon
adoption of such a resolution, all the terms and conditions of this MOU so
incorporated shall become effective without any further action by either
2.1 ANAHEIM hereby recognizes the UNION as the bargaining representative
for all its members to the fullest extent allowable under California law
applying to public employees.
3.1 The UNION representatives are those elected or appointed in accordance
with the constitution and bylaws of the UNION. ANAHEIM recognizes the
UNION's right to appoint shop stewards.
3.1.1 The UNION shall notify the Anaheim City Management
Representative, in writing, of the names and job classification
titles of its officers, shop stewards, and other representatives
each time an election is held or new appointments are made.
3.1.2 An employee elected or appointed as an officer or shop steward
of the UNION shall be required to work as scheduled in their
respective job class and shall not interrupt the work of other
3.2 UNIQN officers and representatives (subject to the provisions of ARTICLE
2— UNION RECOGNITION) shall be permitted to visit employee work
locations for the purpose of observing working conditions, however, such
visits shall not interrupt the work of such employees, nor interfere with the
normal operations of the department or with established safety
3.2.1 UNION officers and representatives shall not enter any work
location without the knowledge of the Department Head,
Division Head, or other appropriate manager or supervisor.
3.2.2 Solicitation of inembership and all activities concerned with the
internal management of the UNION, such as collecting dues,
holding membership meetings, preparing petitions or grievance
material, preparing proposals, campaigning for office,
conducting elections, and distributing literature, etc., shall not be
conducted during working hours.
3.3 In the event that UNION is formally meeting and conferring with
representatives of ANAHEIM on matters within the scope of
representation during regular ANAHEIM business hours, up to three (3)
officers, shop stewards, or other representatives of UNION shall be paid
their regular hourly rate of pay when they are attending the meet and
confer sessions for any hours for which they were scheduled to work.
3.3.1 Such meetings are subject to scheduling in a manner consistent
with operating needs and work schedules. Work schedules will
not be modified to ensure nor to avoid payment to part-time
employees attending meet and confer sessions.
3.3.2 Officers, shop stewards, and representatives of UNION shall not
leave their duty or workstation or assignment without the
knowledge of the Department Head, Division Head or other
appropriate manager or supervisor.
3.3.3 ANAHEIM will pay employees who are released from work for
UNION business at UNION expense and will bill the UNION at
the employee's regular rate of pay. ANAHEIM and UNION will
jointly and severally be responsible for Workers' Compensation
and General Liability when such employees are off work for
UNION business at UNION expense.
3.4 ANAHEIM shall furnish portions of non-electric bulletin boards at mutually
agreeable, specific locations for the purpose of posting notices pertaining
to UNION business and shall determine what reasonable portion of
bulletin boards are to be allocated for UNION materials.
3.4.1 Ail posted materials must be dated and must identify the
UNION. If UNION does not abide by these provisions it will
forfeit its right to have materials posted on ANAHEIM's bulletin
3.5 ANAHEIM shall allow UNION to conduct meetings in ANAHEIM facilities.
Such meetings shall be scheduled in accordance with regulations
governing use of public meeting rooms at ANAHEIM facilities.
4.1 Employees shall have all rights granted to public employees under
California law. Employees shall have the right to form, join, and
participate in the activities of employee organizations of their own
choosing for the purpose of representation on all matters of employer-
employee relations. Employees also have the right to refuse to join or
participate in the activities of employee organizations and shall have the
right to represent themselves individually in their employment relations
with ANAHEIM. No employee shall be interfered with, intimidated,
restrained, coerced, or discriminated against by ANAHEIM or by any
employee organization because of his/her exercise of these rights.
5.1 Management retains all of its powers and authority to direct, manage, and
control to the full extent of the law. The rights of management include, but
are not limited to, the exclusive right to consider the merits, necessity, or
organization of any service or activity provided by law or administrative
order; determine the mission of its constituent departments, commissions,
and boards; set standards of service and perFormance; determine the
procedures and standards of selection for employment, training, and
promotion; direct its employees; establish work schedules and work
assignments; evaluate employee performance; take disciplinary action;
relieve its employees from duty because of lack of work or for other
legitimate reasons; maintain the efficiency of ANAHEIM's operations;
determine the methods, means, and personnel by which ANAHEIM's
operations are to be conducted; classify and reclassify positions;
determine the content of job classifications; contract out work and transfer
work into or out of the unit; take all necessary action to carry out its
mission in emergencies; and exercise complete control and discretion
over its organization and the technology of performing its work.
5.2 The exercise of the foregoing powers, rights, authority, duties, and
responsibilities by management; the adoption of policies, rules,
regulations, and practices in furtherance thereof; and the use of judgment
and discretion in connection therewith, shall be limited only by the law and
by the specific and express terms of this Agreement, and then only to the
extent such specific and express terms are in conformance with the law.
