Golf 2004/03/25GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 25, 2004 - 4:00 P.M. Community Services Department Large Conference Room COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Vice -Chairman Gaby Commissioner Raab Commissioner Wright COMMISIONERS ABSENT: Chairman Schultz Commissioner Kresal CITY STAFF PRESENT: John Kudron, Michael Lautenbach, Bob Johns, Dave Johansen and Gail Barruga VALLEY CREST GOLF: Greg Pieschala, President, and Craig Morrison, Regional Superintendent CALL TO ORDER Vice -Chairman Gaby called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES The February 25, 2004 Golf Commission Minutes were approved, on a Motion by Commissioner Wright and seconded by Commissioner Raab. ACTIVITY REPORT A. Superintendent's Update Jack Kudron introduced Greg Pieschala, President Valley Crest Golf and Craig Morrison, Regional Superintendent with Valley Crest. Jack Kudron reported the clubhouse at Anaheim Hills is still experiencing power outages of an unknown origin. The City has not accepted the building from KPRS Construction, who is responsible for all costs associated with the tests and having the electrician on site for events at the clubhouse. A major test is scheduled the evening of March 25, 2004. Jack Kudron reported the clubhouse is receiving very good response from the community, and booking many events. Jack Kudron stated at the February Golf Commission meeting Vice -Chairman Gaby asked what the Ordinance stated regarding the frequency of the Golf Commission meetings? Jack Kudron referenced the copy of the Golf Commission Ordinance included in the Commissioner's packets. Vice -Chairman Gaby asked if the Golf Commission needed to meet every month based on past history and if it was disrupting to staff's productivity. Jack Kudron stated staff is following the GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 25, 2004 Page Two Golf Commission schedule that has been in place for 20+ years, however, the Commission could decide to meet every other month. Jack stated all the reports included in the Commission packets would continue to be prepared as they are used as management tools by staff. Also, there are certain tasks, i.e. the Golf Operations budget, that require the Commission's vote at a specific times of the year. Commissioner Raab stated she would agree to a schedule of meetings every other month. Commissioner Wright stated the Commission is still new to the City's Golf Operations and on a learning curve and suggested staying on the current schedule until such time as the Commission is comfortable with changing the meeting schedule. Commissioner Raab asked if the Commissioner's serve for four years? Jack Kudron stated two Commissioners were appointed for a two year term and three Commissioners for a term of four years. B. Course Conditions Report Dave Johansen reported at Anaheim Hills the fairways were fertilized, a wedding photo site was built overlooking the #1 tee and the striping the parking lot will be completed the week of March 29th. At Dad Miller, the course and Driving Range had been vandalized. Vandals chopped down a tree and replanted it on the 10th green and another sapling was planted on the 11th green. The greens were then carved up. The lights at the Driving Range were broken, again. Vice -Chairman Gaby asked if the vandalism is gang related or sports related. Jack Kudron stated there is always in increase in vandalism during the Spring with warmer weather and longer days. Dad Miller is surrounded by three schools. The vandalism this year is greater than the previous five years. Staff has been working with the Anaheim Police and since their nightly Helicopter patrols, equipped with an infra -red camera, there has been no vandalism. Commissioner Wright asked if staff would consider hiring off-duty police officers, similar to the Anaheim Stadium, to patrol the course. Jack Kudron stated it is very expensive solution. The Anaheim Police have the courses very high on their priority list. C. Director Of Golfs Report Bob Johns reported all is going great at the new clubhouse. Commissioner Raab asked if the public is coming for lunch, even if they aren't golfing. Bob stated that more and more people are coming every day, commenting on how great the food is and the prices are fair. Sunday Brunch is beginning Sunday, March 28th. It will be a high-end Champagne Brunch, with seating times at 10:00 a.m., Noon, and at 2:00 p.m. for $22.95 per person. GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 25, 2004 Page Three Vice -Chairman Gaby asked about the clothing sales at both courses. Bob stated at Anaheim Hills sales have been good and the ladies apparel is doing quite nicely. It is a different situation at Dad Miller where the clientele is primarily split between the weekenders, who are very good at purchasing items in the golf shop, and the weekday clientele who are primarily retired seniors who are not used to shopping for their equipment, balls, gloves, etc. at the course's golf shop. Bob stated he is spending more time at Dad Miller to determine the type of items the weekday golfer would be interested in purchasing. Commissioner Wright asked if the pricing signs had been changed at Dad Miller to include "does not include cart." Bob Johns stated the signs at Dad Miller prices are all "walking" prices, with the price of the cart