2003-031RESOLUTION NO.2003R-31
WHEREAS, Sections 34090 et seq. of the Government Code
of the State of California authorizes the destruction of certain
records, documents, instruments, books and papers (hereinafter
"records') of the city upon approval of the legislative body of
the city and with the written consent of the City Attorney,
provided that said records do not fall within certain specified
categories; and
WHEREAS, the following described records under the
charge of the Executive Director, Community Services Department
of the City of Anaheim ("custodian of records") are more than two
years old and are documents which are authorized for destruction
under the provision of said Sections 34090 et seq. of the
Government Code without making a copy thereof; and
WHEREAS, the Executive Director, Community Services
Department as custodian of records of each record described
herein, has determined that said documents are no longer needed
or required; and
WHEREAS, the City Council concurs in the determination
of the respective custodians of records and finds that said
records are no longer needed; and
WHEREAS, the City Attorney of the City of Anaheim does
by the approval of this resolution hereby give written consent
for the destruction of the listed records.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of
the City of Anaheim that the custodian of records in the
Community Services Department of the City of Anaheim be, and they
hereby are authorized to destroy immediately, in a lawful manner
and without making any copies thereof, the records under their
respective charges, as more particularly described on Exhibit A,
attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that upon destruction of the
foregoing records, a certificate of destruction shall be executed
and the original thereof filed in the office of the City Clerk
together with a copy of this resolution.
THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is ap~oved and ad~ed by the
City Council of the City of Anaheim th/ ~ 4th da~o~
MaWr-of the Ci~ofYAnaheim
C~/ty Clerk{ of ~he City of Anaheim
Exhibit A
Page 1 of 7
Destruction of Records - Community Services Department
Record Series
Retention Code Years to Destroy
Program #4101 Administration
Park & Recreation Packets/Agendas CY + 2
1975 through 2000
Program #4151 Library Administration
Armored Transport Receipts CY + 2 (offsite 3)
Attendance Statistics (staff) CY + 3
Correspondence CY + 2
Deposit Forms CY + 3 (offsite 2)
Desk Schedules CY + 2
Exception Reports CY + 3
Materials purchased,including books CY + 2 (offsite 3)
Multi-Purpose Room Schedules CY + 2
Library Grants T + 10
State Library Reports - Annual CY + 5
Time Sheets CY + 2
Volunteer Hold Harmless Forms T + 2
Web Page Emails CY + 2
January through December 1997
January through December 1999
January through December 2000
January through December 1997
January through December 2000
January through December 1999
January through December 1997
January through December 2000
January through December 1992
January through December 1997
January through December 2000
January through December 2000
January through December 2000
Program #4171 Recreation Administration
Comm Svcs Board Packets/Agendas CY + 2
Sr Citizens Comm. Packets/Agendas CY + 2
CDBG Funding Applications CY + 2
1980 through 2000
1980 through 2000
1996 through 2000
Program #4181 Parks Administration
Park Contracts-Administrative CY + 5
Correspondence CY + 2
Field and Safety Reports CY + 5
1990 through 1997
1978 through 2000
1983 through 1997
Program #4212/4213 Golf Courses
MAFIS Reports CY +
AFRAM Reports CY +
Anaheim Hills Contract Files(vendor) T +
Dad Miller Contract Files(vendor) T +
Bid Lists CY +
Anaheim Hills Invoice Files CY +
Dad Miller Invoice Files CY +
Tournament Contracts T + 1
Audit Reports A +
Utility Billings CY +
Journal Vouchers CY +
Variance Reports CY +
Revenue Statements CY +
Cart Damage Reports & Billings CY +
2 (offsite 3)
2 (offsite 3)
1986through 2000
1994through 2000
1971 through 1997
1971 through 1997
1989 through 2000
1999 through 1997
1999 through 1997
January through De cember1992
1983 through 2000
1985through 2000
1983 through 1999
1988through 2000
1993through 1999
1988 through 1999
Exhibit A
Page 2 of 7
Destruction of Records - Community Services Department
Record Series
Retention Code Years to Destroy
Program #4212/4213 Golf Courses (cont.)
