Golf 2005/02/24 • . AjIat
February 24, 2005—4:00 p.m.
Vice-Chairman Wright
Commissioner Kresal
Commissioner Schultz
CITY STAFF PRESENT: Michael Lautenbach, Bob Johns, Dave Johansen, Linda Harrah
VALLEY CREST GOLF: Greg Pieschala, President
Kevin Neal, Superintendent Anaheim Hills
Chairman Gaby called the meeting to order at 4:01 p.m.
Mr. Bob Cook, introduced himself as the owner of Golf Links, a private golf facility in the City of
Anaheim. He stated the City recently annexed his facility's property located on Ball Road between the
57 freeway and the Santa Ana River. He was aware of the Golf Commission and wanted to have a better
understanding what the Commission's responsibilities are regarding a private golf facility in the City.
Michael Lautenbach explained the purpose of the Golf Commission and to reassure Mr. Cook the
Commission does not have any authority over private golf facilities within the City.
Mr. Cook stated he would be willing to provide space on his advertising bulletin board for information
regarding the City's two courses.
Dave Johansen stated the Minutes should reflect his attendance at the meeting. Vice-Chairman Wright
• made a Motion, seconded by Commissioner Kresal to accept the Golf Commission Meeting Minutes of
January 27, 2005 as amended. Motion passed.
FEBRUARY 24, 2005
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A. Golf Operations Manager Update
Michael Lautenbach stated he had no further items to add to the report.
Commissioner Schultz asked about the lack of drainage in some of the bunkers during the rains
and why additional sand is not added to the bunkers? Greg Pieschala stated the refurbished
bunkers had drains installed,however the older bunkers do not drain well due either to the lack
of subterranean drainage or clogged drains. He further stated sand is not added until after the
rain season because it would just be washed away in the next rain storm. Commissioner Schultz
asked how long a bunkers last if properly maintained? Kevin Neal stated approximately 10 years
during"normal"rain seasons.
Vice-Chairman Wright asked about the warranties if any more items had been identified, and has
the roof leaked with all the rain? Michael Lautenbach stated all the items had been addressed.
The roof has a two year warranty and to date there is only a very small leak. Michael stated he is
working with the chair manufacturer to resolve issues. Chairman Gaby asked about the
thermostat warranty? Michael stated it was under warranty and the original installation had not
been completed. Commissioner Schultz asked if any complaints had been made about the lack of
heat in the bar? Michael Lautenbach stated he had not received any complaints, but it could be
related to the broken thermostat.
Commissioner Schultz asked about the status of a retaining wall on#2 green? Michael
Lautenbach stated he met with Streets and Sanitation staff who stated the sub-contractor
scheduled to perform the repairs, had their priorities changed due to all the storm related repairs.
It will be repaired at a future date.
B. Course Condition Report
Dave Johansen stated the course at Anaheim Hills has come through all the recent storms in good
condition. The greens were aerified, fairways and tees were mowed. Commissioner Schultz
asked if the area along the right side of#6 could be roped off and posted "GUR" (Ground Under
Repair), and if the sand box had been installed on#13 at Anaheim Hills? Michael Lautenbach
stated it would be posted and the sand box had been installed.
Dave Johansen reported there are several projects in progress at Dad Miller. With all the rain
storms the new driving range looked like a swamp. Holes#16, #17, #18 and the driving range
had flooded.
FEBRUARY 24, 2005
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B. Director of Golf's Report
Bob Johns reported the new Point of Sale system went live on February 22, 2005. Bob stated
with the current weather conditions, staff had time to process the orders. Refining of the system
will take place when an issue arises. Sales were up for rain jackets, umbrellas and socks!
Vice-Chairman Wright asked if the new Director of Instruction had been hired? Bob Johns
reported that Nick Kumpis, had been hired and his grand opening will be March 5, 2005 at
Anaheim Hills. Michael Lautenbach reported a press release was sent to the area papers to
promote the free clinics, free lessons. Michael Lautenbach also has flyers that will be posted at
Anaheim Hills. Michael Lautenbach reviewed Mr. Kumpis' background and qualifications as an
instructor and the future plans and promotions for Anaheim Hills. Mr. Kumpis will include Dad
Miller when all the construction has been completed.
