01-10-17_Action ANAHEIM CITY COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA January 10, 2017  ORDER OF BUSINESS: Public sessions of all regular meetings of the City Council/Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency/Housing Authority/Public Financing Authority/Public Improvement Corporation begin at 5:00 P.M. Public hearings begin at 5:30 P.M. unless otherwise noted. Closed sessions begin at 3:00 P.M. or such other time as noted. Closed sessions may be preceded by one or more public workshops. If a workshop is scheduled, the subject and time of the workshop will appear on the agenda. Not all of the above agencies may be meeting on any given date. The agenda will specify which agencies are meeting. All meetings are in the Anaheim City Hall, Council Chambers 200 S. Anaheim Blvd., Anaheim, CA 92805 or such other location as noted.  REPORTS: All agenda items and reports are available for review in the City Clerk’s Office, the Central Library and www.anaheim.net. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the City Council regarding any item on this agenda (other than writings legally exempt from public disclosure) will be made available for public inspection in the Office of the City Clerk, located at 200 S. Anaheim Blvd., 2nd Floor, Anaheim, CA 92805, during regular business hours.  PUBLIC COMMENTS: Prior to the business portion of the agenda, the City Council and all other related agencies meeting on such date will convene in joint session to receive public comments regarding any agenda items or matters within the jurisdiction of any such governing bodies. This is the only opportunity for public input except for scheduled public hearing items. The Mayor or chairperson will separately call for testimony at the time of each public hearing. The City uses speaker cards that should be submitted to the City Clerk (Please note, speaker cards are not required; everyone will have an opportunity to address the Council). The time limit established for public comments is three minutes per speaker unless a different time limit is announced. Testimony during public hearings is subject to the following time limits: Project applicant or issue initiator: twenty minutes for initial presentation and ten minutes for rebuttal; Residents within the noticed area of the subject property: ten minutes; All other members of the public: three minutes. Public hearings regarding legislative matters: five minutes. The Mayor or chairperson may limit the length of comments during public hearings due to the number of persons wishing to speak or if comments become repetitious or irrelevant. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.2(a)(2), no action or discussion by the City Council shall be undertaken on any item not appearing on the posted agenda, except to briefly provide information, ask for clarification, provide direction to staff, or schedule a matter for a future meeting.  ADDITIONS/DELETIONS: Items of business may be added to the agenda upon a motion adopted by a minimum 2/3 vote finding that there is a need to take immediate action and that the need for action came to the attention of the City or Agency subsequent to the agenda being posted. Items may be deleted from the agenda upon request of staff or upon action of the Council or Agency.  CONSENT CALENDAR: Consent Calendar items will be acted on by one roll call vote unless members, staff or the public request the item be discussed and/or removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action.    SERVICIOS DE TRADUCCION: (TRANSLATION SERVICES: SEE LAST PAGE OF AGENDA FOR DESCRIPTION IN ENGLISH) La ciudad provee servicios de interpretación al español en las juntas del Consejo. La interpretación simultánea al español se ofrece por medio del uso de audífonos y la interpretación consecutiva (español a inglés) también está disponible para cualquiera que desee dirigirse al Ayuntamiento, declarando su petición en el podio. No tiene que usar los servicios de interpretación de la Ciudad; las personas pueden proveer su propio intérprete, si lo desean. Debido a que existen muchos dialectos y regionalismos, la Ciudad no puede garantizar que los intérpretes puedan traducir a un dialecto o regionalismo en particular y rehúsa cualquier responsabilidad que surja de tales servicios. Para servicios de interpretación en otros idiomas, comuníquese con la oficina de la Ciudad (City Clerk), cuando menos 48 horas antes de la junta programada. Tom Tait Mayor James Vanderbilt Mayor Pro Tem At Large Kris Murray Council Member At Large Denise Barnes Council Member District 1 Dr. Jose F. Moreno Council Member District 3 Lucille Kring Council Member District 4 Stephen Faessel Council Member District 5 200 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92805 Tel: (714) 765-5166 Fax (714) 765-4105 www.anaheim.net 2 January 10, 2017 ANAHEIM CITY COUNCIL ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA January 10, 2017 3:30 P.M. Call to order the Anaheim City Council. 3:34 P.M. Mayor Pro Tem Vanderbilt called the meeting to order with Council Members Murray, Barnes, Kring and Faessel present. Mayor Tait and Council Member Moreno joined during closed session. ADDITIONS\DELETIONS TO CLOSED SESSION: None PUBLIC COMMENTS ON CLOSED SESSION ITEMS: None Recess to closed session. 