Library 2016/08/08ANAHEIM PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MEETING MINUTES MEETING LOCATION East Anaheim Library 8201 E. Santa Ana Canyon Rd. Anaheim, CA 92808 DATE/TIME August 8, 2016 5:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER — The agenda having been posted at 11:00 a.m. on August 2, 2016, the regular meeting of the Anaheim Public Library Board of Trustees was called to order by Chair Heywood at 5:08 p.m. PRESENT: Linda Esping, David Robert "DR." Heywood, David Laviguer, Michelle Majewski, Stan Oftelie STAFF: Thomas Edelblute, Senior Library Services Manager, Jennifer Foxx, PT Senior Secretary GUESTS: Helen Carter, Friends of the Anaheim Public Library, Betsy Kasten, Friends of the Canyon Hills Library, Ginny Gardner, Anaheim Public Library Foundation L INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND COMMUNICATION FROM OTHERS: A. ADMINISTER OATH TO LIBRARY BOARD MEMBER: The Oath or Affirmation of Allegiance for Public Office and Employees was administered to David Laviguer. B. FRIENDS OF THE ANAHEIM PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT: The Multi -Media Sale raised $452.85. A new book truck purchased by the Friends will have a plaque to honor Ted Millard, former member of the Friends' Board. Members are responding to the library's request for cereal boxes (pinata craft in September) and gallon plastic containers. C. FRIENDS OF THE CANYON HILLS LIBRARY REPORT: The Book Sale is in progress through Saturday, August 13. People were lined up waiting to get in at 11 a.m. on the first day of the sale. They have approximately 50 members, about half of whom are Lifetime Members. FOCAL members volunteered 145.75 hours in May and 172.75 hours in June, a total of 318.50 for the 2 months. The Glass Case monthly auction has been bringing in 5150-200 a month. The next FOCAL meeting will be September 15, 2016. Betsy and another FOCAL member plan to do a ride -a -long on the Bookmobile. They have been discussing with Keely Hall the possibility of FOCAL donating children's books to the Bookmobile to be given to children on the route. D. ANAHEIM PUBLIC LIBRARY FOUNDATION REPORT: The 2017 Mystery Authors Luncheon will be March 19, 2017. The Foundation approved supporting the Library's eBook collection for another year as well as other programs. E. UNSCHEDULED ORAL COMMUNICATION: None. F. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION FROM OTHERS: Thank you notes to staff from Salk School students and the Adult Transition of AUHSD Savanna High School were shared. IL APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE JULY 11, 2016 MEETING: MOTION: That the Board approve the minutes of the July 11, 2016 meeting as presented. M/S: SO/MM 3 Ayes. III. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. ELECTION OF VICE CHAIR: MOTION: That the Library Board nominate and elect Stan Oftelie as Vice Chair of the Library Board to a term of October 2016. M/S: DR/MM 5ayes B. BUDGET PRIORITIES DISCUSSION: REQUEST FROM MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC TO OPEN THE CENTRAL LIBRARY ON SUNDAYS: The Library Board discussed and reprioritized the five-year funding priority plan if funding were to become available. Items ranked: 1) Replace current Bookmobile, 2) Ponderosa Community Librarian, 3) eBooks 4) Books, 5) Central Sunday Hours, 6) School Liaison, 7) Euclid Branch Librarian, 8) Sunkist Branch Librarian, 9) Sunday hours (Haskett & Canyon). ITEM NO. 03 Anaheim Public Library Board Meeting August 8, 2016 Page 2 IV. NEW BUSINESS A. ANAHEIM PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL ON THE CONDITION OF THE LIBRARIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2015/16 PER ARTICLE IX. APPOINTIVE BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS, SECTION 908: The Board will review the letter and bring their comments to the September meeting. V. INFORMATION A. CITY LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: Thomas shared a letter that will be sent to library card holders who have not visited the Anaheim Public Library either in person or virtually in the past two years. The letter highlights our most popular and new services to encourage those card holders to utilize Anaheim Public Library's services. An incentive being offered is a fine waiver up to $40.00 that is being offered to card holders that may not be returning due to outstanding fines. The letter will be sent out in September in conjunction with National Library Card Sign -Up Month. B. PUBLICITY: Included in packet. C. LEGISLATIVE UPDATE: None. VI. ACTIVITY REPORTS A. STATISTICS: Included in packet. B. ACTIVITY REPORTS: Included in packet. VII. MONTHLY RECOGNITION OF SUPPORT/CERTIFICATE BY BOARD MEMBERS: The Board Recognized Tony Lam for coordinating the Citizenship classes and the volunteers who worked the Library's Summer Reading Program. The Board would like to recognize the staff that assisted in the Euclid and Sunkist Libraries renovation after the branches re -opens. VIII. BOARD ITEMS LINDA ESPING: Made a large donation of books to the Friends of the Library. MICHELLE MAJEWSKL None. STAN OFTELIE: Enjoyed the Bookmobile ride -a -long. Thinks the Citizenship Classes that the Library is offering are wonderful and hopes the classes continue. DAVID LAVIGUER: Is glad to be back on the Library Board after 10 years. He enjoyed visiting the Bookmobile's STEAM event at Haskett and his Bookmobile ride -a -long. CHAIR D.R. HEYWOOD: None. IX. MISCELLANEOUS A. NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be September 12, 2016 at the Central Library. B. ADJOURNMENT: Chair Heywood adjourned the meeting at 6:01 p.m