AA 08 25 14City of Anaheim Planning Commission Action Agenda Monday,August 25,2014 Council Chamber, City Hall 200 South Anaheim Boulevard Anaheim, California Commissioners Present : Chairman: John Seymour ChairmanPro-Tempore:Michelle Lieberman Peter Agarwal, Paul Bostwick, Mitchell Caldwell, Bill Dalati, Victoria Ramirez Commissioners Absent : None Staff Present : Jonathan Borrego, Planning Services ManagerRaul Garcia, Principal Civil Engineer Ted Reynolds, Assistant City AttorneyRafael Cobian,Associate Traffic Engineer Ted White, Principal PlannerRoger Bennion, Community Preservation Supervisor Scott Koehm, Associate PlannerEleanor Morris, Secretary Amy Vazquez,PT Associate Planner Agenda Posting: A complete copy of the Planning Commission Agenda was posted at5:30 p.m.on Wednesday,August 20, 2014, inside the display case located in the foyer of the Council Chamberand in the outside display kiosk. Call to Order –5:00 p.m. Chairman Seymourpresented the 10-day appeal rightsfor all public hearing items. The appeal periodfor the public hearing items end on Thursday,September 4,2014. Audience Attendance: 30 Pledge of AllegiancebyCommissioner Ramirez Public Comments Public Hearing Items Commission Updates Discussion Adjournment AUGUST 25, 2014 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA Public Comments: None Public Hearing Items: ITEM NO. 2 TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 2014-100Resolution No. PC2014-071 (DEV2014-00027) (Dalati/Bostwick) Location:441 South Peralta Hills Drive Approved Request: Toestablish a 2-lot residential subdivision. VOTE: 7-0 Environmental Determination:The Planning Commission Chairman Seymourand Commissioners Agarwal, Bostwick, will consider whether to find the project to be Categorically Caldwell, Dalati, Liebermanand Exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Ramirezvoted yes. Quality Act and Guidelinesas a Class15(Minor Land Divisions)Categorical Exemption. Project Planner: Continued from the August 11, 2014, Planning Commission Vanessa Norwood meeting in order to re-notice the item due to an error in the vnorwood@anaheim.net property description. OPPOSITION: One written correspondence was received in opposition to the subject request. IN GENERAL: One written correspondence was received which indicatedno objection to the proposed subdivision. DISCUSSION TIME :6minutes (5:01to 5:07) 08/25/14 Page 2of 8 AUGUST 25, 2014 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA ITEM NO. 3 DETERMINATION OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE OR Resolution No. PC2014-072 NECESSITY NO. 2014-00108 (Caldwell/Dalati) (DEV2014-00066) Location:1150 North East StreetApproved Request: VOTE: 6-0 Adetermination of public convenience or necessity to permit the sale of alcoholic beverages for off- Chairman Seymourand Commissioners Bostwick, Caldwell, site consumption in conjunction with an existing grocery Dalati, Liebermanand Ramirez store (Northgate Market). voted yes.Commissioner Agarwal abstained. Environmental Determination:The Planning Commission will consider whether to find the project to be Categorically Exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Project Planner: Quality Act and Guidelinesas a Class1(Existing Facilities) Amy Vazquez Categorical Exemption. avazquez@anaheim.net OPPOSITION: None DISCUSSION TIME :4minutes (5:08to 5:12) 08/25/14 Page 3of 8 AUGUST 25, 2014 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA ITEM NO. 4 Resolution No. PC2014-073 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2014-05742 (Agarwal/Dalati) (DEV2014-00063) Location:1026 North Tustin Street Approved Request: To permit the sale of beer and wine foron-site VOTE: 7-0 consumption within an existing restaurant(Top Class Pizza). Chairman Seymourand Commissioners Agarwal, Bostwick, Environmental Determination:The Planning Commission will Caldwell, Dalati, Liebermanand consider whether to find the project to be Categorically Ramirezvoted yes. Exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act and Guidelines as a Class 1 (Existing Facilities) Categorical Exemption. Project Planner: Amy Vazquez avazquez@anaheim.net OPPOSITION: None DISCUSSION TIME :3minutes (5:13to 5:16) 08/25/14 Page 4of 8 AUGUST 25, 2014 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA ITEM NO. 5 RECLASSIFICATION NO. 2014-00270 Approved request for continuance TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 2014-120 to September 8, 2014 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2013-05704 (Caldwell/Lieberman) (DEV2013-00106) Location: 320 North Anaheim Boulevard, VOTE: 7-0 408–424 North Anaheim Boulevard, Chairman Seymourand 321 North Claudina Street, and Commissioners Agarwal, Bostwick, 401–417 North Claudina Street Caldwell, Dalati, Liebermanand Ramirezvoted yes. Request: To permit a mixed use commercial development including the following zoning entitlements: (i) a conditional use permit to permit the conversion of an existing auto body Project Planner: facility to a neighborhood marketplace to include indoor and David See outdoor retail stores, restaurants, outdoor dining, on-site dsee@anaheim.net consumption of alcoholic beverages, and outdoor entertainment and special events; the conversion of two single family homes to offices; the conversion of an existing public street (Adele Street) to a community plaza; and to permit an existing legally nonconforming banquet hall (Landmark) to include the on-site consumption of alcoholic beverages; (ii) a reclassification to rezone the properties from the RS-3 (Single Family Residential) and C-G (General Commercial) zones to the MU (Mixed Use) Overlay zone; and (iii) a tentative parcel map to merge seven parcels into one parcel. Environmental Determination:The Planning Commission will consider whether to find the project to be Categorically Exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act and Guidelines as a Class 1 (ExistingFacilities) Categorical Exemption. OPPOSITION: None DISCUSSION TIME :This item was not discussed. 