Cultural & Heritage 2004/06/24 MINUTES
City Hall West, Second Floor Thursday, June 24, 2004
201 S. Anaheim Bl. 6:30 p.m.
Anaheim, CA 92805
CALL TO ORDER- The agenda having been posted at 11:00 a.m. on June 21, 2004,
the first regular meeting of the Cultural and Heritage Commission
was called to order by Community Services Superintendent, Steve
Swaim, at 6:35 p.m.
PRESENT Edward Cisneros
Margaret Karcher LeVecke
Gary Murray
Chaulare Nokes
Mary Ruth Pinson
Christie Romero
ABSENT Belal Delati
Carol Stone, City Librarian (excused)
STAFF Terry D. Lowe, Community Services Director
Steve Swaim, Community Services Superintendent
Bill Calkins, Recreation Services Manager
Audrey Lujan, Library Admin/Operations Manager
Jane Newell, Local History Curator
Terri Goggin, Division Secretary
GUESTS Kadie Karcher, Geoff Gread
WELCOME AND Steve Swaim welcomed the Commissioners and introduced
INTRODUCTION OF the City staff members who will be attending the meetings.
STAFF He stated that Bill Calkins and Jane Newell will be the key
staff members they can contact if they have any questions.
II. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS Christie Romero introduced herself as a 10-year Anaheim
resident, currently living in the Colony District. She is a
teacher,jewelry historian and a lover of the arts.
Mary Ruth Pinson has lived in Anaheim since 1958 and
has served on many City of Anaheim Commissions and
Committees. She feels the Cultural and Heritage Commis-
sion is important to continue the development of culture and
heritage in Anaheim.
Cultural and Heritage Commission
Minutes of the Meeting of June 24, 2004
Chaulare Nokes has lived in Anaheim since 1960 and is
an active member of the Anaheim Arts Council, Ebell Club
and Harp Guild.
Gary Murray currently lives in Anaheim Hills and is the
entertainment director for the annual Fourth of July Parade.
For the past 22 years, Gary has been the Chairman and CEO
of the California Country Music Association.
Margaret Karcher LeVecke grew up in Anaheim. She has
a deep interest in the cultural arts within Anaheim.
Edward Cisneros has been an Anaheim resident for 27
years. He is a goldsmith and currently works in the computer
business. Edward is also a member of Kiwanis. His wife,
Jas, is on the Board of Directors of the Anaheim Arts
III. UNSCHEDULED PUBLIC Kadie Karcher spoke in support of the art and cultural
COMMUNICATION communities in Anaheim.
IV. COMMISSION HISTORICAL Community Services Department Director, Terry D. Lowe,
PERSPECTIVE Provided background information on the completion of the
Cultural Plan and indicated that the plan would be the
foundation for the Cultural and Heritage Commission
meetings and recommendations. Terry indicated that we
have a very supportive City Council, and that the Cultural
Plan is necessary to qualify for future grants and other ad-
ditional funding.
V. COMMISSION PURPOSE/ Bill Calkins discussed the purpose, roles and responsibilities
ROLES AND RESPONSI- of the Commission. These are outlined in Ordinance 5892
BILITIES which is included in the Cultural and Heritage Commission
binder. Responsibilities include art, historical and cultural
preservation, along with making recommendations to the City
Council to implement the Cultural Plan.
VI. FUTURE MEETING After a brief discussion, the Commission decided to meet on
SUMMARY the fourth Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. at the Gordon
Hoyt Conference Center, 201 S. Anaheim Boulevard, Second
Floor, Anaheim, 92805. Edward Cisneros asked if there was
a timeline to follow.
Cultural and Heritage Commission
Minutes of the Meeting of June 24, 2004
VI. FUTURE MEETING Bill Calkins responded that the Commission's introduction to
SUMMARY (continued) the current state of cultural arts and heritage in the City of
Anaheim will take 6 to 8 months.
Gary Murray requested a list of facilities and public art
to visit and view within the City.
VII. RALPH M. BROWN ACT/ Jane Newell explained the details of the Brown Act as it
PARLIAMENTARY pertains to the Commission. Jane indicated that all Corn-
PROCEDURE mission meetings must be open to the public, and that all
business of the Commission must occur at these public
meetings, and that the results of these meetings must be
made public.
VIII. DISTRIBUTION OF THE Bill Calkins pointed out that the Cultural Plan is included
CULTURAL PLAN in the Commission handbook and asked that the Commis-
sioners review the first two sections before the next meet
ing. Bill referred to the Cultural Plan, created in 1999 by
Wolf Keens, as the "roadmap" for the Commission for the
next two years.
Bill also reviewed the six objectives listed in the Cultural
Plan, which are to:
1) Develop a stronger program base of cultural oppor-
2) Share the City's richness and diversity in arts and
3) Build the capacity and increase sustainability of
Anaheim's cultural organizations,
4) Design a comprehensive approach to building a net-
work of City and non-profit community cultural
5) Develop a consistent, ongoing, and comprehensive
approach to art in public places in Anaheim,
6) Rationalize and strengthen the organizational, human,
and financial resources available to support arts and
culture in Anaheim.
Bill discussed "What is Culture in Anaheim?" It is not
only customs, beliefs and traditions, but also ethnicity, folk art and
I •
Cultural and Heritage Commission
Minutes of the Meeting of June 24, 2004
VIII. DISTRIBUTION OF THE Bill mentioned one of the Commission's responsibilities
CULTURAL PLAN is to prioritize and make recommendations to the City Council, and
(continued) suggested a review of the establish levels of priority on page 98 of
the Plan.
IX. ELECTION OF OFFICERS Bill stated that elections for the Commission Chairperson, and
the Vice Chairperson would take place at the next meeting.
X. ADJOURNMENT Facilitator Steve Swaim adjourned the meeting at 7:49 p.m.
NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be Monday,July 26, 2004 at the Gordon
Hoyt Conference Room at City Hall West at 6:00 p.m.
Facilitator— Steve Swaim Secretary