6.1 Reasonable written notice shall be given by the Anaheim City
Management Representative to the UNION, of any proposed ordinance,
resolution, rule, or regulation directly relating to matters within the scope of
representation to be presented to the Anaheim City Council for
determination; and the UNION shall be given the opportunity to meet with
the Anaheim City Management Representative prior to submission to the
Anaheim City Council for determination.
6.2 In cases of emergency when the Anaheim City Council determines that an
ordinance, resolution, rule, or regulation must be adopted immediately,
without prior notice or meeting with the UNION, the Anaheim City
Management Representative shall provide such notice at the earliest
practicable time following adoption of such ordinance, resolution, rule, or
7.1 The Anaheim City Management Representative, after consultation in good
faith with representatives of the UNION, may recommend adoption of
reasonable rules and regulations for the administration of employer-
employee relations. The Anaheim City Management Representative shall
consult in good faith with representatives of the UNION on employer-
employee relations matters which affect them, including those that are not
subject to meeting and conferring.
8.1 The Anaheim City Management Representative and representatives of
UNION shall have the mutual obligation personally to meet and confer in
order to exchange freely information, opinions, and proposals and to
endeavor to reach agreement on matters within the scope of
representation. Nothing herein precludes the use of any impasse
procedure authorized by law whenever an agreement is not reached
during the meeting and conferring process and the use of such impasse
procedure is mutually agreed upon by the Anaheim City Management
Representative and the UNION.
8.1.1 When the meeting and conferring process results in agreement
between the Anaheim City Management Representative and the
UNION, such agreement shall be incorporated in a written MOU
and shall be signed by the Anaheim City Management
Representative and UNION representatives. The matters
incorporated in the MOU shall be presented for determination to
the Anaheim City Council or its statutory representative.
8.2 The Anaheim City Management Representative shall not be required to
meet and confer in good faith on any subject pre-empted by federal or
state law by the Anaheim City Charter. The Anaheim City Management
Representative shall not be required to meet and confer on Management
Rights or Employee Rights as herein defined.
8.3 Proposed amendments to this ARTICLE are excluded from the scope of
meeting and conferring.
9.1 ANAHEIM agrees to check-off for the payment of the regu�ar monthly
UNION dues and the regular UNION initiation fee, and to deduct such
payments from the wages of all UNION members and employees when
authorized to do so by said members and employees, and remit such
payments to the UNION in accordance with the terms of signed
authorizations of such members and employees. The deduction of such
dues and initiation fees, and the remittal of same by ANAHEIM to the
UNION, shall constitute payment of said dues and initiation fees by such
members and employees of the UNION.
10.1 Wages for the various classifications shall be set forth in Appendix "A"
attached to this MOU and by this reference made a part hereof. The
Anaheim City Management Representative will not recommend any
revision or modifications to this MOU without first consulting on such
recommendations with the UNION.
10.1.1 The parties acknowledge that ANAHEIM intends to base future
negotiating strategies upon the principle of differential
adjustments and the UNION will maintain its position of across-
the-board, non-differential bargaining.
10.2 Newiy hired empioyees shall normally be compensated at the lowest step
of the salary schedule of the job class for which they were hired.
ANAHEIM may hire at a higher step in the salary schedule through the
sixth step without approval of the City Manager.
10.3 Part-time employees in job classes listed in Appendix "A" shall be eligible
for consideration for merit pay increases as follows:
• To the fourth step of the salary schedule after completion of
one thousand-forty (1,040) work hours in the third step.
• To the fifth step of the salary schedule after completion of
one thousand-forty (1,040) work hours in the fourth step.
• To the sixth step of the salary schedule after completion of
one thousand-forty (1,040) work hours in the fifth step.
• To the seventh step of the salary schedule after completion
of one thousand-forty (1,040) work hours in the sixth step.
• To the eighth step of the salary schedule after completion of
one thousand-forty (1,040) work hours in the seventh step.
• To the ninth step of the salary schedule after completion of
one thousand-forty (1,040) work hours in the eighth step.
10.4 A part-time employee who is promoted or reclassified with their position to
a higher part-time job class shall be placed in the step of the higher salary
schedule that will provide a pay increase of not less than four percent
(4%), except:
10.4.1 If the ninth step of the higher salary schedule provides a pay
increase of less than four percent (4%), the employee shall be
placed at the ninth step.
10.4.2 When the lowest step of the higher salary schedule is greater
than four percent (4°/o), the employee shall be placed at the
lowest step of the higher salary schedule.
10.5 An incumbent employee reclassified with their position to a lower job class
shall be placed in the step of the lower salary schedule cfosest to the
employee's rate of pay without providing an increase.
