Golf 2006/03/23GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES March 23, 2006 - 5:00 p.m. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Wright Vice -Chairman Schultz Commissioner Gaby Commissioner Kresal Commissioner McCulloch CITY STAFF PRESENT: Michael Lautenbach, Bob Johns, Dave Johansen, and Gail Barruga VALLEYCREST: Kevin Neal, Golf Course Superintendent CALL TO ORDER Chairman Wright called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. PUBLIC COMMENT None. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Vice Chairman Schultz made a Motion, seconded by Commissioner McCulloch, to accept the Golf Commission Meeting Minutes of February 23, 2006. Motion passed. ACTIVITY REPORTS A. Golf Manager Michael Lautenbach provided the Commissioners a copy of the new resident card and rewards program brochures. Michael stated the brochures will be displayed at the golf courses and provided information on the rewards program. Michael Lautenbach reported the new GPS system will be finished with installation within a day. The new company made an agreement with the former company to uninstall their equipment and then install the new system. The new system has been received favorably. The Player Assistants can use the system to see where the slow groups are on the course instead of waiting for someone to call the Golf Shop. Chairman Wright asked about the five year extension with the food and beverage concessionaire at Dad Miller particularly what percentage does the City receive. Michael Lautenbach provided an update on this agreement with Tina Stenning, ASM Enterprises, Inc. Ms. Stenning has had the contract for the past 15 years, has a very good customer base, works well with the City, and is a very good concessionaire. The City receives 5% of the revenue up to $400,000; and a graduated percentage on higher revenue amounts. B. Golf Course Superintendent Dave Johansen reported in addition to the monthly report, the greens were aerified at both courses during the past month. Tree trimming is in process at Anaheim Hills. Kevin Neal reported the cart path only signs were installed at #4 and #6. GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES March 23, 2006 - 5:00 p.m. Page 2 of 2 pages C. Director of Golf Bob Johns stated the city tournament registrations were slower than last year. FINANCIAL REPORT A. February Financial Summaries Michael Lautenbach reviewed the financial reports with the Commission. Chairman Wright asked if the restaurant revenues were for both courses as she thought with Valentines Day the figures would be higher. Michael Lautenbach stated the figures are $24,000 higher than projected. Michael stated historically February is the lowest month for banquets and weddings than any other month during the year, December is highest month. Currently, total revenue currently is $200,000 higher than last year, at this projection rate the courses could reach $3 million dollars. OLD BUSINESS A. Golf Car Specification Comments Michael Lautenbach reported he continues to meet with Purchasing staff on the development of the golf car specifications. Michael stated when the specifications are available he would email them to the Commissioners for their comments. He expects to have the bids mailed by early April. B. Golf Commission Outings Michael Lautenbach asked the Commissioners for two dates for outings during the year. The Commissioners agreed to an outing for the June meeting at Dad Miller and in October at Anaheim Hills. NEW BUSINESS A. FY2006/2007 Golf Operations Budget Michael Lautenbach stated the information regarding Golf Operations proposed budget is included for review by the Commissioners. Michael Lautenbach stated there are no major changes, some minor accounting changes, such as there no longer is a tournament fee nor a separate GPS fee, as it is included in the green fee and will no longer be tracked separately. Commissioner Gaby asked what the $20,000 small capital outlay was used for. Michael Lautenbach stated it is $10,000 per course. At Dad Miller it was used this year for the termite tent at Dad Miller. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Gaby made a Motion, seconded by Commissioner Kresal to adjourn the meeting to April 27, 2006, in the Conference Room #1 at 5:00 p.m. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 5:35 p.m.