Golf 2005/01/27 i GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES January 27, 2005—4:00 p.m. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Gaby Vice-Chairman Wright Commissioner Kresal Commissioner Raab COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Commissioner Schultz CITY STAFF PRESENT: Michael Lautenbach, Bob Johns, Dave Johansen and Gail Barruga VALLEY CREST GOLF: Greg Pieschala- President CALL TO ORDER Chairman Gaby called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Vice-Chairman Wright made a Motion, seconded by Commissioner Raab to accept the Golf Commission Meeting Minutes of December 2, 2004. Motion passed. ACTIVITY REPORTS A. Golf Operations Manager Update Michael Lautenbach stated he had no additional items to the report. Chairman Gaby asked what is the status of the flood control channel repairs? Michael Lautenbach stated Valley Crest has finished the repairs to the channel damaged by last year's rain. Vice-Chairman Wright asked what type of counter top was decided on for the Anaheim Hills Snack bar? Michael Lautenbach reported a stainless steel counter was selected and was the most cost effective. Vice-Chairman Wright asked what warranty items are open? Michael Lautenbach stated the one year warranty period will end February 9, 2005 and staff is identifying all items that need to be repaired under the warranty(i.e. roof leaks, a thermostat in a banquet room, water pressure to one of the coffee machines and furniture that have been broken at The Grill have broken). Chairman Gaby asked if the bottle filler for the new drinking fountain has been installed? Michael Lautenbach reported it is on back order. Chairman Gaby asked what are the lighting issues? Michael Lautenbach stated the current system is controlled by a mini chip and at times does not worked. The chip's manufacturer is slow to respond. Staff is obtaining quotes to replace the mini chip with time clocks so staff can operate the lighting as needed. Michael Lautenbach also stated the parking lot lighting project will begin the first week of February. Dave Johansen stated the project includes refurbishing and repairing the current lights along with installing the new lights. GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 27, 2005 Page Two B. Course Condition Report Dave Johansen stated one of the benefits from the many days of rain is the course is greener. Chairman Gaby asked if the rain affected the seeding at Dad Miller? Dave Johansen stated it had not. The warm weather between the two major rain storms really helped in the growth of the turf. The new holes #16 and#17 were opened on January 24th and hole#15 will open January 31St C. Director of Golf's Report Bob Johns reported the POS training is finished. The only outstanding item is barcode printing for all items which will start in the next couple of days. Bob Johns stated the POS should go live in the next week. Michael Lautenbach stated the new system will be able to provide numerous reports giving detailed information so staff can better market the golf courses. Bob Johns stated to better promote the driving ranges, Scott Stubbs and Michael Lautenbach have been researching developing golf schools. Bob stated he interviewed a candidate who currently works for ESPN Golf Schools formerly the Flick Nicholaus Golf Schools. Scott Stubbs has received personal calls from Jim Flick and Hank Haney regarding the candidate. He has great credentials, very qualified and is very eager to work at our courses. Chairman Gaby asked if he would be working with the area schools? Michael Lautenbach stated yes he would. He sees a lot of potential at our two courses. FINANCIAL REPORTS A. November/December Financial Summary B. Second Quarter Financial Summary Michael Lautenbach stated financials are down primarily due to the many rainy days during the past two months. Anaheim Hills survived fairly well, only down 130 rounds in November and 250 in December. The forecast at Anaheim Hills is still positive. Dad Miller is a different story due to the 10 days of closures due to the flooding and/or only having 9 holes open. Also, in January, the Driving Range was closed for two weeks. A lot of area golf courses also have suffered due to the weather. The range and greens fees are down, the only item that has increased in gross revenue is food and beverage. Anaheim Hills food and beverage is targeted to do more than $2 million in the first year. Beginning in February on the weekends there will be a live band for a cover charge. Merchandise sales are up at both courses, especially at Dad Miller. GPS revenues have also increased. • • GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 27, 2005 Page Three OLD BUSINESS A. Dad Miller Golf Course Modifications Michael Lautenbach reported holes #16 and#17 holes have opened. Hole#16, a long par 3,may cause play to slow down, due to its newness until the golfers are used to its new design. Signs will be placed to wave up groups and the Player Assistants will assist on this hole. Michael Lautenbach stated