ELECTORAL DISTRICTS 2015/06/04ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON ELECTORAL DISTRICTS MINUTES THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 2015 6:30 P.M. Brookhurst Community Center Committee Members Present: Hon. Edward Wallin, Ret., Chairman; Hon. Stephen Sundvold, Vice Chair; Hon. James Jackman, Ret.; Hon. Nancy Wieben Stock, Ret.; Ret.; Hon. Thomas Thrasher, Ret. Staff Present: City Clerk Linda Andal, Outside Counsel Ben De Mayo, Consultant Justin Levitt. Chairman Wallin called the meeting to order at 6:41 p.m. The committee members and staff provided brief introductions. Judge Jackman joined the meeting at 6:45 p.m. Without objection, the Committee agreed to hold public comments following the presentation of Item No. 2, unless a member of the public wish to speak prior. Receiving no public request, Public comments was moved to follow Item No. 2. 2. Discussion on creating City Council district boundaries and possible direction to staff. Justin Levitt, demographic consultant, provided a brief background on his role as a demographer and provided a PowerPoint presentation on the demographics of Anaheim. He discussed how the City arrived at this process through voter approval of Measures L and M at the November 2014 election and described various Federal and State regulations, laws, and criteria that affect the establishment of districts, focused on the requirement for equal population in each district, advising that in Anaheim it would be approximately 56,000 people per district with an overall variance up to 10% allowed. He also presented other considerations that could be used in creating districts including protected classes, race, topography, geography, contiguity, and communities of interest. Mr. Levitt indicated the focus of these meetings was for the public to assist in defining the communities of interests by their shared problems, schools, parks, road maintenance issues, shopping areas, road boundaries, etc. and indicating the geographic boundaries of their communities on a map. Mr. Levitt reviewed several maps reflecting the demographics of Anaheim based on the 2010 Census data. He also indicated additional maps had been created by the Planning Department depicting school locations, parks, and other public facilities; announcing that all maps available were at the meeting and online. Mr. Levitt discussed ways the public could participate by drawing their own maps, submitting a public participation kit online or on paper, sharing opinions at meetings, and sending an email to the Committee. He then reviewed the stages of the process to get input during the first round of meetings, receive feedback on draft maps during the second round of public meetings, make changes and develop a full plan, and then make a recommendation to the City Council, which will hold at least three public hearings prior to adopting the final district maps for use in the November 2016 election. 1. Public Comments (3 minutes - all agenda items) Denise Silberman, resident, shared her view that the meetings needed to be advertised more but acknowledged the good attendance, regardless. Shia mentioned issues she encountered Regular Meeting of the Advisory Committee on Electoral Districts June 4, 2015 Page 2 of 5 living in West Anaheim including poor code enforcement, graffiti, weeds, and abandoned properties. Adela Lopez, resident, referred to West Anaheim as the Bermuda Triangle, discussed her concerns with outreach efforts as well as quality of life issues such as population density, schools with excessive student populations, and lack of parks. David Lopez, resident and retired law enforcement officer, offered comments relative to gangs and the need for additional patrol officers in West Anaheim to combat drug dealers and gangs. Chairman Wallin addressed deployment of police resources, noting it to be a subject under the purview of the City Council. Judge Stock indicated the important of this process in creating districts appropriately so that the elected Council Members share the concerns and values of the residents of their district. Larry Larsen, resident and former Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC) member, thanked the committee for their service and provided his opinion on the task at hand and the response that could be made to their findings. A male speaker addressed the fast approaching release of draft maps on July 1" and expressed concerns about public outreach, however noting that turnout was good this evening. Benita Gagne, resident, questioned the process of drawing individual districts for the entire City with Chairman Wallin and Judge Jackman indicating that either could be done as well as the need for specific information on where or where not the lines should be drawn. Ms. Gagne shared her boundaries would be Lincoln Avenue to the north and Brookhurst Street to the east. Maria Guzman, resident, provided her opinion about providing information in various languages. Tiffany Welt, resident, spoke about the importance of keeping commercial structures within each boundary, which she believed would encourage residents to stay within the City. She also addressed outreach in the far west portion of Anaheim. Marisol Ramirez, resident, requested staff to go door-to-door with materials rather than rely on e-mail and internet based efforts. Ed Lopez questioned whether the committee was considering contingency plans based on a current Supreme Court case relative to using eligible voter population rather than total population. Chairman Wallin explained that any such decision by the Supreme Court would not be eminent and changes would not be required prior to the 2016 election. Mr. DeMayo also noted that the Ninth Circuit decision and California State law apply to Anaheim and it would take time for the Supreme Court decision, and any potential changes, to make their way down. Gloria Ma'ae, resident and former CAC member, acknowledged the presence of outreach efforts and shared her belief that residents who are interested will find ways to get knowledge and be involved. She also expressed concerns about the process of the CAC and offered to share her information with interested parties. Regular Meeting of the Advisory Committee on Electoral Districts June 4, 2015 Page 3 of 5 Judy Gollette, resident, spoke about the history of dividing the City and her opposition to the division. She spoke of the population density in West Anaheim, particularly west of Beach Boulevard, and the absence of parks and amenities in the area. Dr. Patricia Adeleken suggested hiring a consultant to reach neighborhoods on a person-to- person level. Mark Daniels, resident, suggested using high schools as the focal points for each district. Art Beas encouraged each attendee to bring another person with them to the next meeting to double the attendance, explaining how each person can influence those around them. He announced that the City