Check Requests CY + 2
Petty Cash Requests CY + 2
Mileage Reimbursements CY + 2
Revenue Receipts/Deposits CY + 2
Revenue & Expense Reports CY + 2
POFF Audit A + 2
Fixed Assets CY + 2
Request for Refunds CY + 2
Armored Transport Receipts CY + 2
CAFRS Financial Reports CY + 3
Comp Time Usage Reports CY + 2
Annual Budget CY + 2
Budget Binders CY + 2
Range Audits A + 2
Budget Worksheets CY + 2
Cost Plan (Draft) CY + 2
EZGO Repair Billings/Receivers CY + 2
Deposit/Expense Adjustments CY + 2
Tournament Refunds CY + 2
Audit Files A + 2
Vendor Files T + 5
Cart Breakdown Reports CY + 3
Credit Card Statements/Invoices CY + 2
Vendor Invoices CY + 3
Golf Course Photos CY + 2
Press Releases & Newspaper Clips CY + 2
Subpeonas CY + 2
Golf Gas Reports CY + 2
Bill Log Sheets CY + 2
Advertising/Marketing Promo/Ads CY + 2
Tournament Evaluations CY + 2
Incident Reports CY + 5
Temporary Hires (Invoices/Hours) CY + 2
Purchase Orders (blanket/encumber) CY + 2
Tally Sheets CY + 2
Tee Sheets CY + 2
Tags, Tapes, Cart Slips CY + 3
Course/Range Logs CY + 2
Golf Advisory Comm. Mtg. Reports CY + 2
(offsite 3)
(offsite 3)
(offsite 3)
(offsite 2)
1986 through 2000
1991 through 2000
1989 through 2000
1989 through 2000
1988 through 2000
1988 through 2000
1988 through 2000
1986 through 2000
1996through 1997
1990 through 1999
1990 through 2000
1993 through 2000
1991 through 2000
1992 through 2000
1985 through 2000
January through December
1995 through 1997
1997 through 2000
1996 through 1997
1983 through 2000
1990 through 1997
1989 through 1999
1995 through 2000
1990 through 1997
1972 through 2000
1972 through 2000
1995 through 2000
1984 through 2000
1994 through 2000
1994 through 2000
1994 through 2000
1995 through 2000
1988 through 2000
1990 through 2000
1990 through 2000
1990through 1999
1990 through 2000
1995 through 2000
Exhibit A
Page 3 of 7
Record Series
Destruction of Records - Community Services Department
Retention Code Years to Destroy
Program #4212/4213 Golf Courses (cont.)
Fiscal Systems Review CY + 2
Staff Reports CY + 2
Complaint Reports CY + 2
Marketing Survey/Golfer Profiles CY + 3
Annual Fiscal Year Reports CY + 2
Program #4242 Parks Tree Maintenance
T.R.I.M.S. Reports
Traffic Notice Bills
Accounts Payables/Billings
CY + 2 (offsite 3)
CY + 2 (offsite 3)
Program #4272 Therapeutic Program
Program Mgmt-Therapeutic Rec CY + 5
Reports-Activity, Etc. CY + 2 (offsite 3)
Program #4273 Nature Program
Registration Forms CY + 2
Program Receipts-Oak Canyon CY + 2
Resource/Volunteer Files CY + 5
Info Facility/Prog Reservation CY + 2
Reports-Productivity Measures CY + 2
Program #4274 Sports Leagues/Facilities
Subject Files CY
Roster, League
Accounts Payable
Permits-Facility Use
Accounts Receivable
Schedules, League
CY +
CY +
2 (offsite 3)
Program #4275 Classes/Aquatics
Anaheim Public Information Inc
Contract Classes
Recreation Brochure
Tiny Tots Program
Gymnastics Program
1988 through 2000
1999 through 2000
1979 through 2000
January through December 1999
1993 through 2000
1974 through 2000
1986 through 1997
1990 through 1997
1989 through 1997
1986 through 2000
January through December 1997
January through December 1997
January through December 2000
January through December 2000
January through December 1997
January through December 2000
January through December 2000
January through December 1997
January through December 1999
January through December 2000
January through December 1997
January through December 2000
January through December 2000
January through December 2000
January through December 1997
January through December 1997
January through December 2000
January through December 1997
January through December 1997
Exhibit A
Page 4 of 7
Destruction of Records - Community Services Department
Record Series
Retention Code Years to Destroy
Program #4275 Classes/Aquatics (cont.)