10.6 When more than one (1) personnel action involving changes in a part-time
employee's salary step status become effective on the same day, all such
changes shall be in accordance with the provisions of the preceding
sections of this ARTICLE and shall take place in the following order of
(1) Adjustment to the same salary step in a new salary schedule;
(2) Merit pay advancement or reduction in step;
(3) Promotion, demotion, or reclassification.
11.1 Employees shall be scheduled to work as needed and to cover peak
periods and absences of other employees. Hours are irregular and based
on need and may be full days or partial days. There shall be no minimum
number of hours guaranteed.
11.2 Regular salaries and compensation of all employees shall be paid on a
biweekly basis.
11.3 ANAHEIM has determined a need to set forth criteria for defining groups
of employees engaged in (imited employment who are covered by this
MOU between the parties. Accordingly, the following categories are
hereby established.
11.3.1 Part-Time — 20 Hour Employees:
This category is limited to employees hired to work an average
of less than twenty (20) hours per week on an ongoing basis
(maximum hours permitted by California Public Employees'
Retirement Law for exclusion from Public Employees'
Retirement System membership in any fiscal year).
11.3.2 Part-Time — 30 Hour Employees:
This category is limited to those employees who on a yearly
average work more than the maximum hours permitted by
California Public Employees' Retirement Law for exclusion from
Public Employees' Retirement System membership but less
than thirty (30) hours per week on an ongoing basis (maximum
1,560 hours) in any fiscal year.
11.3.3 The number of positions in each category shall vary in
accordance with ANAHEIM's requirements and shall be
established by ANAHEIM. Assignment of personnel to these
positions and between these positions shall be made by
12.1 Employees working in classifications listed in Appendix "A" who perform
authorized work in excess of forty {40) hours in a regular work week shall
be compensated for such overtime work at the rate of one and one-half (1
'/z) times the employee's regular houriy rate of pay.
12.1.1 Overtime shall be calculated to the nearest one-quarter ('/4) hour
of overtime worked.
12.1.2 All overtime must be authorized in advance by the appropriate
Administrative Manager.
12.1.3 Notwithstanding the above overtime provisions, there shall be
no overtime pay for the time spent, outside scheduled work
hours, in attending meetings of any kind which are for the
purpose of education or training, unless required by ANAHEIM
to attend such training.
13.1 Employees required to speak in Spanish or other languages (including
sign language), as well as English, as part of the regular duties of their
position will be compensated at the rate of sixty ($.60) cents per hour in
addition to their regular pay.
13.2 Effective the pay period beginning January 2, 2015, employees required to
speak in Spanish or other languages (including sign language), as well as
English, as part of the regular duties of their position will be compensated
at the rate of seventy ($.70) cents per hour in addition to their regular pay.
13.3 Employees required to speak, read, and/or write in Spanish or other
languages (including sign language), as well as English, as part of the
regular duties of their position will be compensated at the rate of eighty
($.80) cents per hour in addition to their regular pay.
13.4 Effective the pay period beginning January 2, 2015, employees required to
speak, read, and/or write in Spanish or other languages (including sign
language), as well as English, as part of the regular duties of their position
will be compensated at the rate of ninety ($.90) cents per hour in addition
to their regular pay.
13.5 The appropriate Executive Manager shall designate which employees
shall be assigned bilingual duties and which language(s) shall be efigible
for bilingual pay.
13.6 The Human Resources Director shall conduct a test of competency for
employees who have been assigned bilingual duties to certify these
employees e(igible for bilingual pay, except that operating departments
with authorized bilingual certifiers may conduct their own test of bilingual
competency and notify the Human Resources Director of the outcome of
the test.
13.7 The effective date of bilingual pay certification shall be the first day of the
pay period following notification to the Human Resources Director of the
passing of the bilingual test by the employee as provided in ARTICLE 13.3
above. Employees may be required to undergo a test of continued
competency, upon request of the operating department.
14.1 Effective January 2000, employees who worked one thousand-eighty
(1,080) hours or more in calendar year 1999 will be given a lump sum
payment of one percent (1 %) of their gross earnings (calendar year
defined as the period for which wages earned are reported for tax
purposes). The lump sum payment shall be made during the first pay
period following approval of the MOU by the City Council.
14.1.1 Effective January 2001, employees who work one thousand one
hundred (1,100) hours or more in the previous calendar year will
be given a lump sum payment of two percent (2%) of their gross
14.1.2 Effective January 2002, employees who work one thousand one
hundred (1,100) hours or more in the previous calendar year will
be given a lump sum payment of three percent (3%) of their
gross earnings.
15.1 It is hereby the declared personnel policy of ANAHEIM that:
15.1.1 Tenure of employees shall be subject to good behavior,
satisfactory work performance, necessity for the performance of
work, and the availability of funds;
15.1.2 Employment shall be based on merit and fitness, free of
personal and political considerations;
15.1.3 Appointments, promotions, and other actions requiring the
application of the merit principle shall be based on systematic
tests and/or evaluations;
15.1.4 Positions having similar duties and responsibilities shall be
classified and compensated on a uniform basis.
