The Anaheim Public Financing Authority regular meeting was called to order at 5:20 P.M.
in City Council Chambers located at 200 S. Anaheim Blvd. for a joint public comment
session with the Anaheim City Council and the Anaheim Housing and Public Improvement
Authority. The meeting notice, agenda and related materials were duly posted on
September 11, 2015.
Present: Chairman Tom Tait and Authority Members: Jordan Brandman, Lucille Kring,
Kris Murray and James Vanderbilt.
Staff Present: City Manager Paul Emery, City Attorney Michael Houston, and Secretary
Linda Andal
PUBLIC COMMENTS: No public comments made related to the Public Financing
Authority agenda.
This was a joint meeting amongst the Pub/id Financing Authority, Housing and Public
Improvement Authority and City Council agOnda item. The staff report was applicable to
and heard by each agency. Each agency would separately take action to consider a
resolution approving a response to the Orange County Grand Jury report titled, "Joint
Powers Authorities: Issues of Viability, Control, Transparency, and Solvency"and direct
the Anaheim Public Financing Authority Exedutive Director to execute a letter on behalf of
the Authority and forward the response to the Presiding Judge of the Orange County
Court and the Orange County Grand Jury.
Approve the response to the Orange County Grand Jury report titled, "Joint
0144.6 Powers Authorities: Issues of Viability, Control, Transparency, and Solvency" and
direct the Anaheim Public Financing Authority Executive Director to execute a
letter on behalf of the Authority and forward the response to the Presiding Judge of
the Orange County Court and the Orange County Grand Jury
At 9:13 P.M., Debbie Moreno, Finance Director, provided a staff report to each agency on
the 2014/15 Orange County's Grand Jury review of joint powers authorities (JPA's),
indicating there were 71 JPA's currently in the County of Orange. She indicated the grand
jury had four concerns with regard to JPA's, as listed:
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• the first was the viability of the JPA's with Redevelopment Agencies (RDA) as
members since RDA's were eliminated in 2012;
• the use of JPA's by government organizations to be controlled by a single
government entity;
• the lack of true disclosure and transparency of the organization and financial
information to taxpayers and;
• the extreme debt to revenue ratio's from JPA's which brought into question their
Ms. Moreno stated that the California Penal Code required responses from each local
government agency within 90 days of the grand jury's report issuance. She added that
specifically, the Orange County Grand Jury had a total of ten findings and eight
recommendations countywide with Anaheim and its financing authority JPA required to
respond to four of the findings and three of the recommendations.
GRAND JURY FINDINGS: She indicated the Grand Jury found that JPA's created by a
city with a redevelopment agency that no longer existed served no public benefit and had
the potential for misuse or obfuscation of public funds and recommended the termination
of these JPA's. Staff did not agree with this finding as the Successor Agency replaced the
Redevelopment Agency as members of the JPA and that this recommendation was
contrary to purposes of state law and would place an enormous financial burden on the
city and its residents and taxpayers.
The Grand Jury also found that the Anaheim Public Financing Authority (APFA) had
excessive debt and recommended an aggressive plan to reduce the APFA public debt
with staff disagreeing with this finding and recommendation as well. Ms. Moreno reported
the city and the APFA had cost-effective financing arrangements for critical infrastructures
such as water, electric power and sewer, and revenue producing assets such as the
Anaheim Resort and Anaheim Convention Center. Ms. Moreno stressed that
implementation of the recommendation would require the early retirement of the APFA's
debt. She explained that early retirement of authority obligations would be uneconomical
and given the long-term nature of the financial assets, unfair to the city's current residents,
businesses, and taxpayers.
Countywide, the grand jury also found that JPA's had the potential to obfuscate taxpayer
visibility and lead to a general lack of transparency. Ms. Moreno pointed out that staff did
not believe there was a potential issue with the misuse of public funds related to the debt
issued by the city's JPA's since funds were deposited with corporate trustees and all
actions were taken at noticed public hearings following public input. All public funds were
accounted for in the audited financial statements which were then made available to the
public on the city's website. She also noted that the City and its JPA's solely operated for
the benefit of the public and continued to seek ways to increase transparency to the public
as evidenced by the city's current FY 2015/16 budget and pointed out the long-term debt
section that listed each outstanding issue with a payment funding source, the issuing
authority, date issued, the maturity date, and interest rates at time of issuance. The
Department also included outstanding balances as of July 1, 2015 and the total amount
due for each of the next five fiscal years followed by a debt service scheduled for each
issue by fiscal year through maturity. She added that staff would continue to look for ways
to improve transparency and understandability.
