Budget Advisory 1996/04/170 0
DATE: MAY 16, 1996
W i7
The attached Budget Advisory Commission Minutes from the April 17, 1996 meeting are
being submitted to you for filing.
APRIL 17, 1996 - 3:30 P.M.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Gene Brewer, Jeff Farano, Phil Knypstra, Dan Van Dorpe, Jimmie
Kennedy, Shirley McCracken, Bill O'Connell
STAFF PRESENT: Jim Ruth, Bill Sweeney, Lisa Stipkovich, Dave Hill, Dan Amyx,
Jeff Stone, Charyl McCully
GUESTS PRESENT: John O'Malley, Orange County Employees Association; Ted Cooper,
SCT; Rick Brown BRC; Debra Reams, ISD
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Brewer at 3:35 p.m..
Ms. McCracken moved to approve the Minutes of the March 20, 1996. Seconded by Mr. Kennedy.
Mr. O'Connell abstained. Mr. Farano was absent for voting. MOTION CARRIED (5 -0-1).
Chairman Brewer and the Comrnissioners welcomed newly appointed Commissioner, Bill O'Connell. Mr.
O'Connell was unanimously approved by the City Council on April 9, 1996, to fill the vacancy created by
the resignation of Kathryn Freshley. Mr. O'Connell, a Partner in Stovall Hotels and Pacific Coast Sight
Seeing, indicated his enthusiasm to serve on the Commission.
Mr. Knypstra moved that Ms. McCracken be appointed to serve as Vice Chair of the Budget Advisory
Commission, replacing Kathryn Freshley. Seconded by Mr. Kennedy. There were no further
nominations or discussion. Mr. Farano was absent for voting. MOTION CARRIED (6-0-0).
Chairman Brewer announced that the Subcommittee report on privatization would arrive with Mr.
Farano, who expected to be late. He asked the indulgence of those guests whose attendance was based
on their interest in the outcome of the RFI study.
Budget Advisory Commission, April 17, 1996
Page 2
Chairman Brewer stated that the Commission should show its support for the City's position in the matter
of Anaheim Stadium. He said that the public side of public/private partnerships is sometimes at a
disadvantage during negotiations. He went on to say that the Stadium is a public asset that must be
protected. The Chair recommended that a letter of support for the Agreement between the City and
Disney Baseball Enterprises be sent to the City Council.
Mr. Knypstra indicated that his review of the MOU document, sent to each Commissioner with their
Agenda packets, had raised several questions, which were subsequently answered by Messrs. Ruth and
Sweeney and Ms. Stipkovich.
Mr. Van Dorpe stated that he favored the Commission's support of the City in the Stadium matter.
Mr. Van Dorpe reminded the Commission of the need to refurbish the Stadium, and the cost to the City
to do that. Mr. Ruth emphasized the significance of the agreement's securing an "anchor tenant" for the
next thirty years, which will serve to encourage the further development of that property and
surroundings. Without that, the chance of getting Sportstown would probably be very slim. The tenant's
improvements, as negotiated, are key components of further development. Without the Disney
agreement, the City would have had to spend substantial sums on improvements for the remainder of the
Angels contract. In answer to Mr. Farano, Mr. Ruth restated that, without a deal, the Angel's current
owner would have sold the team to a buyer who planned to relocate the team outside Anaheim; the team
owner's control of theparking lot for the next six years made development during that time highly
unlikely; the owner also refused football in the parking lot as long as the current lease was active.
Furthermore, the president of the American League indicated that there was no way to keep the team
from being relocated by a new owner, and that it was unlikely that Anaheim would get another team.
Many communities can offer state of the art facilities, and finance them through taxation, and other
sources, whereas, the City will impose no new taxes upon its residents for the Stadium renovation.
Mr. Ruth stressed that the loss of the Angels would probably spell the end of baseball for Anaheim. All
potential buyers planned to move the team to their areas, where financing opportunities were liberal and
extensive. With the current deal, Anaheim has an opportunity to have a state-of-the-art facility, with
baseball for thirty years. The City's $30 million portion of the cost would probably have been spent on
necessary refurbishing and repairs.
Mr. Van Dorpe reiterated his support of the City in this matter, and urged the Commission to concur.
