RA1995/11/14ANAHEIM CIVIC CENTERt ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY NOVEMBER 14t 1995t 5:00 P.M. PRESENT ABSENT: PRESENT AGENCY MEMBERS; Tait, Lopez, Zemel, Feldhaus, Daly AGENCY MEMBERS~ None CITY MANAGER~ James Ruth CITY ATTORNEY: Jack White SECRETARY; Leonora N. Sohl EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: Lisa Stipkovich A complete copy of the agenda for the meeting of the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency was posted at 2=40 p.m. on November 9, 1995 at the Civic Center kiosk, containing all items as shown herein. Chairman Daly called the regular meeting of the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency to order at 5~45 p.m. FINANCIAL DEMANDS AGAINST THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY in the amount of $403,247.38 for the period ending November 9, 1995 in accordance with the 1995-96 Budget, were approved. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: There were no additions to agenda items. ITEMS OF PUBLIC INTEREST: No items of public interest were addressed. PUBLIC COMMENTS - AGENDA ITEMS: Public input was received on agenda Item Agy. 3. See discussion under that Item. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS I - 4= On motion by Chairman Daly, seconded by Agency Member Zemel, the following actions were authorized in accordance with the reports and recommendations furnished each Agency Member and as listed on the Consent Calendar Agenda. 123= Approving an Agreement of title insurance services and technical assistance with Fidelity National Title Insurance Company. 2e 123= Approving an Agreement for Anaheim Hills K-Mart store, K-Mart Corporation, to landscape certain off-site slope areas along the 91 freeway adjacent to their property. Agency Member Tait abstained on this item. 30 123= Approving the First Amendment to the Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) with Blaine E. Jacklin and Dee Ann Jacklin (collectively, the #Jacklins')~ and Approving the Second Amendment to the Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) with Ron Waltz, an individual, dba Waltz & Waltz Development and Restoration Consultants and Associates ("Waltz")~ and authorizing the Executive Director to execute and implement. (Grimshaw House.) Jeff Kirsch, 2661 W. Palais, Anaheim posed questions relative to what he sees as additional City financing on this proposal. 94-1 ~N~HEIM CIVIC CENTER, ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT ~GENCY NOVEMBER 14t 1995t 5:00 P.M. Agency Member Feldhaus. It is customary for the Agency in such matters to assume the responsibility for reports, construction drawings, off-site improvements, etc. They usually try to get exactments from the developer. Lisa Stipkovich, Executive Director of Community Development. It is typical in a Redevelopment area for the Agency to do off-site improvements. She does not believe they are doing construction drawings in this case. On the Grimshaw House, plans were prepared by.an architect paid by the current developer. The Agency is not paying for the drawings. They provide those types of improvements as part of an incentive program. On the grading plan, the Agency did participate in preparing that, one of the reasons being the parcel is being divided into two. Otherwise, typically they would not do so. She then elaborated on some of the specifics of the proposal in answer to questions posed by Mr. Kirsch as well as completion schedules. 4e 161: Approving Schematic Designs for PhaseI of the Downtown Community Center. This matter was discussed at the meeting of November 7, 1995 (see minutes that date.) Lisa Stipkovich, Executive Director of Community Development. Staff, and specifically Parks and Recreation, worked with the Senior Citizens Commission and on Thursday, the Commission voted to approve the schematic plans. Chris Jarvi, Director of Parks, Recreation and Community Services. Staff took the issue back to both the Senior Citizens Commission and the Community Services Board (CSB). The Senior Commission had some concerns about the project particularly with how all the uses were going to fit together. They presented some information not presented prior to that time which showed a use schedule. With that presentation, there was approval of the plan. The CSB at their meeting the same day also approved the schematic designs. They are pleased to report they now have approval of all the commissions they asked to review the plans. Mayor Daly. He would like clarification from both Mrs. Stipkovich and Mr. Jarvi that they are comfortable that the size of the multipurpose room will accommodate most of the user groups. Chris Jarvi. He answered they did a complete trial study of how the rooms would be used by going to all of the commissions who would use the room and asked how they would like to see it programmed. They were able to fit in all of the uses that they would have in the near or distant future. They do feel they can accommodate those uses.with a capacity of 200. It is a minimum size but will accommodate the needs. There are uses the community has of between 250 and 300 which could be accommodated at the Brookhurst Community Center. He also explained for the Mayor that the multipurpose room is smaller than at Brookhurst Community Center which can accommodate approximately 350-400 at a sit-down meal, banquet style. Typical uses for the center are around 250. He would say the proposed Downtown Community Center is a little bit on the small side although it can accommodate all uses. Lisa Stipkovich. Perhaps if the plans are approved today as they are now, they could also agree to have the architect and programmer work with staff to see what it would take to expand it to the 250 or 300 level for banquets and to determine what it does to the site plan. If staff could have that flexibility, and if that is what the Agency would like them to do, they will 94-2 ANAHEIM CIVIC CENTER, ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT ~GENCY NOVEMBER 14, 1995t 5=00 P.M. then come back with the final construction drawings and also keep the Agency up to date on how they are doing with that analysis. Mayor Daly. He feels that is a good idea -- to approve the item and ask the architect to lay out alternatives that would enlarge the main room and give the cost implications. END OF CONSENT CALENDAR. MOTIONS CARRIED. Agency Member Tait abstained on Item AGY. 2. MOTION= Chairman Daly moved to recess the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency to a Joint Public Hearing with the City Council on proposed agreements with the United States Postal Service. Agency Member Zemel seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. (6:07) p.m. See Council Minutes of November 14, 1995, Item A14, for discussion and action taken on this issue. ADJOURNMENT: By General Agency consent, the meeting of November 14, 1995 was adjourned. (6:50) p.m. LEONORA N. SOHL SECRETARY 94-3