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Ms. Moreno ended the report indicating that responses were required from each of the
governing entities, the Anaheim Public Financing Authority, the Anaheim Housing and
Public Improvement Authority and the City Council in accordance with California Penal
Code Sections.
Chairman Tait stated he would not be signing these responses as he agreed with the
findings of the Grand Jury and understood that the Finance Director Debbie Moreno would
sign those response letters if the item was approved by a vote of the Authority. As
bachoround, he explained, that he opposed using a JPA to borrow$200 million to expand
the Convention Center as the City Charter stated that to borrow more than $50,000, the
voters would have to approve the bonds, which resulted in bypassing the charter and
state law.
Authority Member Vanderbilt remarked the Grand Jury took issue with a process used by
many cities while Anaheim, in particu|ar, had been tested via a lawsuit by a private
organization with the city prevailing, asking if that had any bearing on the Grand Jury's
report. City Attorney Houston replied the bond transaction referenced in the Grand Jury
report was a bond transaction between the APFA, the city and bond investors, and a
reverse validation action was filed, with the city prevailing. He added that action was
above reproach regarding legality and was supported by Supreme Court case law which
authorized transactions of that type. He added that the grand jury weighed in from a
policy perspective and their report had no legal bearing on the actual transaction, they
were voicing an opinion. Authority Member Murray asked if there was an appeal filed to
the Supreme Court's ruling with Mr. Houston responding an appeal had been filed and
dismissed. She then inquired whether the City Attorney supported staffs responses to the
Grand Jury findings with Mr. Houston explaining that he had participated in the drafting of
this report and believed it was legal, ethical, and appropriate based on the city's protocols
and processes used for many years. Mr. Vanderbilt remarked the Grand Jury looked at
both general law and charter cities and did not appear to make any exception to charter
cities. Mr. Houston responded the city charter did not prevent the bond transaction from
occurring based on binding California Supreme Court case law, adding that the Grand
Jury expressed an opinion and the City was disagreeing with that opinion. Chairman Tait
responded that it might have been legal because of Supreme Court decisions, however,
the Grand Jury was stating cities should not do it,
MOTION: Chairman Tait then moved to deny staff's Grand Jury Response, seconded by
Authority Member Vanderbilt for purposes of discussion.
DISCUSSION: Authority Member Murray understood the discussion was centered about
the Convention Center bonds, asking if these joint powers authorities also approved
infrastructure bondo, including public utilities and basic infrastructure for the residents.
Ms. Moreno responded that a large portion of the outstanding debt for the APFA was for
the benefit of water and electric utilities; and that just to provide basic infrastructure to
noaidento, it would require scheduling two years in advance to put it on a ballot versus
being able to move forward to take advantage of lower interest rates when they occurred.
Ms. Murray responded this was not just about investments that had an economic benefit,
it was about the general infrastructure of the city that used this process for decades and
had been upheld in the courts, and was why she would not support the denial. Authority
Member Vanderbilt suggested requiring a 4/5 vote or some other element as part of the
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Authority's consideration, wondering if there was some language that could be included in
the response letter so the Chairman could support. Authority Member Kring remarked she
would be supporting the response letters drafted by staff and had no interest in making it
more difficult to pass bonds in the future with a 4/5 vote.
ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES — 1: Chairman Tait. NOES —4: (Authority Members
Brandman, Kring, Murray and Vanderbilt). Motion to deny Grand Jury responses failed.
MOTION: Authority Member Kring then moved to approve staff's response to the grand
jury, seconded by Authority Member Murray.
DISCUSSION: Authority Member Vanderbilt remarked other safeguards could be added
to the letters, asking if Authority Member Kring would consider modifications. Authority
Member Kring remarked this motion was to support the responses to the Grand Jury and
she did not want to complicate them at this point in time.
ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES - 3: (Authority Members Brandman, Kring and Murray).
NOES — 2: Chairman Tait and Authority Member Vanderbilt. Item No. 1 was approved as
presented. Motion carried.
ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, Chairman Tait adjourned the meeting
of the Anaheim Housing and Public Financing Authority at 9:51 P.M.
Re •-ctfully submitted,
Linda N. Andal
Secretary, Anaheim Public Financing Authority