AA 10 16 2017 Anaheim Planning Commission Action Agenda October 16, 2017 Anaheim City Hall, Council Chambers 200 S. Anaheim Boulevard, Anaheim, CA 92805 Commissioners Present: Chairperson: Bill Dalati Chairperson Pro-Tempore: Michelle Lieberman John Armstrong, Kimberly Keys, Steve White Commissioners Absent: Jess Carbajal, John Gillespie Staff Present: David Belmer, Planning and Building Director Mike Eskander, Principal Civil Engineer David See, Acting Planning Services Manager Rafael Cobian, Principal Traffic Engineer Leonie Mulvihill, Deputy City Attorney IV Raul Garcia, Development Services Manager Susan Kim, Principal Planner Shawn Azarhoosh, Associate Engineer Scott Koehm, Senior Planner Kevin Clausen, Planner Nick Taylor, Associate Planner Michele Irwin, Senior Police Services Representative Wayne Carvalho, Contract Planner Sylvia Frias, Code Enforcement Supervisor Lindsay Ortega, Contract Planner Eleanor Morris, Secretary Agenda Posting: A complete copy of the Planning Commission Agenda was posted at 1:45 p.m. on Wednesday, October 11, 2017, inside the display case located in the foyer of the Council Chamber and in the outside display kiosk. Published: Anaheim Bulletin Newspaper on Thursday, October 5, 2017  Call to Order – 5:00 p.m. Chairperson Dalati presented the 10-day appeal rights for all public hearing items. The appeal period for the public hearing items end on Thursday, October 26, 2017.  Audience Attendance: 40  Pledge of Allegiance by Commissioner White  Public Comments  Consent Calendar  Public Hearing Items  Commission Updates  Discussion  Adjournment OCTOBER 16, 2017 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA 10-16-2017 Page 2 of 6 Public Comments: None Consent Calendar Item No. 1A: Commissioner Keys offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner White and MOTION CARRIED (Commissioners Carbajal and Gillespie were absent), for approval of Consent Calendar Item No. 1A as recommended by staff. UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED Consent Calendar Item No. 1B: Commissioner Lieberman offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner White and MOTION CARRIED (Commissioners Carbajal and Gillespie were absent), for approval of Consent Calendar Item No. 1B as recommended by staff. UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED Reports and Recommendations ITEM NO. 1A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2016-05879 VARIANCE NO. 2016-05073 (DEV2016-00058) Location: 1330 West Pearl Street Request: The applicant requests a one-year compliance review of a conditional use permit and variance to permit a group care facility within an existing apartment complex with less parking spaces than required by the Zoning Code (Anaheim Lighthouse). Environmental Determination: The Planning Commission will consider whether to find the project to be Categorically Exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, Section 15301, Class 1 (Existing Facilities). Approved a one-year compliance review for the Conditional Use Permit and Variance, and approved staff’s recommendation to require an additional six-month review. Project Planner: Lindsay Ortega lortega@anaheim.net ITEM NO. 1B CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2016-05860A (DEV2016-00015) Location: 2200–2210 East Orangewood Avenue Request: The applicant requests to revise previously- approved exhibits for a brew pub to allow the project to be developed in two phases (Golden Road Brewery). Environmental Determination: The Planning Commission will consider whether to find the project to be Categorically Exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, Section 15332, Class 32 (In- Fill Development Projects). Approved the applicant’s request to revise the previously-approved exhibits for the Conditional Use Permit, and approved staff’s recommendation to allow the project to be completed in two phases, and that the second phase of improvements are to be completed prior to issuance of final certificates of occupancy. Project Planner: Scott Koehm skoehm@anaheim.net OCTOBER 16, 2017 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA 10-16-2017 Page 3 of 6 Public Hearing Items: ITEM NO. 2 ZONING CODE AMENDMENT NO. 2017-00141 (DEV2017-00097) Location: Citywide Request: A City-initiated amendment to Title 18 (Zoning) of the Anaheim Municipal Code modifying Chapters 18.04 (Single-Family Residential Zones); 18.06 (Multiple-Family Residential Zones); 18.08 (Commercial Zones); 18.10 (Industrial Zones); 18.14 (Public and Special-Purpose Zones); 18.16 (Regulatory Permits); 18.20 (Platinum Triangle Mixed Use (PTMU) Overlay Zone); 18.24 (South Anaheim Boulevard Corridor (SABC) Overlay Zone); 18.36 (Types of Uses); 18.38 (Supplemental Use Regulations); 18.42 (Parking and Loading); 18.44 (Signs); 18.46 (Landscaping and Screening); 18.52 (Density Bonuses); 18.62 (Administrative Reviews); 18.92 (Definitions); 18.114 (Disneyland Resort Specific Plan No. 92-1 (SP 92-1)); and 18.120 (Anaheim Canyon Specific Plan No. 2015-1 (SP 2015-1)) to provide clarity, create consistency of terms and definitions, streamline approval processes and amend development standards