Chairman Brewer moved that the [Budget Advisory] Commission authorize the Chair to write the Mayor
and City Council stating that the position of the Commission is as follows: 1). the currently negotiated
agreement, given current circumstances, is equitable for the citizens of the community; 2). the currently
negotiated agreement results in the retention of a quality anchor tenant, baseball, for City -owned
property. Seconded by Mr. Van Dorpe. (MOTION CARRIED 7-0-0).
Mr. Ruth offered his appreciation to the Commission for their time and effort in reviewing the material
associated with the Stadium issue.
Budget Advisory Commission, April 17, 1996 Page 3
The Subcommittee's report was distributed. Mr. Van Dorpe reported that each proposal was reviewed
by at least two subcommittee members, most by all three. Of the ten responses to the RFI, the
Subcommittee judged five companies capable,of providing information services commensurate with those
currently provided in-house. Those companies, in no particular order, are Affiliated Computer Services,
Inc. (ACS); Business Records Corporation (BRC); Litton Computer Services; Systems & Computer
Technology Corp. (SCT); and UNISYS.
Mr. Van Dorpe indicated that three of the companies, ASC, BRC, and SCT, proposed partnership
approaches, whereby current City staff would be hired and existing equipment utilized. Litton and
UNISYS proposed off-site processing, utilizing high powered mainframe computers. The Subcommittee
observed that several respondents were operating systems providing data processing similar to
Anaheim's, while some are operating larger systems which perform dissimilar functions. While some
respondents claim to have the technology and resources necessary to perform an adequate data processing
function for Anaheim, and indicated their capability and desire to take on such projects, none has
contracted with a city the size and make-up of Anaheim; although some have contracted with smaller
cities. A copy of BRC's contract with the City of Irvine was distributed for informational purposes.
Mr. Sweeney reaffirmed his position that the purpose of any privatization effort would be to spend less
for better service; and that any contract must be all-inclusive to ensure compliance. He suggested that
if the Commission wants to see hard costs, they should recommend that staff issue an RFP, summarize
responses, and report back.
The Subcommittee recommended that staff prepare a long range plan for the City's future data processing
needs, which would include a Request for Proposal for complete or partial privatization, identifying the
needs of the City. It was recommended that the proposals describe overall outsourcing approach, scope
of services, long-range strategic plan development/ implementation, staff retention/development,
structure, technological transformation and resources, Year 2000 issues, term, and cost of such services.
Mr. Sweeney stated that staff will prepare and distribute an RFD.
Messrs. Cooper (SCT) and Brown (BRC) were asked to comment on the issue of outsourcing the data
processing function of the City. Mr. Cooper stated that an elaborate, long-term proposal is not required.
He suggested that the City devise a "vision" or basic framework, around which contracted services could
be designed, and ask the bidders to describe, in detail, how a master plan would be created that would
meet the City's "vision". He stressed that the master plan should be devised by the company that would
be required to implement it. In answer to Mr. Knypstra, he went on to say that his company usually hires
and trains current staff. A large percentage of these employees remain with the company.
Mr. Brown indicated his concurrence with Mr. Cooper's concept and the long-range concept, but stressed
the need to know the amount of savings the City would realize from any privatization, without
jeopardizing product quality. He stated that the master plan should be developed after the RFP.
Budget Advisory Commission, April 17, 1996 Page 4
In answer to Mr. Knypstra, Mr. Cooper indicated that his company could provide the service "cheaper,
better, safer". It would not only save the City money, but would be accountable for delivery of service.
The City would have control over staff retention. He suggested that the RFP include an organization
chart. In answer to Mr. Farano, Mr. Cooper stated that all SCT's clients use their own equipment.
Mr. Sweeney suggested that a special workshop be held for preliminary discussions of the budget. After
a brief deliberation, it was decided that a Special Workshop of the Budget Advisory Commission for the
purpose of discussing the 1996/97 budget, would be held on Wednesday, May 8, 1996, at 3:30 p.m.,
in the sixth floor conference room of the Civic Center. The Secretary will post the appropriate notice.
At the regular meeting on May 15, there will also be a discussion of the 1996/97 proposed budget.
In response to the Chair's suggestion, Ms. McCracken moved that the Commission send a card to
Dave Morgan to wish him a speedy recovery. There was a second by Mr. Kennedy. MOTION
PASSED (7-0-0)
The meeting was adjourned at 6:20 p.m., by Chairman Brewer.
Respectfully submitted,
Charyl McCully
Secretary to the Coe6mission
'A' PB AC/X4 [N AP R96/C P M