Public Utilities 2015/08/26August 26, 2015 The agenda having been posted on Wednesday, August 19, 2015, the Regular Meeting of the Public Utilities Board (Board) was called to order by Chair J. Machiaverna at 5:02 p.m. on Wednesday, August 26, 2015, in the 11`" Floor Large Conference Room, Anaheim West Tower, 201 S. Anaheim Blvd., Anaheim, California. Board Members Present: Chair J. Machiaverna, Vice Chair S.E. Faessel, B. Hernandez, D. Wain, L. Cahill, A. Abdulrahman Board Members Absent: None (one vacancy) Staff Present: D. Lee, B. Beelner, J. Wei, M. Moore, C. Cuss, J. Lehman, A. Kott, L. Quiambao, P. Oviedo, M. Scifen, R. Gomez, M. Lopez, C. Dalton, A. Nguyen, L. Davis, C. Thompson, A. Mezzacappa Guest(s) Present: None 2. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING / PUBLIC HEARING OF THE PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD MEETING OF JULY 22,201-5. * It was suggested that the unapproved Minutes be amended to insert "Anaheim's" in front of Metropolitan Water District Director. 3. HANNUM SUBSTATION TRANSFORMER REPLACEMENT PRESENTATION. L. Davis, Substation Engineering Manager, shared a presentation with the Board regarding the Hannuin Substation Transformer Replacement Project that was recently completed. This project is part of the Public Utilities Department (Department) ongoing Substation Equipment Replacement Program that prioritizes transformer replacements based on age, maintenance history, capacity, reliability considerations, and budget allocation. 2015-48 There being no public comments, Chair J. Machiaverna closed the public comments portion of the meeting. L. Cahill moved approval of the amended Minutes of the amended Regular Meeting / Public Hearing of the Public Utilities Board Meeting of July 22, 2015. S.E.Faessel seconded the motion, with the amendment as noted, MOTION CARRIED: 6-0. ABSTAINED: 0. ABSENT: 0. AGEND,AITEM ACTION TAKEN This project replaced a 32 -year-old substation transformer at Hannum Substation. The project took 1.8 months to complete at a cost of $2.3 million. The new substation transformer is a larger transformer with more capacity to accommodate future load growth. The new transformer is equipped with controls that automatically adjust voltage to improve power quality. A new steel structure and foundation with integrated oil -containment system was installed as part of this project. C. Dalton, Revenue Protection Coordinator, shared a presentation with the Board on the importance of Revenue Protection. He highlighted the Fiscal Year 2014-2015 accomplishments, which included projected savings of over $1.8 million for the Department. He showed a variety of diversions that had been discovered by the Revenue Protection Coordinators and corrected through investigation efforts, C. Dalton concluded by sharing how Revenue Protection has expanded its responsibilities into collaborating with other City of Anaheim (City) departments to shut down illegal businesses, including medical marijuana dispensaries, online gambling, and unpermitted massage businesses throughout the City. Board Member Hernandez complimented the Revenue Protection program, acknowledging the importance of billing customers correctly for their water and electricity usage. Following the presentation, D. Lee recognized R. Gomez, Utility Services Super -visor and C. Dalton for their contributions in the Customer Information System replacement prcject, D. Lee shared an overview of the biannual success indicators with the Board. fie shared updates with the Board on the Department"s overall performance, including customer service, finances, reliability and safety metrics. The high level indicators provide an overview of the Department's performance in key areas over the past six months, APPROVAL OF THE CERTIFICATION AND COMPLIANCE B. Hernandez moved approval FILING FOR THE BOWr ERMAN POWER LFG, LLC of the Certification and LANDFILL GAS RENEWABLE POWER PURCHASE AND Compliance Filing for the SALE AGREEMENT. Bowerman Power LFG, LLC Landfill Gas Renewable Power C. (hiss, Acting AGM - Power Supply, shared with the Board that Purchase and Sale Agreement. while the Board and City Council previously approved the Renewable D. Wain seconded the motion. Power Purchase and Sale Agreement with the Bowerman Power MOTION CARRIED: 6-0. Project, state certification is still required. The compliance filing is a ABSTAINED: 0. procedural requirement and does not affect project pricing. ABSENT: 0. AGENDAITEM ACTION TAKEN 7. APPROVAL OF A SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE LONG- L. Cahill moved approval of a TERM POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT (WIND POWER) Second Amendment to the DATED AUGUST 11, 2003 BETWEEN THE CITY OF Long -Term Power Purchase ANAHEIM AND IBE ROLA RENEWABLES, LLC, Agreement (Wind Power) FORMERLY KNOWN AS PPM ENERGY, INC. AND dated August 11, 2003 between IBERDROLA RENEWABLES, INC.