1997/06/03 (2)CITY OF ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA - CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING, JUNE 3, 1997 The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in special session. PRESENT: MAYOR: Tom Daly PRESENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Shirley McCracken, Tom Tait, Bob Zemel, Lou Lopez ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None PRESENT: CITY MANAGER: James Ruth CITY ATTORNEY: Jack White ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER: Dave Morgan DEPUTY CITY MANAGER: Tom Wood ASSISTANT CITY CLERK: Ann M. Sauvageau FINANCE DIRECTOR: Bill Sweeney SR. ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY: Mark Logan CITY TREASURER; Charlene Jung A complete copy of the agenda for the special meeting of the Anaheim City Council was posted at 2:00 p.m. on May 30, 1997 at the Civic Center Kiosk containing all items as shown herein. Mayor Daly called the Special Meeting of June 3, 1997 to order at 2:09 P.M. for the purpose of a Budget Workshop on the proposed 1997/98 City Budget. 106: PUBLIC HEARING - CITY BUDGET: To consider the proposed 1997/98 Budget Plan. FISCAL YEAR 1997/98 DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET WORKSHOP: City Manager, James Ruth. This is a Public Hearing to review and adopt the City's 1997/98 Budget pursuant to City Charter Sections 1202, 1203 and 1204. The City Council has been provided the proposed budget document which has been available since May 6, 1997 for public inspection. Following today's presentations and public input, the hearing will be continued to Tuesday, June 10, 1997 at 2:00 P.M. and may, at Council's discretion, be continued to subsequent dates but prior to July 1, 1997, and still meet Charter requirements. He is pleased to present the proposed FYI 997/98 Budget for consideration and to have concurrence on the FYI 998/99 Budget which will be presented in June of 1998. The City's five-year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) is a companion document to the Budget Document. He then briefed portions of his transmittal letter to the Council dated May 6, 1997 contained in the City of Anaheim Budget Document - Annual Budget 1997/98-1998/99 (pages 4 through 7). For the second consecutive year, the Budget is a balanced one without the requirement to use one-time monies or General Fund reserves. The proposed Budget is built upon the five goals which were shared with the Council at the mid -year Budget Workshop held in January -- 1) Ensure Public Safety, 2) Build the Economy, 3) Enhance Neighborhoods, 4) Maximize Assets, 5) Maintain Infrastructure. The emphasis continues to be on safety and to that end, safety services to the community were increased by adding 49 Police Officer positions since FY90/91 to a total currently of 389. The Budget also emphasizes enhancing and protecting neighborhoods through a number of programs which he briefed. To that end, he is proposing new positions in Community Planning, Code Enforcement and Community Services. The proposed City Budget for FYI 997/98 totals $670,707,612 which represents an increase of $14,227,732 or approximately 2.2% over the adopted/adjusted budget. The proposed General Fund budget for FY1997/98 totals $141,551,856 which represents an increase of $2,717,680 or about 2.0% over the FYI 996/97 adopted/adjusted budget. He also briefed the Anaheim Resort Area Improvements, CITY OF ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA - COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 3, 1997 Anaheim Stadium Renovation, Sportstown, the Downtown Community Center, Anaheim Plaza and the City's Economic Development Strategy. In concluding, he stated the proposed budget is an aggressive one. However, the City still faces the challenge of sustaining high-quality public services while limiting expenditure growth. He believes with informed citizen comments, City Council direction and the ongoing efforts of dedicated employees, Anaheim's future will be bright. Mr. Ruth then stated it is appropriate now to beging the Budget presentations with the Finance Director, Mr. Bill Sweeney. Bill Sweeney, Finance Director. He gave a general overview of the Budget in terms of all the funds and the funding for the discretionary programs. His presentation was supplemented by slides. (See pages 12 through 28 of the Budget document containing the information briefed by Mr. Sweeney which covered Total City Revenue and Expenditures by Fund, Full -Time Funded Position Comparisons, General Fund Revenue and Expenditures, General Fund Revenue Assumptions, etc.) During his presentation, Mr. Sweeney also answered questions posed by Council Members. In summary, he stated that key revenues are up, no reserves or one-time monies are being used, there is no reduction in services, there is a newly -created Neighborhood Improvement Fund, and there is continuing funding for youth and library programs. is City Manager Ruth then introduced each department's budget presentation giving its location in the Budget Document. The following Department Heads then gave an overview of their department's proposed budget, some explaining their plans and objectives for the coming year and accomplishments in the past Fiscal Year. Questions were also posed by Council Members during or at the conclusion of some presentations which were answered by the Department Head or appropriate staff: (The majority of the presentations were supplemented by slides.) Mayor Daly. He will be leaving the Council Chamber for a brief time. He turned the meeting over to Mayor Pro Tem Lopez (2:35 p.m.). Dave Morgan, Assistant City Manager. He first gave an overview of the City Council Budget, Page 29 of the Budget Document, and subsequently the Administration budget consisting of the City Manager's Office, Audit Division, Intergovernmental Relations/Public Affairs, Resort Area, Public Information, Risk Management and Fleet and Facility Maintenance - Pages 30-33 in the Budget Document. Mayor Daly entered the Council Chamber (2:47 p.m.). At the conclusion of his presentation, Mr. Morgan, Tom Wood, Deputy City Manager and Bill Sweeney, Finance Director answered questions posed relative to the privatization of the Stadium, Convention Center issues, status of the Information Services Division and the addition of the Intergovernmental Relations position; Council Member Tait posed questions relative to the actual current employee count. At the conclusion of discussion, Mr. Sweeney stated that staff will be happy to provide a schedule that charts out the employee count showing where the increases and decreases have occurred. Council Member Tait asked when that is done, that it be for the last two years. Ann Sauvageau, Assistant City Clerk - City Clerk's Office - Budget Document, Pages 36 and 37. Chariene Jung, City Treasurer - City Treasurer's Office - Budget Document, Pages 38 and 39. Jack White, City Attorney - City Attorney's Office - Budget Document, Pages 34 and 35. During his presentation, he noted that the budget represents a slight decrease from the current year even though this year they added two additional Prosecutors and a Redevelopment Attorney to staff without any increase in the budget. Those positions were funded entirely by a combination of grant funds and savings in outside Counsel legal costs. The proposed budget includes one additional litigator and a 2 CITY OF ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA - COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 3, 1997 secretarial position in the Civil Division for the coming year which will result in additional savings in outside legal costs and will be funded entirely from those savings. Council Member Lopez. Relative to the identification of criminal aliens, he knows that program has been in place for some time. He asked if it has resulted in a drop in the crime rate or the type of crimes, i.e., is the program making an impact. Mark Logan, Sr. Assistant City Attomey-Prosecution. It is a very positive program. It identifies those individuals that are illegal and provides that information to the court for either setting bail or for sentencing purposes. There are some cases where the Police Department actually picks up the individuals at the end of the court session who are being released and transports them back to the Police Department. They are then turned over to INS Officers who transfer them to Federal facilities for deportation. There are a substantial number of people sentenced to the Orange County Jail who have INS holds placed on them. After their sentence is served, they are released to INS who then takes them to a Federal facility for deportation proceedings at North Court. Judges seem to be pleased with the information they receive. • ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Daly moved to adjourn the Special Meeting of June 3, 1997. Council Member McCracken seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. (3:20 P.M.) (See continuation of the Budget Workshop - Regular Meeting of June 3, 1997 which was convened at 3:20 P.M.). ANN M. SAUVAGEAU ASSISTANT CITY CLERK • M