ARA2003-02iiLESOLI.?I'iON NO. ARA2003-2 A RESOLU'I~ION OF Itt:::; GOVERNING BOARI) OF THE ANAHEIM REDEVEi.OPMENT AGENCY APPROVING AND AUTitORIZING THE EXI;iCUI'ION OF THE SLB-SUI1[ iCENSE/SUB-SUBLEASE AGREEMENT BY AND BETXY'EEN G. D. HELL, IN(.'. ANB THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS IN CONNECTION FIIEREWITH WHEREAS the Anaheim Kedevdopmcnt Agency (tb_e "Agency") desires to e ffecmat:~ [he ~:(cdc~ ¢lopmcnt Plan g:~r the Agency's Commercial/Industrial Redevelopment Project (the ~.~opm~.n~: ~o~ec~ , by providing< for the redevelopment of approximately nine (9) a:::rcs ot property m the City of Anahem'~ located a~: Claudina Way (both east and west side), rlolxh 07 (arcrs~at,: f and east of South A~ahebn Boulevard (the "Sflc"); and ~,VliEREAS, o~ March 5, 1999. Katella Operating Properties, LLC ("KOP .t ~, as -,,,,i,,n .... en:ered i~to ~}n "Or,~ ....~?cen:e~' -'~ vOh Southern Califomia Edison C_o,~--a~ ,~ ,,x.-., v ...... ~t~., interests ,ruder the Op tio;'t .%~u<..~ ..... ~ ,o ....... E ..... )n. and WHERE ~S, KOP ~.i excr'c:.~:ed the O~l.-t:.-~.~,.,, under' the {3ption ..... A~'ce:n,znt., thereby ...... '---~,c',,.'~ N4 ¥:' 200t a hccn:~e to as~ ~b,c S;,e ~,..~ n t~e:':oa cffiortv ~,' ' .... ,~ years fthe k,,. ...... 1,.IL,m, O1! .., i, , ,' ' ,' -- ., , ~ "~ ;c~mse TemC); a~d XYHEREAS, in order to caiYV ddt :tr, d imp!e:nent 3i.'~ch Redevelopmerit Plan. the Ag;ccc>' as sub!icensor/sublease:, entered into trust certain Snb!tc~:n:;e;Sub!ease A~eemm~t on Apri~ 3f), 2001 v. iti~ KOP 11 (the "Sublease"', pors,~tnt '(o whicin KC>P [I st~b!icensed the Site to the ~5,gciqcy, with ~';t: consent of Edison 'iud 'g~!;5,j~:<:t ~:> ~h..: terms a;sd conditions of'the Option Agi'eca:cr~t; at~d ~ HEREAa, in order r,-, ..:::,.:5 ~3i~.~ :z:~d nnplcn:ent su,-n R.ea::~e,t, pmcnt Plan, l'he · - ' - - ' , ' ' (tl~e"Prcm~ses) id G. D. }!ed. ~ ~.m.-<, to me dist~osition ce.~,ain . v. tdl tax increment (a -' .... =./. v , real proPertY Irtterests; N OW, TIIEREFORE, BE IT PxESOLVED BY 'YH E GOVEIqLNING BO.4RD OF THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AS FOLLOYVS: Section 1. The Governing Board finds and deten,.m:es tiJat, based ~.~pon substantial evidcrtce provided in the record before it, the consideration for the Agency's disposition of the Premises pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Agreement, is not less than th~- fi~ir ?',."~arket value of the interest in the Premises to be conveyed under the Section 2. The Governing Board hereby finds and determines that ",he d~sposidon c,£ti:~e Premises pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Agreement we. it eliminate blight ¥:.'id'm~ the Redevelopment Project Area by providing for the proper reuse 2',.xd redevelopment ot'a portion of t~,e Redevelopnqent Project Area which was declared blighted. Section 3. The Governing Board hereby finds and determines that the Agreement is consistent with the Implementation Plan adopted for the Redevdopment ProJect. Section 4. The Governing Board hereby approves the Agreement and autho~q, ze:¢ Execu:ive Director of the Agency to execute the Agreement on behalf at' d'~.e Agency. A copy the Agreement when executed by the Agency shall be placed on file in tee cffice of the Agency Secretary. Section 5. The Agency Secretary shall ce~i~3,~ to the adoptiot: of this 'YHE FOREGOING RESOLUTION IS PASSEl), APPROVED .,?~ND ADOPTED I~Y '[HE GOVERNING BOARD OF THE ANAHEIM RF, DEVELOPMENT AGENCY Tills 4 (th) DAY OF March __, 2003. Chaim~an ATTEST: .' 'i..:~ :y STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, SHERYLL SCHROEDER, Secretary of the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. ARA2003-2 was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency held on the 4th day of March 2003, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAINED: CHAIRMAN/AGENCY: CHAIRMAN/AGENCY: CHAIRMAN/AGENCY: CHAIRMAN/AGENCY: Chavez, Hemandez, McCracken, Pringle, Tait None None None SECRET,~RY OI~ THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (SEAL)