Special Events CY
+ 2 (offsite 2)
Special Projects CY + 2 (offsite 2)
Meetings CY + 2
Correspondence CY + 2
Contract Class Receipts/Rosters CY (offsite 2)
Computer Programs-Information CY + 2
Case Files - Seasonal CY + 3
Receipts-Aquatics CY + 2
Reports - Accidents CY + 5
Inventory/Equipment CY + 2
Schedules-Aquatics CY + 2
Attendance Records CY + 2
January through December 1998
January through December 1998
January through December 2000
January through December 2000
January through December 2000
January through December 2000
January through December 1999
January through December 2000
January through December 1997
January through December 2000
January through December 2000
January through December 2000
Program #4277 Youth Recreation/Special Events
Youth Commission Packets/Agendas CY + 2
Contracts T + 2Y (offsite 3)
Case Files CY + 3
Youth Commission Tapes CY + 2
January through December 2000
January through December 1997
January through December 1999
January through December 2000
Program #4279 Arts & Special Services
Annual Events CY
Pearson Park Theatre Main/Ops CY + 5
Department Projects CY + 5
Community Req. Events/Support CY + 5
Community Band CY + 5
City Events CY + 5
Correspondence CY + 2
Parks & Recreation Commission CY + 2
January through December 1997
January through December 1997
January through December 1997
January through December 1997
January through December 1997
January through December 1997
January through December 2000
January through December 2000
Program #4280 Community Centers & Support
Financial Reports CY + 5
Pearson Park Theatre Sched/Events CY + 5
Show Wagon Schedule CY + 5
Attendance & Activity Reports CY + 3
Brookhurst Center Users CY + 10
Community Cntr Mgmt-Brookhurst CY + 5 (offsite 5)
Community Cntr Mgmt-Martin CY + 5 (offsite 5)
Correspondence CY + 2
Activity/Productivity Reports CY + 5
Logs (Community Centers) CY + 2
January through December 1997
January through December 1997
January through December 1997
January through December 1999
January through December 1992
January through December 1992
January through December 1992
January through December 2000
January through December 1997
January through December 2000
Exhibit A
Page 5 of 7
Record Series
Destruction of Records - Community Services Department
Retention Code Years to Destroy
Program #4280 Community Centers & Support (cont.)
Facility Cleaning Deposits CY + 2
Cash Transmittals CY + 2 (offsite 3)
Schedules - Brookhurst Center CY + 2
Schedules - Martin CY + 2
Program #4700 Capital Projects
Agreements/Contracts - Admin. T + 5Y (offsite 5)
Strategic Plans CY + 15
Capital Proj Budget/5-yr CIP CY + 5
Grants (Federal/State) CY + 10
Recreation Element-General Plan CY + 15
CEQA/NEPA Responses CY + 5
Park Design Proposals-Accepted CY + 5
Park Design Proposals-Unaccepted CY + 2
Park Subject Reports CY + 2
Program #7101 Community Centers
Community Services Bid Packets
Subject Files
CY + 2 (offsite 3)
CY+ 10
CY + 2 (offsite 3)
Program #7245 Neighborhood Centers
Agendas-Friends of G.W.C.C. CY
Agreements-G.W.C.C. Programs L + 5Y
Client Sheets CY + 2
Capital Projects CY + 5
C.D.B.G. Funding Requests CY + 2
Projects at G.W.C.C. CY + 2
Senior Day Center CY +
Correspondence - G.W.C.C. CY +
Insurance CY +
Agency Information CY +
Immigration and Naturalization CV
Youth Gang Study CY +
Invoices-G.W.C.C. Supplies CY +
G.W.C.C. Rental Receipts CY +
Cash Trans-G.W.C.C. Facility CY +
Court Referral-Sign Off CY +
(offsite 2)
2 (offsite 3)
January through December 2000
January through December 1997
January through December 2000
January through December 2000
January through December
1980through 1987
1987 through 1997
1982through 1992
1980 through 1987
1990 through 1997
1990 through 1997
1990 through 2000
1987 through 2000
January through December 1997
January through December 1992
January through December 2000
January through December 1997
January through December 1997
January through December 2000
January through December 1997
January through December 2000
January through December 1997
January through December 2000
January through December 2000
January through December 2000
January through December 2000
January through December 1992
January through December 2000
January through December 2000
January through December 1997
January through December 2000
January through December 2000
January through December 1997
January through December 2000
Exhibit A
Page 6 of 7
Record Series
Destruction of Records - Community Services Department
Retention Code Years to Destroy
Program #7245 Neighborhood Centers (cont.)
