Cultural and Heritage 2017/05/18MINUTES
Downtown Anaheim Community Center, 250 Center St., Anaheim, CA 92805
Rida Hamida, Chair
Brian Chuchua, Vice Chair
Patricia Adelekan
Juan Alvarez
Julie Brunette
Mark Daniels
Claire Pettibone
May 18, 2017
Brent Dennis, Director
Audrey Lujan, City Librarian
Sjany Larson -Cash, Community Services Manager
Janis Heckel, Community Services Superintendent
Eleanor Granflor, Senior Secretary
1. CALL TO ORDER: Vice Chair Hamida called the meeting of the Cultural and Heritage Commission to order
at 6:38 p.m.
2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Vice Chair Hamida.
3. UNSCHEDULED PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: Lila Khan presented information on a library project she is
working on in Orange and Los Angeles counties to increase cultural awareness about the Muslim holiday,
Ramadan. Lila shared a display kit that was designed to educate the community about Ramadan.
a) Election of Chair and Vice Chair: Commissioner Alvarez made a motion to nominate Vice Chair Hamida
for Chair, seconded by Commissioner Daniels. Commissioner Adelekan made a motion to nominate
Commissioner Chuchua for Chair, seconded by Commissioner Pettibone. A vote was taken and Vice
Chair Hamida was elected Chair with the majority vote from Commissioner Daniels, Hamida, Alvarez and
Commissioner Daniels made a motion to nominate Commissioner Chuchua for Vice Chair, seconded by
Commissioner Adelekan. Chair Hamida made a motion to nominate Commissioner Alvarez for Vice
Chair. A vote was taken and Commissioner Chuchua was elected Vice Chair with the majority vote from
Commissioner Daniels, Pettibone, Adelekan and Chuchua.
5. CORRESPONDENCE: Chair Hamida shared the Anaheim Art Association May newsletter with the
6. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Commissioner Alvarez made a motion to approve the April 20, 2017
meeting minutes; Commissioner Daniels seconded the motion. Commissioner Adelekan questioned how the
contents of the minutes are decided. Brent Dennis stated the minutes capture all action items and any
discussion related to the action item. Commissioner Adelekan requested for the minutes to be amended with
the following:
• Amend the Information Items for Commissioner Adelekan's section of the minutes to add:
"Commissioner Adelekan presented demographic information of the cultural composition of the people
who live in Anaheim taken from the 2010 Decennial Census and the American Community Survey
responses between 2006 and 2015. The information shared was collated by City staff, Jane Newell,
Heritage Services Manager of the Community Services Department, and Charles Guiam, Assistant
Planner of the Planning and Building Department."
Commissioner Alvarez made a motion to approve the minutes as amended, seconded by Chair Hamida.
Commissioner Adelekan requested for the minutes to be tabled to next month's meeting for approval.
Commissioners Daniels, Commissioner Pettibone, Commissioner Alvarez and Chair Hamida all rescinded
their previous motions. Chair Hamida made a motion to table the approval of the minutes to next month,
seconded by Commissioner Daniels. Motion was approved, vote was unanimous.
7. NEW BUSINESS (continued):
b) Cultural Event: Commissioner Adelekan proposed a multi -cultural event where people can learn about a
variety of cultures. Clothing, artwork, dances, fashion shows, etc. can all be included at this event. Chair
Cultural and Heritage Commission
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Hamida recommended an international festival. Commissioner Adelekan suggested the event be held at
Brookhurst Community Center or Pearson Park. Vice Chair Chuchua suggested a festival where different
cultures are represented, similar to the Taste of Anaheim. Commissioner Adelekan stated the
Convention Center may be another possible location as recommended by Brent Dennis. Brent Dennis
clarified that his comment was that the Convention Center had an opening on their calendar for a possible
event that would benefit the community, such as a "Children's Kindness Festival" or the alternate
possibility of a cultural event. Brent Dennis recommended the Commission form a sub -committee for a
multi -cultural event. Commissioner Adelekan made a motion to create a sub -committee called "Multi -
Cultural Event" comprised of Chair Hamida, Commissioner Adelekan, and Commissioner Alvarez,
seconded by Chair Hamida. Motion approved, vote was unanimous.
a) Arts Council Meetings: Chair Hamida reported the next Anaheim Arts Council meeting will be on June 1 st
at the Downtown Anaheim Community Center. Chair Hamida invited a Commissioner to attend the
meeting and report at the next Commission meeting. Vice Chair Chuchua volunteered to attend the next
Anaheim Arts Council meeting.
b) Public Art Projects: Janis Heckel shared information on the plaque installation at the grand staircase at
ARTIC and the restoration of the Citrus Park murals.
a) Center Gallery: Commissioner Adelekan stated the artists that are exhibited in the Center Gallery are not
all Anaheim residents and recommended more outreach to residents. Chair Hamida stated the sub-
committee chooses the exhibits that will be displayed in the Center Gallery. Commissioner Daniels
suggested that an exhibit featuring art of Anaheim school children could be displayed. Janis Heckel
provided information on the current process that includes the sub -committee reviewing applications and
making recommendations to the entire commission for approval. Currently the Gallery is scheduled
through December of 2017.
b) Murals: Chair Hamida recommended incorporating the Murals and Art in Public Places sub -committees
Commissioner Alvarez recommended information on the duties of the sub -committees be provided to the
Commission. Commissioner Adelekan requested information regarding the prior exhibits and the type of art
displayed in the Center Gallery be shared with the Commission. Sjany Larson -Cash clarified that each sub-
committee can have a maximum of three (3) Commissioners. Commissioner Pettibone asked if the research
of previous Commissioners can be requested to continue their ideas and work. Brent Dennis stated current
Commissioners can reach out to previous Commissioners.
Chair Hamida stated the selection of sub -committee members for Center Gallery and Murals and Art in Public
Places will be tabled to the next Commission meeting.
10. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: Chair Hamida made a motion to limit informational items to three (3) minutes per
Commissioner, seconded by Commissioner Pettibone. Motion approved, vote was unanimous.
Janis Heckel invited the Commission to the Children's Arts Festival on May 20th at Pearson Park.
Brent Dennis shared that the Planning for Parks Survey asks a question regarding art in parks.
11. ADJOURNMENT: Chair Hamida adjourned the meeting at 7:47 p.m.
NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be held on Thursday, June 15, 2017 at 6:30 p.m. at the Downtown
Anaheim Community Center, 250 Center St., Anaheim CA 92805.