Golf 2005/04/28 • GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES April 28, 2005 —4:00 p.m. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Gaby Vice-Chairman Wright Commissioner Kresal Commissioner Schultz COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Commissioner Raab CITY STAFF PRESENT: Michael Lautenbach, Bob Johns, Dave Johansen, Linda Harrah VALLEY CREST GOLF: Kevin Neal, Golf Course Superintendent, Anaheim Hills CALL TO ORDER Chairman Gaby called the meeting to order at 4:03 p.m. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Commissioner Schultz made a Motion, seconded by Vice-Chairman Wright, to accept the Golf Commission Meeting Minutes of March 24, 2005. Motion passed. ACTIVITY REPORTS A. Golf Operations Manager Update Michael Lautenbach stated there were no additional items to add to the report. B. Course Condition Report Commissioner Schultz suggested a bulletin board be placed at the course to update the golfers on issues such as the trees. Michael Lautenbach stated he would attend the next meeting of the Anaheim Hills Golf Club to provide information about the trees and other items to the membership. C. Director of Golf's Report Bob Johns announced that Scott Stubbs has accepted the position of Head Golf Professional at Valley Vista Country Club in Vista. Bob stated Curtis Robinson and Adrian Cruz, Assistant Golf Professionals will continue to work at their courses. Bob Johns stated he is working with Nick Kumpis to head up all golf instruction at the courses. Bob Johns reported the City Championship went great, with rain only on Sunday morning. • • Golf Commission Minutes April 28, 2005 Page Two FINANCIAL REPORTS A. March Financial Summary Michael Lautenbach reported the figures improved overall from the prior months. There were more days of rain this last month than a year ago which affected the number of rounds. The April forecasted figures continue the upward trend. Food and beverage and merchandise sales both were up in the month of March. OLD BUSINESS A. Dad Miller Golf Course Modifications Michael Lautenbach reported he has received positive comments from golfers regarding the three new holes. There was a delay due to the wet well's pipe not passing a leak test. A new pipe will be installed. This has resulted in a two to three week delay in construction. Valley Crest is making every effort to catch up in the construction schedule. The grow-in period for the new driving range is now mid to late September instead of August. B. Anaheim Hills Golf Course Flag Michael Lautenbach reported he received the engineer's stamped (approved) drawings for the flag pole installation. A permit will be obtained from the Building Department within the week. Michael Lautenbach stated the flagpole will be installed at the corner of the cart barn and cost approximately $2,000. C. Capital Project Prioritizing Vice-Chairman Wright asked for a clarification of Valley Crest's responsibilities at the two courses. Michael Lautenbach stated Valley Crest is to maintain the two courses not to rebuild the golf courses. Commissioner Schultz asked if funds were still set aside for Valley Crest to perform improvements at each course. Michael Lautenbach stated there were only funds for small projects in the budget. Commissioner Schultz added two new items to the project list. Chairman Gaby asked the Commissioners to finalize their list for the next meeting. Michael Lautenbach write a staff report which will be presented to the Community Services Director who will provide it to the City Manager. ! • Golf Commission Minutes April 28, 2005 Page Three NEW BUSINESS Commissioner Schultz asked if the out of bounds markings will be maintained? Kevin Neal stated they will be as it provides a turf line around the course and delineates the out of bounds area for the golfers. Commissioner Schultz asked when the silt in the creek at#7 will be removed. Michael Lautenbach reported Dave Johansen had met with a landscape contractor for the Utilities Department. The main issue is no one has determined the cause of this problem. It will take a major joint effort project between several departments to resolve. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Gaby made a Motion, seconded by Vice-Chairman Wright to adjourn the meeting to April 28, 2005, City Hall East, 200 S. Anaheim Blvd., 4th Floor, Conference Room#1. The Motion passed. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 5:05 p.m.