Inventories CY + 2
Facility Use Schedule-G.W.C.C. CY + 2
Monthly Reports-G.W.C.C. CY + 2
Mural Project CY + 5
Program #7278 Senior Citizen Centers
Client Information-Progress
Client Information-Medical
Grants-Admin. w/Ana. Sr. Cntr.
Rental Records-W.A.S.C.C.
Bldg Maint/WASC &Ana Sr Cntr
Senior Citizens Club Minutes
Deposits w/Anaheim Sr. Center
Volunteer Hours
January through December 2000
January through December 2000
January through December 2000
January through December 1997
CV (offsite 10) Old version offsite thru 1992
CV (offsite 10) Old version offsite thru 1992
CY + 5 (offsite 5) January through December 1992
CY + 10 January through December 1992
CY + 2 January through December 2000
CY + 2 (offsite 8) January through December 1992
CY + 5 January through December 1997
CY + 2 (offsite 3) January through December 1997
CY + 5 January through December 1997
Program #0723 Neighborhood Services
Budget Reports CY + 2
CDBG Reports/Corr./Flyers CY + 3
CDAB Meetings/Surveys CY + 3
Employee Time Report Summary CY + 2
Fixed Assets (copies) CY + 2
Gang/Drug Prevention Grant CY + 3
Health & Human Svc. Gang Prey. CY + 2
League of California Cities Conf. CY + 2
Orange County Conservation Corp CY + 2
Videos CY + 2
Generic (All Programs)
Accounting Transaction Forms CY + 3
Expense Claims CY + 2
Itineraries CY + 2
Request for Work CY + 2
Request for Checks CY + 2
Material drawn from Stock forms CY + 2
Miscellaneous Correspondence CY + 2
Purchasing/Printing Requisitions CY + 2
Request for Delivery Forms CY + 3
Resource Allocation Plan (submitted)CY + 3
Resource Allocation Plan WorkpaperCY + 3
Staff Reports to City Council CY + 2
1992 through 2000
1995 through 1999
1998 through 1999
1999 through 2000
1999 through 2000
1993 through 1999
1993 through 2000
1992 through 2000
1994 through 2000
1990through 2000
January through December 1999
1996 through 2000
January through December 2000
1991 through 2000
1995 through 2000
January through December 2000
1978 through 2000
1995 through 2000
January through December 1999
January through December 1999
January through December 1999
1991 through 2000
Exhibit A
Page 7 of 7
Destruction of Records - Community Services Department
Record Series
Retention Code Years to Destroy
Generic (All Programs)(cont.)
Telephone Usage Reports
Telephone Message Logs
Staff Meeting Minutes
Meeting Tapes
Organization Charts/Goals & Obj
Payroll Reports/Timesheets
Personnel Files
1995 through 2000
1996 through 2000
1995 through 1999
1994 through 2000
1995 through 1999
January through December 2000
1987 through 2000
1987 through 1997
The above records are no longer needed in the normal course of business and
timing of destruction is in accordance with the adopted retention schedule for the
Community Services Department, and there are no extraordinary events, such as
litigation, to cause them to be removed from the destruction cycle.
Christopher K. Jlarvi, Direcl~r )
Community Services Departh~Znt
I, SHERYLL SCHROEDER, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing
Resolution No. 2003R-31 was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting provided by law, of
the Anaheim City Council held on the 4th day of March, 2003, by the following vote of the
members thereof:
MAYOR/COUNCIL MEMBERS: Chavez, Hemandez, McCracken, Pringle, Tait