Golf 2004/09/23GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES September 23, 2004 — 4:00 p.m. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: CITY STAFF PRESENT: VALLEY CREST GOLF: CALL TO ORDER Chairman Gaby Vice -Chairman Wright Commissioner Kresal (Arrived at 4:12 p.m.) Commissioner Raab Commissioner Schultz Jack Kudron, Michael Lautenbach, Bob Johns, Dave Johansen, Gail Barruga Bill Houlihan, Superintendent Chairman Gaby called the meeting to order at 4:02 p.m. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Commissioner Wright stated she wanted to clarify that it was understood in the discussion with Mr. Lowe, the starter buildings would be a serious consideration and by placing them on the capital improvement list wasn't just an appeasement to the Commission. Chairman Gaby stated it was an item the Commission could control on the capital improvement projects list. Commissioner Raab made a Motion, seconded by Vice -Chairman Wright to accept the Golf Commission Meeting Minutes of August 26, 2004. Motion passed. ACTIVITY REPORTS A. Superintendent's Update Jack Kudron shared with the Commissioners a copy of the most recent issue of the Orange Coast magazine and its article on Tiger Woods and the Dad Miller Golf Course. Jack Kudron stated it was a very favorable article. Jack Kudron stated included in the packet is an updated Golf Commission Meeting schedule which includes the revised Golf Commission Outing at Dad Miller on October 18, 2004. Commissioner Raab asked if the regular Golf Commission meeting was still on October 28, 2004? Michael Lautenbach stated on October 18th would first be the golf maintenance tour at 10:00 a.m and then golf at 10:30 a.m. The Golf Commission meeting would be held on the 28th at 4:00 p.m. in the Community Services Department Conference Room #1. GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES September 23, 2004 Page Two Chairman Gaby asked if all went well at the Tiger Woods event at Dad Miller? Jack Kudron stated the day went quite well, staff received many compliments from the Tiger Woods Foundation for their support. Jack Kudron stated Tiger Woods' schedule was very full. He first conducted a clinic on the 17th fairway with a select group of youth, all who were very good golfers. Then there was a press conference at the clubhouse, lunch with "Make -A -Wish" families, and another clinic. Afterwards, Mr. Woods then took all the children to Disneyland. B. Course Condition Report Dave Johansen stated fall aerification and top dressing will take place at Dad Miller on October 3rd & 4th and at Anaheim Hills October 18th and 19th Commissioner Schultz asked why it is difficult for the grass to grow at the 17th tee box and 18th fairway at Anaheim Hills? Also, the tees on #12 have been closed for several weeks, and there seems to be a lot of water on the fairways. Vice -Chairman Wright stated she was concerned about the deteriorating conditions of Anaheim Hills over the past several months. Jack Kudron stated this was the first he has heard of any problems at Anaheim Hills. Jack stated he had played the course two weeks prior and had not noticed anything unusual. Jack Kudron stated #17 tee box has always presented a problem due to very few options to close it and let the turf grow. Instead, small sections are closed down, while the remaining continues to be beaten up. Jack Kudron stated he will have staff contact the Commissioner for a tour of the course. Jack Kudron stated he will review the records to see historically what are the aerification and fertilization schedules for the roughs and fairways. Jack Kudron stated the USGA was to review the golf course and will make its report to staff. They provide an independent objective review of the course. C. Director of Golf's Report Bob Johns stated the new POS system is being installed and the inventories are being added into the new system. Chairman Gaby asked if the number of tournaments for 2005 had increased in September as projected. Bob Johns stated he has booked 25 to 30 tournaments since September 1St with the opening of the County of Los Angeles and Long Beach area's 2005 tournament calendars, (unlike the City of Anaheim's which opens their tournament books in January). Chairman Gaby asked if they are booking both golf and with the food and beverage concessionaire at Anaheim Hills? Bob Johns stated a copy of the tournament contract is sent to the food and beverage staff so they can make contact with the tournament director. GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES September 23, 2004 Page Three Michael Lautenbach stated the USGA is going to rate Anaheim Hills on October 12, 2004. Bob Johns stated the same afternoon they will visit Dad Miller to review the course modifications and rate the course. Michael Lautenbach stated new scorecards will be printed and available by the New Year. FINANCIAL REPORTS A. August Financial SummarX Jack Kudron stated rounds were up at Anaheim Hills. At Dad Miller the rounds wee down by 610 when compared to August 2003, however, 300 of those rounds were not played the day of the Tiger Woods