AA 11 03 14City of Anaheim Planning Commission Action Agenda Monday,November 3,2014 Council Chamber, City Hall 200 South Anaheim Boulevard Anaheim, California Commissioners Present : ChairmanPro-Tempore:Michelle Lieberman Paul Bostwick, Mitchell Caldwell,Bill Dalati, Victoria Ramirez Commissioners Absent : Chairman: John Seymour Peter Agarwal Staff Present : Sheri Vander Dussen, Planning DirectorAmy Vazquez,PT Associate Planner Jonathan Borrego, Planning Services ManagerMichele Irwin, Senior Police Services Representative Ted Reynolds, Assistant City AttorneyJamie Lai, Transit Manager Ted White, Principal PlannerRaul Garcia, Principal CivilEngineer David See, Senior PlannerDavid Kennedy, Principal Traffic Engineer Susan Kim, Senior PlannerJesse Penunuri, Senior CodeEnforcementOfficer Vanessa Norwood, Associate PlannerEleanor Morris, Secretary Elaine Thienprasiddhi, Associate Planner Agenda Posting: A complete copy of the Planning Commission Agenda was posted at4:45 p.m.on Wednesday,October 29, 2014, inside the display case located in the foyer of the Council Chamberand in the outside display kiosk. Call to Order –5:00 p.m. Chairman Seymourpresented the 10-day appeal rightsfor all public hearing items. The appeal periodfor the public hearing items end on Thursday,November 13,2014. Audience Attendance: 33 Pledge of AllegiancebyCommissioner Ramirez Public Comments Consent Calendar Public Hearing Items Commission Updates Discussion Adjournment NOVEMBER 3, 2014 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA Public Comments: None Consent Calendar: Chairman Pro-Tempore Liebermanoffered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Dalatiand MOTION CARRIED (Chairman Seymour and Commissioner Agarwal were absent), for Consent Calendar Item No. 1AConsent Calendar approval of as recommended by staff. Item No. 1B was removed from theConsent Calendar for separate discussion. Reports and Recommendations ITEM NO. 1A VARIANCE NO. 2006-04687BApproved request as (DEV2014-00103)recommended by staff. (Lieberman /Dalati) Location:531 and 533 South West Street VOTE: 5-0 Request: The applicant requests review of final elevations for a Chairman Pro-Tempore Lieberman and Commissioners Bostwick, previously-approved two-lot single-family residential subdivision. Caldwell, DalatiandRamirezvoted Environmental Determination: The Planning Commission will yes.Chairman Seymour and consider whether a previously approved Negative Declaration is Commissioner Agarwal wereabsent. appropriate to serve as the environmental impact determination Project Planner: for this request per the California Environmental Quality Act Joseph Wright (CEQA) guidelines. jwright@anaheim.net ITEM NO. 1B CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 3843Approved request as VARIANCE NO. 2012-04893recommended by staff. (DEV2011-00109A) (Lieberman /Dalati) Location:2600 West Lincoln AvenueVOTE: 5-0 Chairman Pro-Tempore Lieberman and Commissioners Bostwick, Request: The applicantrequests approval of a retroactive one- Caldwell, Dalati andRamirezvoted year extension of time to comply with conditions of approval yes.Chairman Seymour and related to the expansion of an existing automobile repair facility. Commissioner Agarwal were absent. Environmental Determination:The Planning Commission will Project Planner: consider whether to find the project to be Categorically Exempt Elaine Thienprasiddhi from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act ethien@anaheim.net and Guidelines as a Class 1 (Existing Facilities) Categorical Exemption. (This item was removed from the Consent Calendar for separate discussion.) DISCUSSION TIME: 2 minutes (5:03to 5:05) 11/03/14 Page 2of 8 NOVEMBER 3, 2014 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA Public Hearing Items: ITEM NO. 2 VARIANCE NO. 2014-04964Withdrawn (DEV2014-00031) Location:3085 East La Palma Avenue Project Planner: Amy Vazquez avazquez@anaheim.net Request: To allow two business identification signs at an existing service station where one business identification sign is permitted. Continued from theSeptember 8, 2014 and October 6, 2014 Planning Commission meetings. OPPOSITION: None DISCUSSION TIME :This item was not discussed 11/03/14 Page 3of 8 NOVEMBER 3, 2014 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA ITEM NO. 3 MISCELLANEOUS PERMIT NO. 2012-00558A Approved a motionto denythe (DEV2010-00043B)proposed request. (Caldwell /Ramirez) Location:2626 East Katella Avenue Request: VOTE: 4-0-1 To amend the previously-approved Coordinated Sign Program for the ARTIC Project, to include two double- Chairman Pro-Tempore Lieberman and Commissioners Bostwick, sided and one single-sided off-site advertising signs. The Caldwelland Ramirez voted yes to proposed amendments would 1) replace two previously- deny.Commissioner Dalati approved double-sided 19’ 6” wide by 7’ tall business abstained. Chairman Seymour and identification monument signs on Katella Avenue and Commissioner Agarwal were Douglass Road with one double-sided up to 14.5’ wide and absent. up to 35’ foot tall and one single-sided up to 14.5’ wide and up to 35’ foot tall business identification monument signs (that include approximately10’-2” wide x 18’-6” foot tall Project Planner: digital billboard faces to be used for off-site advertising Susan Kim purposes; and 2) add an approximately 84’ tall double-sided skim@anaheim.net v-shaped digital billboard with 48’ wide x 14’ tall digital sign faces to be used for off-site advertising purposes near State Route 57. Environmental Determination: The Planning Commission will consider whether the proposed action was adequately analyzed by Previously-Certified Environmental Impact Report No. 2010-00343 and the Previously-Approved Addendum. OPPOSITION: One piece of written correspondence was received from the City of Orange expressing concerns related to the scale and visibility of the proposed freeway-oriented billboard and monument sign located on Katella Avenue. DISCUSSION TIME :26minutes (5:06to 5:32) 11/03/14 Page 4of 8 NOVEMBER 3, 2014 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA ITEM NO. 4 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2014-05739Resolution No. PC2014-094 (DEV2014-00054) (Dalati /Bostwick) Location:2095 East Katella Avenue Approved Request: To permit a church within a commercial building VOTE: 5-0 at a retail and office center. Chairman Pro-Tempore Lieberman and Commissioners Bostwick, Environmental Determination:The Planning Commission Caldwell, Dalati andRamirezvoted will consider whether to find the project to be Categorically yes.Chairman Seymour and Exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Commissioner Agarwal were Quality Act and Guidelinesas a Class 1 (Existing Facilities) absent. Categorical Exemption. Project Planner: Elaine Thienprasiddhi ethien@anaheim.net OPPOSITION: None DISCUSSION TIME :11minutes (5:33to 5:44) 11/03/14 Page 5of 8 NOVEMBER 3, 2014 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA ITEM NO. 5 TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 2014-147Resolution No. PC2014-095 (DEV2014-00060) (Bostwick /Caldwell) Location:3321 –3325 East La Palma Avenue Approved Request: To establish a 5-lot industrial subdivision. VOTE: 5-0 Environmental Determination:The Planning Commission Chairman Pro-Tempore Lieberman and Commissioners Bostwick, will consider whether Environmental Impact Report No. Caldwell, Dalati andRamirezvoted 317(Previously-Certified) is the appropriate environmental yes.Chairman Seymour and documentation per California Environmental Quality Act Commissioner Agarwal were (CEQA) Guidelines. absent. Project Planner: David See dsee@anaheim.net OPPOSITION: None DISCUSSION TIME :4minutes (5:45to 5:49) 11/03/14 Page 6of 8 NOVEMBER 3, 2014 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA ITEM NO. 6 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2014-05760Resolution No.PC2014-096 (DEV2014-00094) (Bostwick /Ramirez) Location:2420 East Katella Avenue Approved Request: To permit the sale and consumption of beer and VOTE: 5-0 wine at a pastry shop. Chairman Pro-Tempore Lieberman and Commissioners Bostwick, Environmental Determination:The Planning Commission Caldwell, Dalati andRamirezvoted will consider whether to find the project to be Categorically yes.Chairman Seymour and Exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Commissioner Agarwal were Quality Act and Guidelinesas a Class 1 (Existing Facilities) absent. Categorical Exemption. Project Planner: Amy Vazquez avazquez@anaheim.net OPPOSITION: None DISCUSSION TIME :7minutes (5:50to 5:57) 11/03/14 Page 7of 8 NOVEMBER 3, 2014 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA ITEM NO. 7 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2013-05702 Resolution No. PC2014-097 VARIANCE NO. 2014-04989 (Dalati /Ramirez) (DEV2013-00103) Location:1220 South Brookhurst StreetApproved Request: VOTE: 4-1 To permit the expansion of an existing indoor smoking lounge and to permit and retain an outdoor Chairman Pro-Tempore Lieberman and Commissioners Caldwell, Dalati smoking lounge with fewer parking spaces than required by andRamirezvoted yes. the Zoning Code. Commissioner Bostwick voted no. Chairman Seymour and Environmental Determination:The Planning Commission will Commissioner Agarwal were consider whether to find the project to be Categorically absent. Exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act and Guidelinesas a Class 1(Existing Facilities) Categorical Exemption. Project Planner: Vanessa Norwood vnorwood@anaheim.net OPPOSITION: Staff noted during the public hearing that aphone call was received expressing concerns related to parkingat the subject site. Twopieces of written correspondence werereceived from the West Anaheim Neighborhood Development Council (WAND) expressing concernsto the subject request,and requested forthe Planning Commission to postpone the item until after the scheduled City Council workshop on smoking “hookah”lounges has been concluded,which is scheduled forNovember 18, 2014. A person representing WAND spoke in opposition to the subject request. IN SUPPORT: A person spoke in favor of the subject request. DISCUSSION TIME :26minutes (5:58to 6:24) MEETING ADJOURNED AT 6:25P.M. TO MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2014AT 5:00P.M. 11/03/14 Page 8of 8