MOTHER COLONY HOUSE 1996/05/13-!- r , Or . • MOTHER COLONY HOUSE ADVISORY BOARD... - MINUTES MAY 13, 1996 ' PRESENT: Harold Bastrup, Dixie Edwards, Marion Har'vt�'Yi'Peggy Hoag, Florence Mitchell, Doug Renn4i REGRETS: George Maclaren ALSO PRESENT: Jane Newell, Recorder 1. CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Mother Colony House Advisory Board was held on Monday, May 13, 1996 in the Conference Room of the Anaheim Public Library. As there was a quorum present, the meeting was called to order at 10:04 A.M. by Ch4irperson Peggy Hoag. 2. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING The minutes of the March 11, 1996 meeting were read and approved as mailed by general consent. 3. REVIEW OF CORRESPONDENCE Newsletters from the Orange County Historical Society and the Federation of Orange County Historical Organizations for the months of March and April were circulated among the board members. 4. REPORT OF THE LIBRARY LIAISON Jane Newell reported the statistics for March and April 1996. There were six groups touring the Mother Colony House with a total of 114 visitors. The History Room had six tours for 71 visitors, 359 patrons and 1,925 questions. Jane also reported that she is working with Lee Sohl, City Clerk, to establish a City Archive which will be housed in the library. Flyers produced by library staff for the Anaheim Museum's current exhibit about bridal traditions and related programs were distributed. Four oversized photographs, reproduced from the History Room's historic photograph collection and presented by the Anaheim Historical Society, are being framed and will be hung in the hallway leading into the History Room. Jane reported that she will be on vacation beginning May 28th and returning to work on June 11th. 5. OLD BUSINESS Doug Renner reported on the Redevelopment Commission meeting held on April 24, 1996. A recommendation to relocate the Mother Colony House to a downtown location with redevelopment funds was defeated. Continued MOTHER COLONY HOUSE IRVISORY BOARD May 13, 1996 OLD BUSINESS(Cont.) Doug Renner read his draft letter addressed to the City Council recommending that the Mother Colony House remain at its current location. A motion was made by Marion Harvey, and seconded by Harold Bastrup, to accept the letter as written and that a formal copy be prepared, signed by Chairperson Hoag and sent to the City Council. The motion carried. 6. NEW BUSINESS There was no new business. 7. ITEMS OF PUBLIC INTEREST There were no items of public interest presented. 8. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 11:21 A.M. Peg c. m g, Chairpo son Jane Newell, Recorder Date