event at the golf course. The September figures may be down due to the hot weather and windy days. Revenues are up at both courses. Jack Kudron stated during the first six months with the new food and beverage concessionaire at Anaheim Hills the gross was $1,007,000, as compared to $500,000 per year gross for the old clubhouse. They are taking bookings into 2005. New this year is Monday Night Football and last week there were almost 50 patrons for the entire game. OLD BUSINESS A. Tiger Woods Learning Center Update Jack Kudron reported there is only a few days left before completion of the Phase I construction. The greens are growing, the tees soded and within a few days hydroseeding of all the fairways will be completed. Valley Crest has been contracted by the Tiger Woods Foundation for the "grow in" maintenance period. They have already fertilized and applied a fungicide to the greens. The grow -in period is four months depending on the weather and its affects on the soil temperature. If it is cooler it will take longer to grow in the turf. Jack Kudron reported there has already been vandalism on the new greens. Symbols have been carved into the new turf. Staff is working with the police who are patrolling by car and helicopter with the infra -red camera. Grading on the Tiger Woods Learning Center is delayed due to the County of Orange permit process. However, during the grading process, 20 tee stations will remain open. GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES September 23, 2004 Page Four B. Future Improvement Projects at Course Michael Lautenbach stated this will be carried over to the October meeting. Commissioner Schultz asked about the drinking fountain at Anaheim Hills. Michael Lautenbach stated the water lines have been identified, holes have been dug and the slab will be poured this week for the new fountain which is schedule to be delivered in one week. To save money, the driving range drinking fountain will be tied into the existing water lines. Jack Kudron reported the water and ice machine had been hooked up in the cart barn for the player assistants to fill up the container on their cart. C. Draft Response re: Capital Improvement Reserves Commissioner Schultz stated he met with Jack Kudron and Michael Lautenbach and defined what the goal would be. At this time Jack and Michael will draft a memo to request the establishment of a reserve account. Commissioner Schultz stated it will take careful planning before presenting this to the City Manager and then to Council. Chairman Gaby asked if this is for a one time reserve? Commissioner Schultz stated it is to establish a fund for the replacement of capital assets based on a study of the golf course assets for repair/replacement. Jack Kudron stated Michael Lautenbach is doing research on the life expectancy of certain items on golf courses. An example is the irrigation system at Dad Miller, if the historical life of a golf course irrigation system is 15 years, ours is 26 years old then an argument can be made for replacement using these funds. Jack Kudron stated the basic concept is to present to the City Council for adoption a percentage policy based on the year's profits, a preset percentage would be deposited into each of the following accounts: the General Fund, Fund Balance and Capital Reserve. The City would have a concern about the amount being contributed to the General Fund, but any business needs to have a fund for deferred maintenance and/or replacement. Jack Kudron stated a draft of the document will be presented to the Golf Commission for review and comment. Upon the Commission's final approval, it would then be sent to the Community Services Director to present to the City Manager and then to City Council. GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES September 23, 2004 Page Five NEW BUSINESS A. October Golf Commission Outing and Tour This item was covered under Activity Reports - Superintendent's Update above. Commissioner Schultz stated it was time to re -stripe the cart paths at Anaheim Hills. It has been over a year and the paint is gone. Commissioner Schultz suggested using "Botts Dots" in the middle of the cart path in the reflective red, blue and white. Commissioner Schultz stated he would suggest to the Anaheim Hills Golf Club members would pay for the "Botts Dots." Jack Kudron stated staff would purchase some for a trial period. Jack Kudron stated he is retiring from the City effective October 28, 2004. Jack Kudron stated that Terry Lowe, the Community Services Director has reorganized staff members so the new Superintendent would be responsible for only parks and urban forestry. Golf (Michael Lautenbach) and capital projects (Richard Mayer) will report directly to Mr. Lowe. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Schultz made a Motion, seconded by Commissioner Raab to adjourn the meeting. The Motion passed. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 4:50 p.m. The next Golf Commission meeting will be held on Thursday, October 28, 2004 at 4:00 p.m., City Hall East, 200 S. Anaheim Blvd., 4th Floor, Conference Room #l.