AHA-2016/09/27ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 27, 2016 The Anaheim Housing Authority regular meeting was called to order at 5:36 P.M. in City Council Chambers located at 200 S. Anaheim Blvd. for a joint public comment session with the Anaheim City Council. The meeting notice, agenda and related materials were duly posted on September 23, 2016. PRESENT: Chairman Tom Tait and Authority Members: Lucille Kring, Kris Murray, Jordan Brandman, and James Vanderbilt. STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Paul Emery, Acting City Attorney Kristin Pelletier and Secretary Linda Andal. ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA: Secretary Linda Andal reported Item No. 2 were meeting minutes of the Anaheim Public Financing Authority, not the Anaheim Housing Authority, and was therefore being removed from the agenda. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Jodie Mosley expressed her support for Item Nos. 1, 15, 16, and 25 to help West Anaheim and requested the return of the farmers' market to Twila Reid Park under new management. Jongsok Lee stated his concerns with the Beach Boulevard Specific Plan specifically as it related to his East West Shopping Center on Beach Blvd. and the lack of police presence. Chairman Tait requested the City Manager follow up with Mr. Lee to address his concerns and Authority Member Brandman recommended Mr. Lee speak further during the public hearing. CONSENT CALENDAR: At 6:50 P.M., the consent calendar was considered. AGR- 1. Approve and authorize the Anaheim Housing Authority's Executive Director to execute 10255 and administer an Agreement for the Sale of Property and Joint Escrow Instructions, in substantial form, with Evergreen Capital Assets, LLC, in the amount of $13,000,000, for the property located at 130 South Beach Boulevard for a mixed use development of the West Anaheim intersection of Beach Boulevard and Lincoln Avenue. City Manager Paul Emery announced Item No. 1 on the Housing Authority agenda and Item Nos. 15, 16, and 25 on the City Council agenda were all related to the west Anaheim area surrounding Beach Boulevard and an overview would be provided to show the inter- relationships and steps being taken in the overall project. Assistant City Manager Kristine Ridge announced all four items were in response to Council's leadership and direction and a specific request by Council Member Murray to address the quality of life and other issues on Beach Boulevard. She explained these items together made up the City's comprehensive strategy to revitalize Beach Blvd. and sought to bring new shopping, dining, homes, and community gathering places to Beach Boulevard and to address Anaheim Housing Authority Minutes of September 27, 2016 Page 2 of 3 blight and commercial uses that were no longer viable. Specifically, staff is seeking authorization to sell city -owned land for development as a shopping center, to acquire land for future development as homes with some retail, offer flexible development standards and economic assistance, and brand the area as Highway 39. Ms. Ridge explained Item No. 1 under the Housing Authority was the proposed acquisition of 3.6 acres along Beach Boulevard, south of Lincoln Avenue, for approximately $13 million for future sale and development as housing with some retail, including an affordable housing component. This acquisition and development would replace three existing uses: a 44 -room motel serving mostly sober -living residents, a car -wash, and a gas station. This land purchase would be combined with an existing 1.9 acres of land already owned by the Housing Authority to the south, adjacent to the West Anaheim Youth Center. She continued that the second related item, Item No. 15, seeks authorization for staff to begin conversations with the County of Orange, school districts, and other applicable taxing agencies to secure a greater funding source to the benefit of all parties. Ms. Ridge announced Item No. 16 is a resolution that sets forth an Economic Assistance Toolkit to assist the private sector interested in partnering with the city to revitalize Beach Blvd. She reported the toolkit included deferred developer fees, a waiver of developer fees, flexible development standards, commercial rehabilitation loans, and an Ombudsman to serve as a contact for the development community. She explained the final item in this program, via a public hearing, was the proposed sale of 25 acres of city -owned land at Beach Blvd. and Lincoln Ave. for the development as a shopping center. Ms. Ridge announced this was a long-term project with Zelman Company who plans to develop a 250,000 square foot shopping center with large retailers, a Main Street -style paseo, restaurants, outdoor dining, shops, plazas, public art, and other community gathering places. She concluded her presentation by mentioning the Beach Blvd. Specific Plan which would be presented to Council for final approval. Authority Member Murray thanked staff for their collaborative efforts with the residents in West Anaheim. She added the comprehensive package would provide an opportunity to transform west Anaheim in similar fashion as the Resort District, Downtown, Packing District, and Center City by bringing back family, culture, and entertainment and looked forward to the next steps in implementing the program. Vice Chair Kring thanked the Zelman Company for remaining committed to the City since the 1990s and thanked west Anaheim residents for their patience as the remediation on the property was completed. In response to Chairman Tait, Mr. Woodhead confirmed the four smaller parcels being purchased for consolidation were acquired through negotiated purchases with willing sellers as the City does not have the power of eminent domain and the proposed mixed-use project noted in the Specific Plan would include an affordable housing component. He continued that having commercial retail on the other corner would help meet the needs identified through the specific plan process. Additionally, he stated the process of acquiring properties began around 1998 and had been ongoing. Authority Member Vanderbilt voiced his hope that parking issues would be considered to ensure the quality of life in neighborhoods with Mr. Woodhead advising that the City could contractually obligate them to provide a different amount of parking. Anaheim Housing Authority Minutes of September 27, 2016 Page 3 of 3 MOTION: Authority Member Murray moved to approve Item No. 1 as presented, seconded by Vice Chair Kring. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES — 5 (Chairman Tait and Authority Members: Kring, Murray, Brandman, and Vanderbilt). Motion Carried. 2. Approve minutes of Public Financing Authority meeting of August 9, 2016. Item No. 2 removed from the agenda. No action taken by the Authority. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, Chairman Tait adjourned the meeting of the Anaheim Housing Authority at 7:08 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Linda N. Andal, CMC Secretary, Anaheim Housing Authority