15.2 Job flyers regarding classifications represented by UNION shall be sent to
UNION during recruitment periods. UNION shall refer such skilled and
experienced personnel to ANAHEIM for necessary testing.
15.3 ANAHEIM shall be the sole judge of the testing, qualification, and
acceptance procedures of all applicants for employment and promotion
and ANAHEIM retains the right to reject any applicant for employment;
provided, however, that testing and/or rejection shall not be done to
discriminate for or against an applicant because of union or non-union
membership or for any other criteria as defined in California Government
Code section 12940, et seq., except where such criteria is a bona fide
occupational qualification.
16.1 Appointments and promotions shall be based on merit and fitness to be
ascertained so far as practicable by competitive examinations.
Examinations shall be used and conducted to aid in the selection of
qualified employees and shall consist of recognized selection techniques
that in the opinion of the Human Resources Director will test fairly the
qualifications of candidates.
16.1.1 Notwithstanding the above, vacant full-time positions in the
classified service which would otherwise be filled by open
recruitment may be filled by appointing part-time employees
currently employed in classifications listed in Appendix "A" for
which there are full-time equivalent classifications.
16.2 Appropriate consideration shall be given to promotional candidates'
qualifications, record of work performance, and seniority, in that order.
16.3 Candidates who qualify for part-time employment or promotion shall be
placed on an eligibility list for the appropriate part-time job class.
Advancement to a higher paid job class shall constitute a promotion.
17.1 Eligibility lists shall be created in accordance with provisions of ARTICLE
17.2 Eligibility lists may contain the names of one (1) or more persons eligible
for employment and shall remain in effect for a period of one (1) year or
until depleted. Lists containing less than three (3) names may be
considered depleted.
17.2.1 Non-depleted lists may be extended by the Human Resources
Director for a period not to exceed one (1) additional year.
17.2.2 The appropriate Executive Manager, with the concurrence of the
Human Resources Director, may order names removed from an
eligibility list for good and sufficient reasons, and the employee
so removed shall be given written notice.
18.1 Employees working in classifications listed in Appendix "A" shall serve a
probationary period of twelve (12) months. Upon successful completion of
a probationary period, an employee shall be considered to have part-time
regular status in the classification in which the probationary period is
18.1.1 In the event an employee is assigned to light duty or is absent
from work due to a lengthy illness or injury during the
probationary period, said employee's probationary status may
be extended beyond the regular period of probation in the
amount of one (1) complete biweekly pay period for each
complete biweekly pay period assigned to light duty or lost to
illness or injury.
18.2 The work and conduct of probationary employees shall be subject to close
scrutiny. An employee shall be retained beyond the end of the
probationary period only if the appropriate Executive Manager affirms that
the work and conduct of the employee have been found to be satisfactory.
If the work and conduct of probationary employees is found to be below
standards to the Public Utilities Department, the appropriate Executive
Manager may reject the probationer at any time during the probationary
period. Such rejections sha�l not be subject to review or appeal unless
such rejection is alleged to be contrary to the provisions of any state or
federal law, the Personnel Ordinance, and/or the Personnel Resolution,
and then such review/appeal wili be limited to that which is required by
law, ordinance, or resolution.
18.2.1 Employees serving a probationary period as the result of a
promotion or transfer may be returned to their former position if
they are rejected or laid off during the probationary period. If
not returned to their former positions, they shall be separated
from employment with ANAHEIM.
19.1 The tenure of every employee shall be conditioned on good behavior and
satisfactory work performance. An employee may be reduced in salary,
suspended, demoted, or dismissed for good and sufficient cause.
19.2 When in the judgment of the appropriate Department Head, Division
Head, or other appropriate manager, an employee's work performance or
conduct justifies disciplinary action short of demotion or dismissal, the
employee may be reduced in salary or suspended without pay. Upon
taking such action a written notification containing a statement of the
substantial reasons for the action shall be filed with the employee and the
Human Resources Director. No employee shall be suspended for more
than thirty (30) calendar days at any one time.
19.3 An employee may be demoted or dismissed upon recommendation of a
Division Head or other appropriate supervisor whenever in the judgment of
the appropriate Department Head, the employee's work or misconduct so
warrants. Upon taking such action, the Department Head shall file with
the employee and the Human Resources Director a written notification
containing a statement of the substantial reasons for the action and the
effective date of the action.
20.1 Layoff for lack of work, lack of funds, or other legitimate business reasons
shall be on the basis of record of work performance and department
seniority, in that order.