hole#15 will open on Monday, January 31St. Cart traffic will be limited to the far left side, to let the main fairway as much time to get established. Valley Crest will repair this area at a future date. A (construction) fence was installed around the new lake. The surveyor was at the course to measure for the new driving range fence. It will take away a bit more of the #10 fairway than expected. Adjustments will be made as well as trimming the trees along the fence between the school and the golf course. The fairway will be approximately 100 ft. wide. Commissioner Raab asked what is being built on Magnolia across from the course? Michael Lautenbach stated he did not know. Bob Johns stated the Anaheim Fire Department used the buildings for practice in putting out fires. B. Future Improvement Projects at Course Michael Lautenbach asked for any outstanding lists. Vice-Chairman Wright stated items that are safety related should have a higher priority than putting in a bunker for example. Michael Lautenbach stated he agreed safety related items should receive a higher rating. Michael Lautenbach stated everyone's priorities will be different,but it's a starting point. The sub- committee regarding reserve funding will use this as a reference. There are two types of projects, long term repairs (i.e. roofs) and one time projects (rebuilding a green). Vice-Chairman Wright stated the underground piping to divert water from the lake should have a high priority. Michael Lautenbach stated staff will be meeting with Public Works Department on February 14th, to review the creek silt problem upstream. There is a sewer line that is almost exposed and is covered by only 3 ft. of soil. Originally it was installed at a depth of 25 ft. The main problem is upstream, so if it could be fixed upstream, then the lake may only need to be drained once a year. Vice-Chairman Wright asked what is the process for the sub-committee's presentation. Michael Lautenbach stated the Golf Commissioners will provide a letter to Terry Lowe, Community Services Director who will present it to Tom Wood, Assistant City Manager and Dave Morgan, City Manager for their review and input. • • GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 27, 2005 Page Four NEW BUSINESS Michael Lautenbach introduced Greg Pieschala, President of Valley Crest. Greg reported on the Golf Superintendent changes at the courses. Dennis Chioti had accepted a position with the City of Irvine. Bill Houlihan accepted a Golf Superintendent position at Black Gold Golf Course in Yorba Linda, and Craig Morrison is leaving the industry. However, in the interim, Craig will fill in at Anaheim Hills. Greg stated he had just come from an interview with a candidate for the Dad Miller Golf Course position. Greg is expecting a response to Valley Crest's offer the next day. Greg Pieschala stated for the Anaheim Hills course they are looking for someone with private club experience. Valley Crest has hired Bruce Williams, Superintendent at LA Country Club to do a search for potential candidates to fill this vacancy. Interviews will take place later that week and the following week. Greg Pieschala reported on the website, greenskeeper.com, a website for golfers and Superintendents. They send out their own reviewer and ask golfers who play various courses to rate greens, fairway,roughs,bunkers, tees. Dad Miller rated second best in Orange County for the category of$45 and under with cart. Anaheim Hills had not been rated. Vice-Chairman Wright asked about the maintenance crews and their interfacing with the golfers? Also, she has noticed if a woman is playing with a group of men, the maintenance crew does not wait until the woman is finished,but instead start up their equipment and continue as if she was not there. Michael Lautenbach reviewed for Greg the golfer's complaints about the maintenance crews do not take the golfers into consideration when performing their tasks. One of the Commissioners even had grass blown into his face. Michael stated the Superintendents stated they bring this up at each meeting. Chairman Gaby suggested the person's name should be taken so they can be addressed individually. Greg Pieschala stated their course in Modesto had received similar complaints. They have since put together a short video to educate the maintenance workers on golf etiquette and he is willing to share the video with other courses. Vice-Chairman Wright reported when she called the course to make a tee time, it was a positive experience and even was told his name. Michael Lautenbach stated customer service is always a high priority at all the meetings with staff, City and Valley Crest. He related recent changes in how the phone is answered or how golfers are called to the first tee. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Raab made a Motion, seconded by Vice-Chairman Wright to adjourn the meeting to February 27, 2005, City Hall East, 200 S. Anaheim Blvd., 4th Floor, Conference Room#1. The Motion passed. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 4:57 p.m.