January 26, 2006 — 5:00 p.m.
Chairman Wright
Vice -Chairman Schultz
Commissioner Gaby
Commissioner Kresal
Commissioner McCulloch
Michael Lautenbach, Bob Johns, Dave Johansen, and Gail Barruga
No representative
Chairman Wright called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.
There were no comments.
Vice Chairman Schultz made a Motion, seconded by Commissioner Gaby, to accept the Golf
Commission Meeting Minutes of December 1, 2005. Motion passed.
A. Golf Manager
Michael Lautenbach confirmed all the Commissioners received their invitation to the Tiger Woods
Learning Center dedication on February 10th. Golf staff has met with the Police Department, Traffic
Control, Fire Department and Public Works to insure a smooth event. Special guests will include
California's First Lady, Maria Shriver and former President Clinton. Approximately 500 will be in
attendance for the event. Michael stated Dad Miller Golf Course will be closed from 9:00 a.m. to
3:30 p.m.
Michael Lautenbach stated on February 6th the Conservation Corp will begin work on various
projects at Anaheim Hills. The Corps should be able to complete the first three projects within a
month. Funds to pay for this work are through a grant which will expire in June.
Michael Lautenbach reported on the status of the GPS bid. The apparent low bidder failed to meet
certain financial requirements of the City. Purchasing has sent the two remaining qualified
companies, Uplink and Parview, a bid for purchase prices of their system. Vice -Chairman Schultz
asked where the funds are coming from to pay for this new system. Michael Lautenbach stated
funds will come from a small interest loan from the City and will be repaid by Golf Operations
through the $2.00 increase in the GPS fee. Although staff will request approval of this agreement in
March, it has been determined that the cart lease will be expiring in June 2006. An evaluation will
be made as to whether or not to hold off until a new cart lease is approved before installing a new
GPS system.
Golf Commission Minutes
January 26, 2006
Page Two
Vice -Chairman Schultz asked about the status of the current golf cart fleet. Michael stated at the
Hills the batteries do not last as long as they should. At Dad Miller the carts are in good condition
primarily due to the flat course.
Michael Lautenbach stated the Demo Day scheduled at Dad Miller on February 4`" begins at 10:00
a. m.
B. Golf Course Superintendent
Dave Johansen reported in addition to items stated in the monthly report there was very little clean
up from the recent Santa Ana winds and no loss of trees at either course. Dave reported there has
only been a few days of frost this year. Bob Johns stated he appreciates the maintenance practices
of ValleyCrest on mornings when there is frost in getting the course ready to open as opposed to
past city practices and those at some courses who will shut down until late morning hours.
C. Director of Golf
Bob Johns reported one of his employees has resigned and will be working with the Tiger Woods
Learning Center in charge of the recreation program.
Vice -Chairman Schultz asked how long it took the tee -time computer system to get back up on line,
because it seemed the first response was unacceptable. Bob Johns stated the system did go down
about 10:30 a.m. Saturday and was back up on Sunday about 3:00 p.m. The golf shop ran the
system off line for the duration and all the information has been entered.
A. November/December Financial Summaries
Michael Lautenbach reviewed the financial reports with the Commission, stating all areas are up as
compared to a year ago. The only category where there are no final numbers is for the food and
beverage category.
A. Dad Miller Yardaae Markers
Michael Lautenbach reported during a recent course inspection the markers were in place. There
are some holes that have none due to constant vandalism of the markers. Dave Johansen stated
across each fairway, starting at the 225 yardage there are three markers, in the middle of the fairway
and on the edges, again at 200, 175 150, 125, 100 and 75 yards.
Golf Commission Minutes
January 26, 2006
Page Three
B. Commissions Priority List
Chairman Wright stated the Commission does not feel that their letter regarding improvements
needed at both golf courses has been satisfactorily responded to from the city. Vice -Chairman
Schultz stated he had a conversation with the City Manager who stated he was reviewing a list of
issues regarding the golf courses. Vice -Chairman Shultz stated that it was probably the
Commission's priority list. Where the Commission doesn't get a good feeling for, is where (the list)
fits into the workings of the city. What is that status of the sale of the parcels whose revenue would
be used to upgrade maintenance at the courses? The Commission continues to feel the courses
are not producing what they are capable of because there is a lack of maintenance improvement.
The greens are exceptional, but the fairways and rough are showing their age. Chairman Wright
stated the Commission put a lot of time and effort into compiling the improvement list. The
Commission wants the courses to be better. Even though the Commission is an advisory
committee, if no one is going to listen and respond are they spinning their wheels?
Michael Lautenbach stated perhaps he has not communicated the city's response very well,
because everyone does understand the maintenance needs at each course. The list the
Commission put together addresses many issues and the main issue is to find the funds to complete
the work. The efforts to sell the excess property are still ongoing; however, it is a long process.
Michael stated in the future he would keep the Commission better informed. Michael stated in
FY06/07 he is more hopeful the parcel will sell and the Commission can review their priority list to
advise what project(s) could be done.
Vice -Chairman Schultz made a Motion, seconded by Commissioner McCulloch, to adjourn the meeting
to February 23, 2006, in the Conference Room #1 at 5:00 p.m. There being no further business the
meeting adjourned at 5:55 p.m.