20.1.1 Employees who are laid off and who terminate employment in
good standing may seek reinstatement in accordance with the
following provisions: At the time of layoff, an employee may
complete and submit to the Human Resources
Department an interest card for the
classification from which the employee was laid
off. The employee shall be responsible for
submitting a new interest card to the Human
Resources Department in the event of a
change of address. The interest card will be retained for one (1)
calendar year from the date of layoff. Prior to
any recruitment being conducted, the interest
card on file will be mai{ed to the employee. An
employee who responds within the indicated
deadline may be considered for reinstatement
without going through the formal recruitment
process. If more than one (1) emp�oyee responds,
selection for reinstatement will normally be
determined on the basis of record of work
performance and department seniority, in that
20.2 A part-time employee who terminates employment in good standing may
be reinstated to a part-time position in the employee's former job class
within three (3) years of the employee's termination date without going
through the competitive processes.
20.2.1 A part-time employee who is reinstated after thirty (30) calendar
days shall be considered to have broken service.
20.2.2 If the employee is reinstated within thirty (30) calendar days, the
employee shall be considered as having continuous service and
shall therefore retain eligibility for any benefits provided under
this Agreement. The employee shall be placed in his/her former
salary step and shall be credited with prior step hours worked
for purposes of inerit pay increases.
20.3 A part-time employee may be reinstated under the provisions of the City's
Vocational Rehabilitation Administrative Regulation to any part-time
position for which the City has budgeted work hours, provided the
employee meets the minimum qualifications.
21.1 Regular and predictable attendance is an expectation of employment.
Employees shall be granted leave for the foilowing reasons:
21.1.1 At the time a death occurs of an immediate or other family
member, in order to make burial arrangements, and/or to attend
funeral or memorial services.
21.1.2 In the event an employee is duly summoned to any court for the
purpose of performing jury duty, provided the employee submits
documentation from the court for such duty performed.
21.1.3 Whenever an employee is duly summoned to appear as a
witness in a legal proceeding, provided the employee provides
documentation of such summons.
21.1.4 Enforced quarantine of the employee in accordance with
community health regulations.
21.1.5 Temporary disabilities caused by pregnancy and
21.1.6 Summons to military duty, provided the employee provides
documentation of such summons.
21.1.7 Illness of the employee or a member of the employee's
immediate family, or physical incapacity of the employee due to
illness or injury. Employees may be required to submit proof of
such illness and/or incapacity.
21.2 Employees may be granted leave for reasons other than those listed in
ARTICLE 21.1 above. Such leaves shall be scheduled and taken in
accordance with the best interests of ANAHEIM and the division or
department in which the employee is employed.
21.3 Employees on leave as defined in ARTICLES 21.1 and 21.2 above shall
receive no compensation while on such leave, except that employees
summoned to military duty shall be compensated in accordance with
provisions of the Military and Veterans Code of the State of California and
with federal law.
21.4 An employee returning to work from leave shall be placed in the same
salary step the employee was in prior to such leave.
22.1 ANAHEIM's policy relating to military leave and compensation therefore
shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Military and Veterans
Code of the State of California, and with federal law.
23.1 An employee working in the classification of Part-Time Meter Reader shall
receive one (1) hour of regular pay for each one (1.0) unit of ineter book
value completed. 1.0 unit = 54 minutes. If an employee exceeds forty
(40) units in a workweek, the employee shall receive overtime pay in
accordance with ARTICLE 12 — PREMIUM PAY.
24.1 Travel expense allowance for employees while on City business shall be
provided in accordance with regulations established by the Anaheim City
Manager and/or the Anaheim City Council.
24.2 ANAHEIM's mileage reimbursement rates will be the standard mileage
rate established by the Internal Revenue Service. Any increase or
decrease shall be effective the first day of the second month after the date
of publication by the Internal Revenue Service.
25.1 ANAHEIM and UNION are committed to maintenance of a safe workplace.
Employees are individually responsible and accountable for their personal
fitness for duty and shall not report to duty while "unfit" to safely perform
assigned duties.
26.1 Any grievance or dispute which may arise out of the application or
interpretation of the terms or conditions of this Agreement, as alleged by
the UNION, shall be considered to be a matter subject to review through
the grievance procedure and shall be settled in accordance with the
procedure set forth immediately herein below, except a dispute by an
applicant regarding employment.
26.2 In those instances where discipline is imposed other than salary step
reduction, suspension, demotion, or dismissal, IBEW may submit a written
requests for a review of the disciplinary action through an administrative
review procedure.
Administrative Review Procedure:
The written request must be submitted to the Human Resources
Department within fourteen (14) calendar days after receipt of notice by
the employee of the disciplinary action. The Department Head, or
Administrative Manager, under which the discipline was administered,
shall conduct an administrative review within fourteen (14) calendar days
of submission of the request.