stated at the bottom of the sign. Bob Johns stated the signs are temporary and will be changed with the recent price increase, and wording will be added regarding prices with/without carts. FINANCIAL REPORT A. February Financial Summaries Jack Kudron reported for the fourth month in a row rounds have increased over the previous year. The Ranges are doing better with the warmer weather and longer days. Restaurant revenue is up substantially which only includes 20 days of operation with the new clubhouse. Vice -Chairman Gaby asked about the publicity for the sports bar and banquet facilities. Jack Kudron stated the City's priority is to complete the open items at the clubhouse so the City can accept the building. The City will be marketing the bar and grill as a sports bar, with promotions and specials for sporting events, such as the Angel's baseball, The Masters, NFL, season, etc. Orin Abrams will do a lot of marketing and publicity on his own, but his main concentration has been on the wedding business. Jack Kudron stated Orin took out a full page ad in the Anaheim Hills News regarding the Sunday Brunch starting March 28th. Jack Kudron stated that several of the golf magazines have given the City and the clubhouse some positive press. Vice -Chairman Gaby asked if many of the tournaments stay for dinners or in the bar. Jack Kudron stated that Bob and Orin's staffs meet weekly to review the tournament schedule so there will be sufficient staff and food on hand. Bob Johns stated Orin's catering director, Denise Boersma, contacts every tournament that is booked. e GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 25, 2004 Page Four OLD BUSINESS A. Tiger Woods Learning Center Update Jack Kudron reported the City met with the Tiger Woods Foundation (TWF). TWF has met all requirements but two insurance certificates. A preconstruction coordination meeting will be scheduled and will include all the contractors, City and County personnel to discuss the project and then the City will issue a Notice to Proceed. The first location of activity will be on the north side near #15 and #16 where the new green and new lake will be constructed. Anew green will also be built #17 fairway. The City will ask in the pre -construction meeting to hold off on any activity on the #17 green until after the City Championship at the end of April beginning of May. Otherwise, any slope rating change at this time would cause problems with the tournament. Jack Kudron reported he met with TWF staff regarding the Tiger Clinic to be held Saturday, August 28th at Dad Miller. It has been conducted in Orlando, Florida the past couple of years, but with the building of the Learning Center they will be moving it to Anaheim. Scheduled events include small group lessons on the course, a demonstration by Tiger and a questions and answer session. TWF is expecting 3,000 invited guests, the course will be closed for the day. This program is associated with national The First Tee Program. Jack Kudron reported the City hired Project Dimensions as the project management firm for this proj ect. B. Golf Commission Meeting Calendar and Golf Outings Jack Kudron referenced the 2004 Meeting Calendar which includes the two golf outings. Michael Lautenbach stated there is a change for the May outing at Dad Miller due to the aerification scheduled at the same time. Vice -Chairman Gaby asked if the golf outings and Commission meeting could be held on the same dates. Jack Kudron stated that the outing would start at 11:00 a.m. and the meeting would be at 4:00 p.m. Vice -Chairman Gaby made a Motion to move the May 14, 2004 golf outing at Dad Miller to June 24, 2004 and the golf outing for Anaheim Hills from September 17, 2004 to October 28, 2004. The Motion was seconded by Commissioner Wright. Motion passed. NEW BUSINESS A. Senior Rates Jack Kudron reported Mr. Cramer had not confirmed his attendance at the Golf Commission meeting, a request of his to discuss this item with the Commission. Jack Kudron suggested this item removed from the Agenda until such time Mr. Cramer confirms his attendance to discuss the item. GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 25, 2004 Page Five B. Fiscal Year 04/05 Proposed Budget Jack Kudron stated the budget report provides the actual expenditures from two years ago, the actual budget for the current year and the projection for year end and the proposed for next fiscal year. Jack Kudron stated the City's budget fiscal year is July 1 to June 30. The City Council has public budget hearings and budget adoption in late May and early June. The City Charter requires a budget be in place by July 1St. Jack Kudron stated the proposed budget has no major increases or decreases. The Golf Commission's responsibility is to take an action regarding the budget which will be conveyed by staff to City Council. The Commissioners agreed to postpone the voting on the proposed budget until the April Golf Commission meeting since two members were not in attendance. C. City Tournament Michael Lautenbach reported registration for the City Championship is slightly behind last year's numbers. Advertisements will be run in the Orange County Register, and a banner will be installed on Euclid at Cerritos. There will be no changes from the last year's tournament format. Jack Kudron stated the tournament runs on two weekends, the