3:34 P.M. 3:30 P.M. - CLOSED SESSION 1. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION (Subdivision (d)(1) of Section 54956.9 of the California Government Code) Name of Case: Abuali v. City of Anaheim, Asplundh Construction Corp, et. al., Orange County Superior Court Case No. 30-2016-00828548-CU-PO-CJC 2. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION (Subdivision (d)(1) of Section 54956.9 of the California Government Code) Name of Case: Talmadge Price, et al. v. City of Anaheim, et al., Orange County Superior Court, Civil Complex Center Case No. 30-2016-00869305-CU-WM-CXC 3. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE APPOINTMENT (Section 54957(b)(1) of the California Government Code) Position: City Attorney 4. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS (Subdivision (a) of Section 54957.6 of the California Government Code) Agency Designated Representative: Jason Motsick Position: City Attorney Reconvene the Anaheim City Council. 5:22 P.M. 5:00 P.M. 5:22 P.M. Invocation: Jimmy Gaston, State College Church of Christ Flag Salute: Council Member Kris Murray Presentations: Recognize the Orange Unified School District and the CARE program volunteers for their civic engagement Acceptance of Other Recognitions (To be presented at a later date): Proclaiming January 11, 2017, as Human Trafficking Awareness Day Proclaiming January 18, 2017, as Martin Luther King Jr. Day 3 January 10, 2017 ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA: Item No. 11: Withdrawn by staff. PUBLIC COMMENTS (all agenda items): Public comment by 42 speakers. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS: Council Member Kring responded to comments regarding the homeless and highlighted an article in the OC Register relating to the federal government providing assistance to homeless veterans and encouraging local governments to reduce costs to developers to provide greater affordable housing. She also shared a story about the assistance a homeless family received from a local hospital, the Anaheim PD Homeless Task Force and CityNet. Council Member Moreno responded to comments regarding homelessness and requested the City Manager return with an item to discuss and allow for council action relating to assessment of the camping ordinance, including an ordinance to repeal, demographics of the homeless population, how the homeless pay for the tickets received and the consequence of non-payment, and the cost of enforcement. CITY MANAGER’S UPDATE: At the request of the City Manager Dukku Lee, Public Utilities General Manager, responded to the misstatements about Anaheim’s water in relation to an incident that occurred at a dental facility. 5:00 P.M. - CITY COUNCIL 8:11 P.M. Item pulled for discussion: Council Member Moreno: Item Nos. 12 and 15 Mayor Tait: Item No. 21 Council Member Kring: Item No. 22 MOTION: LK/SF Waive reading in full of all ordinances and resolutions and adopt the consent calendar. Approved Vote: 7-0. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. Receive and file minutes of the Library Board meeting of November 14, 2016 and Public Utilities Board meeting of November 16, 2016. 2. Accept the bid of A.Y. Nursery, Inc., in the amount of $109,065 plus applicable tax, to purchase trees for the City’s TreePower Program for a one year period with four one-year optional renewals and authorize the Purchasing Agent to exercise the renewal options, in accordance Bid #8791. 3. Accept the low bid from SIGMAnet, Inc., in the amount of $111,500 plus applicable tax, for EMC storage area network equipment and installation for the Police Department and authorize the Purchasing Agent to execute the purchase order, in accordance with Bid #8845. 4 January 10, 2017 4. Waive the sealed bid requirement of Council Policy 4.0 and authorize the Purchasing Agent to issue a master agreement to Dooley Enterprises, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $304,000 including tax, for Winchester brand ammunition for a one year period with four one-year optional renewals and authorize the Purchasing Agent to exercise the renewal options. 5. Authorize the Director of Public Works to accept and manage an approved Highway Safety Improvement Program grant, in the amount of $208,250 with a local match of $36,750, for the Katella Avenue and Douglass Road intersection signal improvements project, and increase the Public Works' fiscal year 2016/17 revenue and expenditure budget in restricted transportation funds by $208,250. 6. Award the contract to the lowest responsible bidder, CEM Construction Corporation, in the amount of $430,840.93, for the Brookhurst Community Center Upgrades Project, determine the project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to the Section 15301 of Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations and authorize the Finance Director to execute the Escrow Agreement pertaining to contract retentions. 7. Approve the Agreement for Acquisition of Real Property with Thomas Wade Solomon and Amy Solomon, in the acquisition payment amount of $1,000, for partial acquisition of real property located at 1000 East South Street for a permanent street and utility easement and temporary construction easement for the South Street Sidewalk Gap Closure Improvement Project (R/W ACQ 2016-00741). 