* the City of Anaheim and C. Guss shared that Department receives 6 MW of power from a Iberdrola Renewables, LLC, wind farm in Solano County California, owned and operated by formally known as PPM Iberdrola Renewables, which began commercial operation in 2003. Energy, Inc. and Iberdrola The Department has been purchasing renewable energy frorn the Renewables, Inc. project since its commercial operation completion. B. Hernandez seconded the regulations. C. Guss shared that over the years, not only has the motion. This agreement was originally approved by City Council on July 8, MOTION CARRIED: 6-0. 2003 and is being amended to allow Iberdrola ability to curtail power ABSTAINED:O. from the project when there is excess power on the grid caused by ABSENT. 0. intermittent resources, in order to maintain grid reliability. S. APPROVAL OF THE AUTHORIZATION TO PREPARE, D. Wain moved approval of the CERTIFY, EXECUTE, AND SUBMIT CALIFORNIA ENERGY Authorization to Prepare, COMMISSION REPORT FORM 1386 FOR WIND Certify, Execute, and Submit GENERATING FACILITIES AND UTILITY COMPLIANCE California Energy Commission SUBMITTALS. Report Form 1386 For Wind C. Guss shared with the Board that each year the Department is Generating Facilities and C. Guss explained that the Department is seeking authority to submit Utility Compliance submittals. routine compliance reports to federal, state and regional agencies. He A. Abdulrahman seconded the shared that electric and water utilities must validate compliance and motion. report on energy efficiency, greenhouse gas, power plant emissions, MOTION CARRIED: 6-0. drinking water quality, recycled water, and drought response ABSTAINED: 0. regulations. C. Guss shared that over the years, not only has the ABSENT: 0. volume and complexity of reports increased, the procedures change periodically, and tirneframes have been compressed with electronic submittals. This authorization will provide further assurance that deadlines continue to be met and compliance penalties for late report submittals are avoided. ENERGY COMMISSION OF THE ANNUAL POWER of the Submission to the CONTENT LABEL, ENERGY SUPPLYRE, PORTS AND California Energy Commission ATTESTATIONS IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASSBEMBLY of the Annual Power Content BILL 162. Label, Energy Supply Reports and Attestations in accordance C. Guss shared with the Board that each year the Department is with Assembly Bill 161 required by the California Energy Commission (CEC) to report data L. Cahill seconded the motion. on energy sales to retail customers by resource and fuel type. The MOTION CARRIED: 6-0. reports presented to the Board for consideration provide the CEC and ABSTAINED: 0. Anaheim customers, a snapshot of the resources within our generation ABSENT: O. portfolio supplying their energy needs. C. Guss shared that the Department remains in compliance with California's Renewable Portfolio Standard, and is incrementally investing in renewable projects that are in-state, and will continue to seek cost-effective projects to meet the needs of Anaheim residents and businesses. 2015 -50 M. Moore, AGM -Water Services, shared with the Board that the Metropolitan Water District (MWD) shared that due to high levels of rainfall in May, shortage conditions will not go into effect, and MVVD will be able to deliver the full entitlement of the Colorado River supply to its member agencies this year. He also shared that water conservation in the City is achieving better than anticipated results. Conservation for July was 32% and in August is about 25%, which is above Anaheim's 20% requirement. The Department is looking closely at the effect of the lower water sales on the budget. M. Moore also shared that the Walnut Canyon Reservoir (Reservoir) water level is still at a lower level and that repairs to the Reservoir slope drain is required. Be shared that the Reservoir is being lowered to about 1/3 capacity, and is currently at about 1/2 capacity; however, staff has temporarily stopped lowering the level to, make modifications to the water treatment process. Once the Reservoir reaches about 1/3 capacity, a contractor will begin the repairs, which are anticipated to be completed iby the end of October, at which point the Reservoir can then be filled back to non -nal levels, J. Wei, Acting AGM - Electric Services, shared all update on the recent heat wave with the Board. Overall, the electric system pet -formed very well during the high temperatures over the mid- August timeframe, The Department responded to four heat waves related outages that affected only a small number of customers. B. Beelner, AGM - Finance and Administration, invited the Board's attention to the monthly dashboard in their packets. He shared that both electric and water revenues were below budget for the month of July., however, expenses were also below budget so that there was no material impact to the Department's financial position due to the drop in revenue, D. Lee highlighted that continued reduction in water revenue will need to be addressed as the water division's financial situation is not sustainable if the drought continues and customers continue to conserve. C. Cuss shared photos on the Bowerman Landfill Gas Project (Project) in .Irvine with the Board. He shared that seven reciprocating engines were delivered this month from Germany, and are