The Department Head, or Administrative Manager, shall review the
disciplinary action and may affirm, reverse, or modify the disciplinary
action as deemed appropriate. The Department Head's determination
shall be delivered in writing within fourteen (14) calendar days after the
administrative review. The Department Head's determination shall be final
and binding.
26.3 Employee grievances submitted by IBEW to ANAHEIM shall be handled in
the following manner:
26.3.1 Step I. An attempt shall be made to adjust all grievances on an
informal basis between the employee, his/her IBEW representative, and a
supervisor in the employee's chain of command, up to and including
his/her manager, within seven (7) working days after the occurrence of the
incident involved in the grievance. The manager shall deliver his/her
answer within seven (7) working days after the conducting the Step 1
26.3.2 Step II. If the grievance is not adjusted to the satisfaction of
IBEW in Step I, it shall be submitted in writing to the employee's
Department Head or Administrative Manager within seven (7) working
days after the Step I answer is received by IBEW. The Department Head
or Administrative Manager shall meet with the employee and his/her IBEW
representative within ten (10) working days after submission of the
grievance to him/her. The Department Head or Administrative Manager
shall review the grievance and may affirm, reverse, or modify as deemed
appropriate, the disposition made at Step I and the Step II answer shall be
delivered within seven (7) working days after said meeting.
26.3.3 Step III. If IBEW is not satisfied with the answer to the Step II, it
shall be submitted to an impartial arbitrator for a final and binding decision.
Such submission must occur within thirty (30) calendar days after the Step
II answer is received. In the event the parties are unable to agree upon the
selection of such impartial arbitrator within ten (10)
calendar days, upon request by either party an
arbitrator shall be selected from a list of prospective
arbitrators submitted by the American Arbitration
Association or any other mutually agreed upon
26.3.4 An arbitrator's decision shall be final and binding on both parties, it
being agreed that said arbitrator shall have no powers
to add to or subtract from the provisions herein, and
that the laws of the State of California shall be
controlling at all times.
26.4 All expenses of arbitration shall be borne equally by ANAHEIM and the
26.5 The parties may mutually agree to submit any grievance or dispute
covered under the provisions of this ARTICLE to non-
binding mediation, prior to submission to arbitration.
This language is not intended to impede or delay the
arbitration process.
27.1 Employees working in a classification listed in Appendix "A" shall be
provided health insurance as long as they remain employed and are
available to work. Employees shall become eligible for coverage on the
first day of the month following completion of twenty-six (26) complete
biweekly pay periods or until one thousand-forty (1,040) hours are worked
in a classification listed in Appendix "A", whichever is sooner, or who are
eligible pursuant to the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
27.2 Employees eligible for health insurance pursuant to Section 27.1 shall be
eligible for the Kaiser HMO Plan offered to full-time employees (Plan 2)
after two (2) years of employment.
27.3 ANAHEIM's maximum contribution towards an employee's purchase of
the Kaiser HMO Plans (employee only) is as follows:
Kaiser HMO Plan 1 The flat-dollar
amount equivalent to 75% of the HMO Plan 2 premium
Kaiser HMO Plan 2(full-time equivalent) 75%
Employee's shall pay any difference between the City's
contribution and the total cost of the Kaiser plan.
27.4 At any time during the term of the Agreement, the PARTIES agree to
reopen ARTICLE 27 "Health Insurance" for the sole purpose of
conforming with any changes expressly mandated by the
Federal Affordable Care Act (ACA).
28.1 Employees participating in the 2.7% 55 retirement benefit shall contribute
the following pension contributions:
28.1.1 Effective the pay period beginning August 15, 2014, employees
shall pay two percent (2%) of the statutorily required eight percent
(8%) employee contribution to the retirement system. Such
contributions shall be designated as "employer pick-up"
contributions under the provisions of Section 414(h)(2) of the
Internal Revenue Code.
28.1.2 Effective the pay period beginning July 3, 2015, employees shall
pay eight percent (8%) of the statutorily required eight percent (8%)
employee contribution to the retirement system, plus an additional
one percent (1 %). Such contributions shall be designated as
"employer pick-up" contributions under the provisions of the Internal
Revenue Code.
28.1.3 Effective the pay period beginning July 1, 2016, employees shall
pay eight percent (8%) of the statutorily required eight percent (8%)
employee contribution to the retirement system, plus an additional
four percent (4%). Such contributions shall be designated as
"employer pick-up" contributions under the provisions of Section
414(h)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code.
28.2 IBEW and ANAHEIM agree that ANAHEIM will amend PERS
Miscellaneous Plan for Anaheim City, Employer Number 0303, to institute
a revised defined benefit plan for covered employees hired on or after
January 1, 2013. The revised defined retirement plan shall consist of the
2% @ 62 defined formula (Government Code section 7522.20(a)), with a
final compensation period of three (3} consecutive years (Government
Code 20037) and the employee paying fifty percent (50%) of the normai
costs attributable to the applicable retirement formula, as provided in
Government Code sections 7522.30 and 20516.
