ARA2003-01RESOLUTION NO. A~A2003-1 RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY APPROVING AN AMENDED AND RESTATED DISPOSITION AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT WITH BROOKFIELD SOUTHLAND HOLDINGS, LLC. REGARDING CERTAIN PROPERTY AT 2300 TO 2340 WEST LINCOLN AND MAKING CERTAIN ENVIRONMENTAL AND OTHER FINDINGS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH WHEREAS, the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency (the "Agency") is engaged in implementation of the "Redevelopment Plan" for the West Anaheim Commercial Corridors Redevelopment Project (the "Redevelopment Project"); and WHEREAS, in order to implement the Redevelopment Plan, the Agency entered into a certain Disposition and Development Agreement dated as of October 15, 2002 (the "DDA"), with Brookfield Southland Holdings, LLC, (the "Developer") pursuant to which (a) the Agency would sell to Developer that certain real property commonly known as 2340 West Lincoln Avenue (the "Property"); (b) Developer would construct housing on the Property and, upon completion, sell such houses for owner-occupancy to Iow- or moderate-income persons or families at affordable housing costs and require that such houses remain continuously occupied by Iow- or moderate-income owners at an affordable housing cost for the period of the covenants set forth therein; and WHEREAS, the Agency Executive Director is negotiating the purchase of property located at 2300 West Lincoln Avenue; and WHEREAS, the Agency desires to amend and restate the DDA (the "Amended and Restated DDA") including additional property located at 2300 West Lincoln Avenue (the "Property"); and WHEREAS, in its current condition, the Property is a blighting influence on the Redevelopment Project area; and WHEREAS, the Project will remove the blighting influence described above and provide market rate housing and housing for Iow and moderate income persons; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 33433 of the California Redevelopment Law ("CRL"), the Agency is authorized, with the approval of the City Council of the City of Anaheim after public hearing, to sell or lease the Property for development pursuant to the Redevelopment Plan upon a determination by the City Council that the F \DOCS',ADMIN\RESOLUTN\MAR2C24A DOC consideration for such sale or lease is not less than fair reuse value at the use and with the covenants and conditions and development costs authorized by the sale or lease; and WHEREAS, in connection with the Amended and Restated DDA, Agency staff has prepared, and the Agency has reviewed and considered, a "summary report" setting forth: (a) the cost of the Amended and Restated DDA to the Agency; and (b) the estimated value of the interests to be sold to Developer, determined at the highest and best uses permitted under the Redevelopment Plan; and (c) the estimated value of the interests to be sold, determined at the uses and with the conditions, covenants and development costs required by the sale; and (d) the purchase price for the Property; and WHEREAS, the Amended and Restated DDA contains all of the terms, covenants, conditions, restrictions, obligations and provisions required by state and local law; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code Section 21000 et seq.) ("CEQA"), and the CEQA Implementing Guidelines (14 California Code of Regulations Section 15000 et seq.) (the "Guidelines") the Agency has reviewed the Project and determined that the Project is within the scope of the West Anaheim Commercial Corridors EIR, and no further environmental documentation is required because: Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15162, (i) no substantial changes are proposed in the Project, and no changes in circumstances under which the Project is being undertaken have occurred which would require major revisions of the West Anaheim Commercial Corridors EIR due to the involvement of new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of the previously identified significant effects; and (ii) no new information which was not known at the time the West Anaheim Commercial Corndors EIR was certified as complete shows that the Project will have significant effects not discussed in the West Anaheim Commercial Corridors EIR, or will have more severe effects than those shown in the West Anaheim Commercial Corridors EIR, or will make feasible mitigation measures or alternatives previously found not to be feasible, or different from those considered in the West Anaheim Commercial Corridors EIR which would substantially reduce significant effects of the Project; and WHEREAS, the Governing Board of the Agency has duly considered all of the terms and conditions of the Amended and Restated DDA and believes that the Project is in the best interests of the City of Anaheim and the health, safety, morals F ,DOCSxADMIN',RESOLU FN\M~.R2C24A DOk' ? , and welfare of its residents, and is in accord with the public purposes and provisions of applicable state and local law and requirements; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the CRL, the Agency and the City Council have held a duly noticed joint public hearing on the proposed Amended and Restated DDA, at which punic hearing all persons were given an opportunity to be heard. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Governing Board of the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency as follows: The Governing Board of the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency hereby certifies that it has reviewed the Project and finds that, pursuant to CEQA Section 21083.3 and Guidelines Section 15162, the Project is within the scope of the West Anaheim Commercial Corridors EIR, and therefore no new environmental document is required. The Agency further hereby incorporates all feasible mitigation measures and alternatives developed in the West Anaheim Commercial Corridors EIR into the Project. The Governing Board hereby finds and determines that, based on substantial evidence in the record before it, the consideration for the Agency's disposition of the Property pursuant to the Amended and Restated DDA is not less than the fair reuse value in accordance with conditions, covenants and development costs required by the Amended and Restated DDA. The Governing Board hereby finds and determines that, based on substantial evidence in the record before it, the sale of the Property will assist in the elimination of blight in the Redevelopment Project area, will contribute to the provision of housing for Iow- and moderate-income persons, and is consistent with the implementation plan adopted by the Agency for the Redevelopment Plan pursuant to Section 33490 of the California Redevelopment Law. The Amended and Restated DDA, a copy of which is on file with the Secretary of the Agency, is hereby approved with such minor changes, additions or deletions as may be approved by the Agency's Executive Director and General or Special Counsel, and the Executive Director is hereby authorized and directed to execute said Amended and Restated DDA on behalf of the Agency. The Executive Director is hereby authorized to reserve up to One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) for down payment assistance for income-qualified families from programs including the Second Mortgage Assistance Program, and the HOME Program. F \DOCS',ADMIN',RESOLt fTN\MAR2C24A DOC The Executive Director is hereby also authorized to take such actions and execute such documents and instruments, as she deems necessary or desirable for implementation of the Amended and Restated DDA. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION IS PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS (l.4t,h) DAY OF JANUARY, 2003 BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CHAIRMAN REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ANAHEIM APPROVED AS TO FORM: ('~H-~--E. WOO'~,iV ~,, ,, Assistant City Attorney F ',DOCS',AD MIN',RESOLUTN',MAR2C24A DOC STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, SHERYLL SCHROEDER, Secretary of the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. ARA2003-1 was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency held on the 14th day of January 2003, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: CHAIRMAN/AGENCY: Chavez, Hernandez, McCracken, Pringle, Tait NOES: CHAIRMAN/AGENCY: None ABSENT: CHAIRMAN/AGENCY: None ABSTAINED: CHAIRMAN/AGENCY: None ~ECRETAR"Y OF filE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (SEAL)