being set on their foundations. He indicated that the Bowerman Project is on track for a January 2016 commercial operation date, 2015-51 In addition, C. Guss shared updates on two other renewable projects. Those projects include the 4.5 Megawatt (MW) Anaergia project, which is a trash to the renewable power project in Anaheim, and the 2 MW Westland solar project in Kings County. Anaergia is expected to reach commercial operations in January 2018, while the Westlands solar project is expected to be operational by June of 2016. C. Guss invited the Board's attention to an article that appeared in the Sunday, August 23rd edition of the Los Angeles Times regarding Southern California Edison's (SCE) Big Creek Hydro Electric/Pumped Storage Project in the Sierra Nevada mountain range. During times of high energy demand, stored water can be released to flow through turbines and generate electricity. In addition to stockpiling clean renewable energy, pump storage projects can shift between pumping and generating within minutes making them extremely flexible resources and valuable tools for managing the electric grid. However, pumped storage projects require water and, due to the drought, SCE's Big Creek Hydroelectric project is in danger of not being able to generate any electric4. As presented to the Board in May, the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) indicated in their 2015 Summer Assessment that, even under extreme conditions, sufficient power supplies are available to, meet the state's summer peak. Inaddition, there is minimal impact to the Department as a result of Big Creek's lack of performance. At most, the CAISO may call on gas units such as Canyon and Kraemer more frequently. The Department has coordinated with other City departments to ensure they meet their water reduction goals. As an example, the Community Services Department reduced their water consumption by 49% in June alone (as compared to the base case of June 2013), They have achieved this through the replacement of old sprinkler systems with drip irrigation systems, installation of drought tolerant landscaping and by reducing their watering times to twice a week, J. Lehman, Chief Risk Officer, shared that the Department -wide annual drill for the Emergency Response Program (Program) is scheduled for August 27, and invited Board members to observe the event. She shared several legislative issues, and highlighted that the PUB Legislative Working Group met just prior to the meeting and reviewed bills with the potential impact to the Department. She mentioned that Friday, September I I th, would be the last day for a bill to pass out of both houses. 2015 - 52 A 11110 �IIIYR 110 D. Lee mentioned the following upcoming agenda items: 0 Drought Update 0 Alternative Water Supplies 9 Department Finance 0 Public Power Week 01INT 111.1 1 V'N I I D. Lee congratulated M. Moore on his promotion to AGM, Water Services. He shared highlights from American Public Power Association's annual statistics, including Anaheim's standing in customers served and energy generated, He also shared upcoming calendar items and requested the Board inform staff if they are interested in attending any of the events. Lastly, lie shared that the City website has been updated and showed the Board how to access utility pages from the City homepage. AB Abdulrahman thanked staff for the information provided in the meeting. D. Wain thanked staff for the information in the meeting, and stated that he attended the water event where Felicia Marcus, Chair of State Water Resources Control Board was the keynote speaker. L. Cahill said the topics presented by staff were interesting. B. Hernandez asked if there has been any resistance from Home Owners Associations (HOA) regarding watering their landscaping. Staff explained that a meeting has been held specifically for HLAs and that there are ongoing discussions with individual HOA issues. He also inquired about the open seat on the Board, and staff indicated that the vacancy is agendized for the September 1,:2015 City Council meeting. S. E. Faessel congratulated M. Moore on his promotion to AGM - Water. She shared that today's meeting was interesting and important because of the information provided by staff regarding the substation transformer project, the ability to recover revenue, and the bi- annual success indicators. J. Machiaverna congratulated M. Moore on his promotion. He requested that thank you card be sent to D, Singer for her service on the Board. 2015 -53 2015, AT 5:00 P.M.,.IN THE I ITH FLOOR LARGE CONFERENCE ROOM, ANAHEIM WEST TOWER, 201 ANAHE IM BOULEVARD, ANAHE IM, CALIFORNIA). =0 Dukku Lee Public LAilities General Manager B. Hernandez moved to adjourn the Regular Meeting at 6:52 p.m., to the Board's Regular Meeting date of September 23, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. S.E. Faessel seconded the motion, MOTION CARRIED: 6-0. ABSTAINED: 0. ABSENT: 0. Indicates item(s) that will, be forwarded to City Council for action upon recommendation by the Board. Indicates items) that will be forwarded to City Clerk and City Council for informational purposes. 2015-54