28.3 IBEW and ANAHEIM agree that any provision of Section 28.2 above, as
amended herein, that are contrary to or inconsistent with the lawful
provisions of the California Public Employees' Pension Reform Act of
2013 shall be modified so as to cause them to be consistent with those
lawful provisions through a Letter of Understanding that amends the MOU,
as amended herein, and incorporated with the MOU.
28.4 Effective the pay period beginning July 3, 2015, employees mandatorily
enrolled in ANAHEIM's deferred compensation plan (457) shall contribute
seven and one-half percent (7'/2%) of his/her compensation.
29.1 In order to be eligible for employment with ANAHEIM, candidates shall be
required to pass a physical examination, the character of which shall be in
accordance with standards established by the Human Resources Director.
29.2 In order to be eligible for promotion or transfer to a job class in a category
requiring greater physical qualification than the employee's present job
class, the employee must pass the appropriate physical examination.
29.3 An employee who returns to work after an absence in excess of eight (8)
calendar days due to illness or physical incapacity may be required by the
appropriate Executive Manager, with the concurrence of the Human
Resources Director to undergo a physical examination.
29.3.1 Except as otherwise provided by law, an employee who fails to
pass said required physical examination may be transferred or
demoted to a position requiring lesser physical qualifications, or
separated from City service. Employees enrolled in the Public
Employees' Retirement System may also be recommended for
disability retirement.
29.4 All physical examinations required under the provisions of this ARTICLE
shall be performed by a physician in active practice licensed by California
State Law and within the scope of his/her practice as defined by California
State Law.
29.4.1 Exceptions to the provisions of ARTICLE 28.4 above may be
made only in the case of out-of-state candidates for
employment. In such cases, the physician performing the
examination may be a physician licensed by the state in which
the candidate resides.
29.5 ANAHEIM shall pay for any physical examination required under the
provisions of this ARTICLE.
30.1 Nothing in this MOU shall be construed to deny any person or employee
the rights granted by federal and state laws and City Charter provisions.
The rights, powers, and authority of the Anaheim City Council in all
matters, including the right to maintain any legal action, shall not be
modified or restricted by this MOU. The provisions of this MOU are not
intended to conflict with the provisions of Chapter 10, Division 4, Title 1 of
the Government Code of the State of California (sections 3500, et seq.).
31.1 The resolution of ANAHEIM shall provide that if any provision of this MOU
or the resolution is at anytime, or in any way, held to be contrary to any
law by any court of proper jurisdiction, the remainder of this MOU and the
remainder of the resolution shall not be affected thereby, and shall remain
in full force and effect.
32.1 It is agreed and understood that under the terms of this MOU, the UNION
and/or its members shall not conduct any strikes, including sympathy
strikes, slowdowns, or work stoppages; nor shall there be any refusal or
failure to fully and faithfully perform job functions and responsibilities, by
the UNION or by its officers, stewards, agents, or unit members during the
term of this Agreement.
32.2 UNION recognizes the duties and obligations of its representatives to
comply with the provisions of this Agreement and to make every effort
toward inducing employees to do so. In the event of a strike, work
stoppage, or slowdown by employees who are represented by the UNION,
the UNION agrees in good faith to take all necessary steps to cease such
employee action.
32.3 An employee violating this ARTICLE may be subject to disciplinary action
up to and including dismissal. It is understood that in the event this
ARTICLE is violated, that ANAHEIM may pursue any and all legal
remedies available to it against an employee, if the employee violates the
terms of this Agreement, and/or the UNION, if the UNION violates this
Ag reement.
33.1 Agency shop as used in this herein means an organizational security
agreement as defined in Government Code section 3502.5.
33.2 Each employee hired on or after September 15, 2009, shall be required as
a condition of employment, within forty-five (45) days of his/her
appointment date, to become a member of the UNION and maintain
his/her membership in accordance with the Constitution and bylaws, or
pay an agency service fee set by UNION in an amount not to exceed the
amount of the monthly dues and per capita fees required of BA members
in their base wage rate, and in accordance with the requirements of
Government Code section 3502.5 and applicable law. The charitable
organizations exempt from taxation under 501(c)(3) of the Internal
Revenue Code to which an employee qualifying for an exemption on
religious grounds may contribute in lieu of agency service fees shall be the
American Cancer Society, the American Heart Association, and the
American Lung Association.