to reflect current market trends. Environmental Determination: The Planning Commission will consider whether to find the project to be Categorically Exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, Section 15060(c)(2). Approved request for continuance to October 30, 2017 (Lieberman / Keys) VOTE: 5-0 Chairperson Dalati and Commissioners Armstrong, Keys, Lieberman and White voted yes. Commissioners Carbajal and Gillespie were absent. Project Planner: Gustavo Gonzalez ggonzalez@anaheim.net OPPOSITION: None DISCUSSION TIME: This item was not discussed. OCTOBER 16, 2017 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA 10-16-2017 Page 4 of 6 ITEM NO. 3 RECLASSIFICATION NO. 2017-00307 TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 2017-128 (DEV2017-00048) Location: 645 South Magnolia Avenue Request: The following land use entitlements are being requested: (1) reclassification of the subject property from the T (Transition) zone to the RS-3 (Single Family Residential) zone; and, (2) a tentative parcel map to subdivide the property into three parcels for conveyance purposes. Environmental Determination: The Planning Commission will consider whether to find the project to be Categorically Exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, Section 15315, Class 15 (Minor Land Divisions). Resolution No. PC2017-070 Resolution No. PC2017-071 (Lieberman / Armstrong) Approved VOTE: 5-0 Chairperson Dalati and Commissioners Armstrong, Keys, Lieberman and White voted yes. Commissioners Carbajal and Gillespie were absent. Project Planner: Wayne Carvalho wcarvalho@anaheim.net OPPOSITION: A person spoke expressing concerns related to the existing parking impacts in the area. Staff noted that two phone calls were received from the public; one phone call was for a clarification of the request, and the second phone call related to their opposition to the request due to existing parking impacts. DISCUSSION TIME: 15 minutes (5:15 to 5:30 p.m.) OCTOBER 16, 2017 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA 10-16-2017 Page 5 of 6 ITEM NO. 4 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2017-05905 VARIANCE NO. 2017-05096 (DEV2017-00012) Location: 4421 East La Palma Avenue Request: The following land use entitlements are being requested: (i) a conditional use permit to permit and retain an existing live auction facility for arcade games, a community meeting facility within an existing industrial building, and off-site parking on an adjacent property; and (ii) a variance to permit less parking spaces than required by the Zoning Code (Captain’s Auction Warehouse). Environmental Determination: The Planning Commission will consider whether to find the project to be Categorically Exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, Section 15301, Class 1 (Existing Facilities). Resolution No. PC2017-072 (Lieberman / White) Approved VOTE: 5-0 Chairperson Dalati and Commissioners Armstrong, Keys, Lieberman and White voted yes. Commissioners Carbajal and Gillespie were absent. Project Planner: Lindsay Ortega lortega@anaheim.net OPPOSITION: None DISCUSSION TIME: 8 minutes (5:31 to 5:39 p.m.) OCTOBER 16, 2017 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA 10-16-2017 Page 6 of 6 ITEM NO. 5 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2017-05910 VARIANCE NO. 2017-05095* (DEV2017-00026) Location: 549-555 South Anaheim Boulevard Request: The following land use entitlements are being requested: (i) a conditional use permit to permit a brewery and tasting room, full and quick service-restaurants and a coffee shop with the sale and on-site consumption of alcoholic beverages, repurposed shipping containers to accommodate retail and dining space, a garden area with outdoor dining, a pool, and off-site parking; and, (ii) a variance to allow reduced street and interior setbacks and less parking spaces than required by the Zoning Code. (Modern Times Brewery). Environmental Determination: The Planning Commission will consider whether to find the project to be Categorically Exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, Section 15332, Class 32 (In-Fill Development Projects). *Subsequent to advertising the request, the variance for wall or fence height and materials not allowed by the Code was withdrawn by the applicant. Resolution No. PC2017-073 (Keys / Lieberman) Approved, modified Condition No. 35 relating to the hours of operation for the outdoor patio and pool area. VOTE: 3-2 Chairperson Dalati and Commissioners Keys and Lieberman voted yes. Commissioners Armstrong and White voted no. Commissioners Carbajal and Gillespie were absent. Project Planner: Nick Taylor njtaylor@anaheim.net OPPOSITION: None IN GENERAL: Two persons spoke expressing some concerns regarding parking, traffic, noise, and wall height, but also expressed a general support of the project. IN SUPPORT: Two persons spoke expressing support of the project. Fourteen pieces of written correspondence were received expressing support of the project. DISCUSSION TIME: 2 hours and 34 minutes (5:40 to 8:14 p.m.) MEETING ADJOURNED AT 8:15 P.M. TO MONDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2017 AT 5:00 P.M.