08/25/14 Page 5of 8 AUGUST 25, 2014 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA Recommended City Council approval ITEM NO. 6 of the portion of the code amendment that would allow tandem parking ZONING CODE AMENDMENT NO. 2014-00119 spaces in multi-family residential (DEV2014-00073) zones; and recommended postponement of the portion of the Location:Citywide code amendment related to the permitted height of residential Request: - A Cityinitiated amendment to Title 18 development in the RS-4 zone to allow staff to provide more information to (Zoning) of the Anaheim Municipal Code to: 1) create the Commission. development standards to allow tandem parking (Ramirez / Lieberman) spaces in multiple family residential zones; and, increase the permitted height of single-family VOTE: 4-2-1 residences from 2-stories to3-stories in the RS-4 Commissioners Bostwick, Caldwell, (Single Family Residential) Zone, subject to approval Lieberman and Ramirez voted yes. of a conditional use permit. Chairman Seymour and Commissioner Agarwal voted no. Commissioner Environmental Determination: The Planning Dalati abstained. Commission will consider whether to find the Zoning ---------------------------------------------- Code Amendment to be Categorically Exempt from Following action taken on the item, the provisions of the California Environmental Quality itwas brought to the Planning Act under Section 21080 of the Public Resources Commission’s attention that the Code. public hearing was not opened for public testimony.Therefore, the public hearing was opened. Following public testimony, the action of the Planning Commission was then reaffirmed with the following vote: VOTE: 5-1-1 Chairman Seymour and Commissioners Bostwick, Caldwell, Lieberman and Ramirez voted yes. Commissioner Agarwal voted no. Commissioner Dalati abstained. Project Planner: Scott Koehm skoehm@anaheim.net OPPOSITION: Sevenpersons spoke in opposition to the proposed project. Fivewritten correspondences were receivedin opposition to the subject request, and a phone call was received in opposition. DISCUSSION TIME:52 minutes (5:17to 5:49)(7:12 to7:32) trailed Commissioner Bostwickoffered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Lieberman and MOTION CARRIED (Commissioners Bostwick, Caldwell, Lieberman and Ramirez voted yes. Commissioners Agarwal, Dalati and Seymour voted no), to trail the subject item in order to allow Item Nos. 7 and 8 to be heard.VOTE: 4-3 08/25/14 Page 6of 8 AUGUST 25, 2014 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA ITEM NO. 7 RECLASSIFICATION NO. 2014-00263Resolution No. PC2014-074 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2014-05745Resolution No. PC2014-075 TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 17720Resolution No. PC2014-076 (DEV2014-00009) (Ramirez/Dalati) Location:2651 WestLincoln Avenue Approved Request: To permit the following zoning entitlements: VOTE: 7-0 rezone the property from C-G (General Commercial) Zone to the RM-3 (Multiple-Family Residential) Zone; a Chairman Seymourand Commissioners Agarwal, Bostwick, conditional use permit to construct a 41-unit single family Caldwell, Dalati, Liebermanand attached residential project with modifications to Ramirezvoted yes. development standards;and, a tentative tract map for the establishment of a 41-lot single family residential subdivision. Project Planner: Scott Koehm Environmental Determination: The Planning Commission skoehm@anaheim.net will consider whether to find the project tobe Categorically Exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act and Guidelines as a Class 32 (In-Fill Development Projects) and per Section 15183.3 (Streamlining for Infill Projects). OPPOSITION: Aperson spoke in oppositionto the proposedproject. Two written correspondences were received in opposition to the subject request, and a phone call was received in opposition. DISCUSSION TIME :35minutes (5:50to 6:25) 08/25/14 Page 7of 8 AUGUST 25, 2014 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA ITEM NO. 8 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2014-05730 Approved request for continuance VARIANCE NO. 2014-04976to October 6, 2014 TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 17754 (Lieberman/Seymour) (DEV2014-00018) Location:641-701 South Brookhurst StreetVOTE: 6-0 Chairman Seymourand Commissioners Agarwal, Bostwick, Request: To permit the following zoning entitlements: a Caldwell, Liebermanand Ramirez conditional use permit to construct a 44-unit small–lot voted yes.Commissioner Dalati single family residential project with modifications to abstained. development standards; a variance to allow less parking than required by Code; and, a tentative tract map for the establishment of a 44-lot single family residential Project Planner: subdivision. In addition to the above entitlements, the David See applicant requests consideration of an appeal of the City dsee@anaheim.net Engineer’s decision to deny a deviation from the City’s private street standard pertaining to minimum street width and the provision of parkways and sidewalks. Environmental Determination:The Planning Commission will consider whether Environmental Impact Report No. 330 and Supplemental Environmental Impact Report No. 2012-00346 (Previously-Certified) are the appropriate environmental documentation per California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines. OPPOSITION: Seven persons spoke in oppositionto the proposedproject. Three written correspondences were received in opposition to the subject request, and a phone call was received in opposition. IN SUPPORT: Two written correspondences were received in favor of the subject request. DISCUSSION TIME :45minutes (6:26to 7:11) MEETING ADJOURNED AT 7:35P.M. TO MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2014AT 5:00P.M. 08/25/14 Page 8of 8