33.3 An employee of Anaheim employed in a classification listed in Appendix
"A" on September 14, 2009, who is not a member of UNION is exempt
from the provisions of this ARTICLE, unless and until such employee later
voluntarily becomes a member of the UNION or elects to pay the agency
service fee. An employee who would otherwise be exempt from the
provisions of this ARTICLE who vofuntarily becomes a member of the
UNION or elects to pay the agency service fee shall lose his/her
exemption, and shall be required, as a condition of employment, to
maintain his/her UNION membership, or pay the agency service fee set
33.4 UNION shall comply with applicable law regarding disclosure and
allocation of its expenses, notice to employees of their right to object,
provision for agency fee payers to challenge the UNION's determinations
of the amounts chargeable, and appropriate escrow provisions to hold
contested amounts while the challenges are underway.
33.5 ANAHEIM shall upon receipt of notice from the UNION process a
mandatory agency fee payroll deduction in the appropriate amount and
forward that amount to UNION.
33.6 UNION agrees to fully indemnify and defend ANAHEIM and its officers,
employees, and agents against any and all claims, proceedings, and
liability arising, directly or indirectly, out of any action taken or not taken by
or on behalf of ANAHEIM under this ARTICLE.
34.1 The terms of this MOU are to remain in full force and effect until the 2"
day of January 2017. Upon adoption of a resolution approving this MOU
and the terms hereof by the City Council, this MOU shall be in full force
and effect.
Municipal Corporation ELECTRICAL WORKERS, LOCAL 47,
representing the Anaheim Part-Time
Customer Service Employees
By�:'� �-~ By:
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By: By:
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Dated: .)��� ��i`�/ Dated:
January 3, 2014 through August 14, 2014
Classification Schedule/Steps Hourly Rates
Part-Time Meter Reader 2430 3— 9 $19.20- $24.30
Part-Time Public Utilities Customer 2057 4- 9 $16.91- $20.57
Service Representative
Part-Time Public Utilities Customer 2420 4— 9 $19.89- $24.20
Service Representative II
Part-Time Public Utilities Customer 2541 4— 9 $20.89- $25.41
Service Representative III
Part-Time Utilities Service 2721 4— 9 $22.36- $27.21
August 15, 2014 through July 2, 2015
Classification Schedule/Steps Hourlv Rates
Part-Time Meter Reader 2430 3— 9 $19.97 -$25.27
Part-Time Public Utilities Customer 2057 4- 9 $17.58 -$21.39
Service Representative
Part-Time Public Utilities Customer 2420 4— 9 $20.69 -$25.17
Service Representative II
Part-Time Public Utilities Customer 2541 4— 9 $21.72 -$26.43
Service Representative III
Part-Time Utilities Service 2721 4— 9 $23.26 -$28.30
July 3, 2015 through June 30, 2016
Classification Schedule/Steps Houriy Rates
Part-Time Meter Reader 2430 3— 9 $21.37 -$27.04
Part-Time Public Utilities Customer 2057 4- 9 $18.81 -$22.89
Service Representative
Part-Time Public Utilities Customer 2420 4— 9 $22.13 -$26.93
Service Representative II
Part-Time Public Uti�ities Customer 2541 4— 9 $23.24 -$28.28
Service Representative III
Part-Time Utilities Service 2721 4— 9 $24.89 -$30.28
July 1, 2016 through January 2, 2017
Classification Schedule/Steps Hourly Rates
Part-Time Meter Reader 2430 3— 9 $22.01 -$27.85
Part-Time Public Utilities Customer 2057 4- 9 $19.38 -$23.58
Service Representative
Part-Time Public Utilities Customer 2420 4— 9 $22.80 -$27.74
Service Representative II
Part-Time Public Utilities Customer 2541 4— 9 $23.93 -$29.12
Service Representative III
Part-Time Utilities Service 2721 4— 9 $25.64 -$31.19
B.1 Effective the pay period beginning August 15, 2014, employees working in
classifications listed in Appendix "A" shall receive a four percent (4%)
wage increase.
B.2 Effective the pay period beginning July 3, 2015, employees working in
classifications listed in Appendix "A" shall receive a seven percent (7%)
wage increase.
B.3 Effective the pay period beginning July 1, 2016, employees working in
classifications listed in Appendix "A" shall receive a three percent (3%}
wage increase.
B.4 Effective the first full pay period after City Council approval, employees
working in classifications listed in Appendix "A" shall receive a one-time
lump sum bonus of one hundred and seventy-five dollars ($175).
B.5 ANAHEIM and UNION agree that UNION may, at its sole discretion,
extend the terms and conditions of this MOU by notifying ANAHEIM of its
intent prior to the expiration date of the MOU. UNION may, upon
notification, extend the MOU:
• From January 2, 2017 to July 1, 2017 by so notifying ANAHEIM on or
before January 1, 2017.
• From July 2, 2017 to December 31, 2017, by so notifying ANAHEIM on or
before June 30, 2017.