last weekend in April and the first weekend in May. The first weekend is the Men's Handicap Tournament, the second is the Men's Championship and Senior Tournament. In year's past the championship flight would end at Dad Miller because there were clubhouse facilities to accommodate the awards presentations. This year it will be reversed, the first day of play is at Dad Miller and the second day at Anaheim Hills. The Commissioners were invited to assist with the awards presentations throughout the day on the two Sundays. Also, there are other volunteer opportunities, such as the registration table, the score table, etc. The tournament is open to the public, golfers must have an index. Vice -Chairman asked if it was possible not to interfere with Orin's operation but still have water available to the golfer's during the summer months? Michael stated the suggestion to have an ice machine in the clubhouse interferes with the food and beverage agreement. Orin has the rights to any food and beverage sales. Michael Lautenbach reported repairs to the water fountains will begin with locating the water lines to the fountain. This is not an easy task. Michael stated the Players Assistant cart now carries a large water cooler available every day of the year. Michael stated this may change based on a recent death in Arizona of a golfer who consumed water from a cooler on the course. The cause of death was traced back to the course's water cooler which had become contaminated. Jack Kudron stated as part of the agreement with Orin he is required to have a beverage cart on the facility seven days per week so there is an opportunity to purchase a variety of beverages including water. Commissioner Wright stated she played at Anaheim Hills and did not see the beverage cart until the 14th hole. When she played at Dad Miller she saw the beverage cart only at the 18th hole. Jack stated the beverage cart operators are encouraged to go in reverse of the flow of play. At Dad Miller GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 25, 2004 Page Six there are specific restrictions including the ban of the cart on the west side of the course due to the close proximity to the high school since the cart carries alcoholic beverages and the Health Department will not allow the cart to cross Gilbert Street to service the westside of the course. Jack Kudron stated at Anaheim Hills, to aid the golfer's request for beverages, etc. the City has purchased a two-way radio system so the Player Assistants will have direct communication with the beverage cart operator. Vice -Chairman Gaby asked if this was a seasonal issue, if during the summer there are more young adults available to work the beverage cart. Michael Lautenbach stated golfers sometimes do not see the Player Assistant or beverage cart because they are concentrating on the game. Michael stated in the most recent meeting with Player Assistants, they were asked to have some sort of visual contact with every group, such as a wave. The beverage cart should also make contact for every group. Jack Kudron stated at Anaheim Hills there are two opportunities to stop at the Snack Bar after the 5th and 91h holes and the beverage cart operator has been encouraged to concentrate on the back nine holes. Bob Johns stated at Dad Miller the beverage cart sits at the 17th Tee for the last two holes, or behind #2 Tee because of its close proximity to the 3rd green, 5th green, 6th Tee, the hub of the front nine holes. Commissioner Wright asked if a one-man building could be provided for the Starters to protect them from the elements? The umbrellas don't keep the rain off them or provide a coolness on a hot day. There wouldn't be any electricity. Many other courses have a place for the Starters. Jack Kudron stated the Starters are encouraged to engage the golfing group, check their string tags, answering their questions, etc. This was another topic at the recent Player Assistant meeting. Staff's concern is if there was a small building the Starters would remain inside the building. Michael Lautenbach stated the Starters are provided with an umbrella and hats and uniforms for their protection. Vice -Chairman Gaby asked how much a starter building would cost? Jack Kudron stated he did not have any information on the costs, but would ask staff to contact other courses regarding starter buildings. Vice -Chairman Gaby asked how long the courses have not had a starter's building? Michael Lautenbach stated for 30 years. Commissioner Raab asked if there was a big turn -over in the Starter position. Michael stated there is very little turnover in the Player Assistant positions. The only reason they leave is due to illness or moving out of the area. Jack Kudron stated many courses use volunteers as Starters and Player Assistants. The City pays the Player Assistants an hourly rate of $7.48 to $7.85 they are provided with full uniforms, (except shoes), hats for the summer, winter coats and free golf. Some of the courses referenced may have volunteer Starter's and do not provide them all the items the City provides. Commissioner Wright asked this be placed on the agenda for further discussion. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 5:22 p.m. The next Golf Commission meeting will be held on Thursday, March 25, 2004 at 4:00 p.m. in the Civic Hall East 4th Floor Conference Room.