Vice-Chairman Wright asked how the courses will benefit with the addition of Mr. Kumpis.
Michael Lautenbach stated as part of Mr. Kumpis' program will include range cards which he
will buy from Bob Johns. In addition to increased range usage, the student's will want to play at
the courses. Mr. Kumpis' primary focus will be on the Jr. Program and promoting it at the
elementary through high schools in the area.
Commissioner Schultz stated he is concerned about the lack of short game facilities at the two
A. January Financial Summary
Michael Lautenbach reported the result of the numerous rainy days on the number of rounds
played is the second lowest month in the courses' history. Dad Miller was particularly impacted
due to the closure of the driving range for two weeks and the course for several days. Michael
Lautenbach stated due to the continued rainy weather projections for February are not much
better. Staff is reviewing its expenses for areas to save, however,many are fixed costs and
cannot be offset in revenue.
Commissioner Schultz asked what impact this has on the golf's annual contribution to the
general fund? Michael Lautenbach stated the City Manager's Office and Budget Office are
aware of the situation.
Commissioner Schultz asked if the lost tournaments are being rescheduled? Bob Johns stated
many have been rescheduled during the summer months.
FEBRUARY 24, 2005
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A. Dad Miller Golf Course Modifications
Dave Johansen reported a schedule has been received from Valley Crest Landscape Development
stating the Phase II construction, seeding and grow in period would be completed in early
August,barring any more weather related delays.
Greg Pieschala introduced Kevin Neal, the new Golf Superintendent for Anaheim Hills. He has
worked for the last eight years at a private club with a total of more than 20 years in the industry.
He is a Certified Golf Course Superintendent and is the Vice President of the Board of Directors
for the Southern California Chapter of the Golf Course Superintendent Association.
Greg Pieschala reported Dad Miller's new Golf Superintendent is Jack Glant, currently on
vacation, and unable to attend the meeting. He was recently at Los Verdes in Rancho Palos
Verdes, a high volume course similar to Dad Miller. He has 30 years in the industry, 20 years as
a Golf Course Superintendent.
Vice-Chairman Wright asked about the status of training maintenance staff regarding their
interaction with golfers on the course. One of the suggestions was to obtain the maintenance
worker's name, will they have name tags on their uniforms? Greg Pieschala stated they will in
the near future. Kevin Neal stated golf etiquette is a high priority in supervising course staff, also
he is a golfer and is sensitive to their needs. He stated he hopes to hear positive comments in the
Vice-Chairman Wright expressed her concerns about woman golfers on the course and the
maintenance crews lack of their presence. Kevin Neal stated his family ran a golf course in
Montana with he and five sisters who could handle any task. He stated he started the"Take your
daughter to the Course" at his previous course and will encourage this program here.
Michael Lautenbach reported Friday and Saturday night entertainment began at Anaheim Hills on
• February 19th and 20th with approximately 40 customers in attendance. First impressions were
very positive regarding the event. The cover charge is $7.00.
4 t ` •
FEBRUARY 24, 2005
Page Five
Vice-Chairman Wright asked why there is no American Flag at Anaheim Hills since it is a
public, city-owned facility and can one be installed? Michael Lautenbach stated it is not
necessary for every public building needs to have a flag. A similar request was made and
discussed with the City Manager's Office. The cost of a flag pole is $3,500.00. Vice-Chairman
Wright requested this item be brought to the attention of the City Manager's Office again.
Chairman Gaby suggested a smaller pole be attached to the building and Commissioner Schultz
suggested a flag pole in the lobby as an alternative. Michael Lautenbach stated he would review
all suggestions.
Vice-Chairman Wright made a Motion, seconded by Commissioner Schultz to adjourn the meeting to
April 28, 2005, City Hall East, 200 S. Anaheim Blvd., 4th Floor, Conference Room#1. The Motion
passed. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 5:10 p.m.