is making strides with its outreach including videos that he participated in and questioned how current development and potential population growth would be considered in the process. Chairman Wallin explained that 2010 Census data must be used and the lines will be reevaluated after the 2020 Census. Judge Thrasher added that population growth was a traditional criterion that would be considered. Vic Real, resident and former CAC member, discussed the need for a responsive voter population. With no further comments being offered, Chairman Wallin closed the public comment period and asked staff to respond to the questions received. Mr. Levitt encouraged the public to obtain maps to draw out various regions of the City, defined density as equaling the number of housing units per square acre, and explained that household size has a large variation across the City with the South having the highest number of people per housing unit. He noted that their concerns about gang areas, crime issues, and number of parks per square mile would all be considered when creating the draft maps. Mr. DeMayo addressed comments relative to projected and actual development and population growth, reiterating that the districts must be based on the 2010 Census data but the growth could be considered in the allowable variance between the largest and smallest districts. Judge Jackman requested information on the current population of Anaheim with Mr. Levitt providing a one-year Census estimate from 2013 of approximately 344,000, noting that Anaheim suffers from undercount where more people live in Anaheim than are actually counted. Mr. Levitt further added that Citizen Voting Age Population data provided was from the American Community Survey completed by the Census Bureau, as a replacement for the long - form of the census, completed by a 300,000-400,000 sample population each year. 3. Update on Community Outreach Plan. Linda Andal, City Clerk, presented a PowerPoint presentation of outreach efforts that have been carried out to inform the community about these meetings and the districting process. Ms. Andal explained the e -Postcard, a grassroots effort to provide information to community groups identified by City departments, was an effort to share and pass forward meeting information with their members. Ms. Andal announced the e -Postcard is currently available in both English and Spanish and can be translated into any language upon request, and discussed it effectiveness as the meetings have been better attended each time. Included on the distribution list are the Police Chief's Advisory Board & Neighborhood Advisory Council, representing 22 neighborhoods around the city, as well as community groups, such as Los Amigos. The e- Regular Meeting of the Advisory Committee on Electoral Districts June 4, 2015 Page 4 of 5 Postcard is also available in hard copy as well as posted to both Facebook and Twitter 5-7 days prior to each meeting. Ms. Andal reviewed the Fast Facts, a 1 page, English/Spanish flier containing quick information that is circulated to e -subscribers, community members, libraries, community centers, public counters, and field staff including police, community preservation, and community services team members. She announced that Fast Facts would be available at the Public Utilities Department's Save Water Expo on Saturday, June 6, 2015 as well as other City events. Other outreach efforts highlighted by Ms. Andal were the Public Utilities Newsletter, reaching over 115,000 residents and businesses, running June 10 to August 10; an article in both the print and electronic editions of Anaheim Magazine distributed to over 119,000 residents and businesses on June 22; the dedicated City website with all information, agendas, related materials, power point presentations, FAQs, maps submitted by the public, and pre- and post - meeting press releases; social media presence on Facebook and Twitter; partnering with community groups and individuals to spread the word continued; recorded meetings available on the City's local cable channel and online; the monthly Andy Anaheim newsletter with over 10,000 subscribers; and recently, Public Service Announcements featuring Chairman Wallin and six community members available on the website and YouTube. Ms. Andal also announced planned efforts including a media strategy with a push in the Spanish community to include audio/radio and paper, utility bill inserts to announce committee and City Council related public hearings, radio spots, an article in the Orange County Register, and attendance at all four Neighborhood Council meetings in July, for the purpose of presenting draft maps. In response to public comments and translation - Ms. Andal shared that materials were available in both English and Spanish, with other languages available upon request. She indicated the City recently translated Fast Facts into Tagalog and Vietnamese, at the request of the public. She added, per the Settlement Agreement, all agendas are posted in five languages and the dedicated webpage also had a tool for users to translate all materials in the required five languages. Ms. Andal encouraged residents to contact her to coordinate individual door-to- door distribution of materials to reach the community and shared that to date, individuals and groups have already begun picking up flyers from her office. Ms. Lopez requested instant translation at meetings to which Ms. Andal replied that a Spanish interpreter has been and will continue to be present at each meeting, providing simultaneous translation through the use of a headset. She added that simultaneous translation in any other language was also available upon request. She highlighted that, this information was included on each agenda and translated agenda. 4. Discussion and scheduling of district committee meetings. Ms. Andal announced the committee had requested this item to discuss the scheduling of additional meetings and possible Saturday meetings. Following committee discussion and the availability of staff and remote locations, Chairman Wallin directed staff to defer this discussion until June 9, 2015. 5. Committee Comments / Staff comments Judge Stock anticipated having greater public participation once proposed draft maps were released, as there would be concrete items to visualize. Regular Meeting of the Advisory Committee on Electoral Districts June 4, 2015 Page 5 of 5 Mr. Levitt announced draft plans would be presented to the Committee on July 1, 2015 and welcomed submissions of individual districts or the city as a whole. 6. Adjourn meeting. Next regular meeting scheduled for June 9, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. at the East Anaheim Community Center, 8201 E. Santa Ana Canyon Road, Anaheim. Chairman Wallin thanked everyone for attending in support of their community and adjourned the meeting at 8:26 p.m. espe tfully su fitted, Linda N. Andal, CMC City Clerk