8. Approve the Agreement for Acquisition of Real Property with In Huh, in the acquisition payment amount of $15,200, for partial acquisition of real property located at 1028 East South Street for a permanent street and utility easement and temporary construction easement for the South Street Sidewalk Gap Closure Improvement Project (R/W ACQ 2016-00742). 9. Approve the Agreement for Acquisition of Real Property with Fedencio Felix and Rosa Felix, in the acquisition payment amount of $21,000, for partial acquisition of real property located at 803 South East Street for a permanent street and utility easement and temporary construction easement for the Safe Route to Schools Sidewalk Gap Closure Project along the south side of South Street from 525 feet west of East Street to East Street (R/W ACQ 2016-00743). 10. Approve an agreement with Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, corporate surety for C.C. Myers, Inc., to assume obligations for the close-out of the contract for construction of Katella Avenue Improvements at Interstate 5 Project from C.C. Myers Incorporated and authorize the Director of Public Works to execute all related documents. 11. Approve a Sub-recipient Agreement with the Anaheim Transportation Network, in the amount of $1,290,000, to provide bus shuttle service between the Anaheim Regional Transportation Intermodal Center and CtrCity Anaheim for a seven year period to implement the Orange County Transportation Authority Measure M2 Project V (Community-Based Transit/Circulators) program. Item No. 11: Withdrawn. 5 January 10, 2017 12. Approve the First Amendment to Agreement with Dougherty and Dougherty Architects, LLP, in an additional amount of $77,500 for a total contract amount of $1,073,716, for design services for the Ponderosa Park and Family Resource Center project located at 2100 South Haster Street and authorize the Community Services Director to increase the contract amount by up to 10%, if such increase is necessary. Item No. 12 Discussion. Motion: LK/JM Approved Vote: 7-0 13. Determine that the First Amendment (Amendment) to the MWD (Metropolitan Water District of Southern California) Hydroelectric Project Power Sales Agreement (Agreement) with the Southern California Public Power Authority is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to Sections 15061(b)(3) and 15301(b) of the Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations; approve the Amendment which is estimated to reduce the cost of renewable energy by approximately $700,000 per year; and authorize and direct the Public Utilities General Manager, or designee, to execute the Amendment, and any other related agreements or documents, and to take the necessary actions to implement and administer the Agreement as amended. 14. RESOLUTION NO. 2017-001 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM accepting certain deeds conveying to the City of Anaheim certain real properties or interests therein (City Deed Nos. 12051, 12052, 12053, 12054, 12055, and 12056) (South Street Sidewalk Gap Closure Improvement Project). 15. RESOLUTION NO. 2017-002 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM declaring its intention to vacate certain public streets, highways and easements (Abandonment No. ABA 2016-00342) (portion of Alro Way adjacent to 200 and 205 West Alro Way, and a portion of "Old" Manchester Way adjacent to 200 West Alro Way; Public hearing scheduled for February 7, 2017). Item No. 15 Discussion. Motion: JM/LK Approved Vote: 7-0 16. RESOLUTION NO. 2017-003 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM vacating a public utility easement pursuant to California Streets and Highway Code Section 8330, et seq. - Summary Vacation (ABA2016-00348) (5717-5725 East Santa Ana Canyon Road). 17. RESOLUTION NO. 2017-004 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM authorizing the Fire Chief or his designee to submit a grant application on behalf of the Joint Powers Authority for the North Net Training Center to the Office of Domestic Preparedness of the Department of Homeland Security for the Fiscal Year 2016/2017 Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program and if awarded, authorizing the acceptance of such grant on behalf of the Joint Powers Authority and amending the budget for Fiscal Year 2016/2017 accordingly ($827,273 in grant funds with a 10% local match of $82,727). 18. RESOLUTION NO. 2017-005 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM approving a Letter of Understanding between the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 47 and the City of Anaheim (establishing an alternate work schedule for employees classified as Water System Operators). 6 January 10, 2017 19. RESOLUTION NO. 2017-006 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM approving a Letter of Understanding between the Anaheim Police Association and the City of Anaheim (establishing an alternate work schedule for employees classified as Helicopter Pilots, for a one year pilot program). 20. RESOLUTION NO. 2017-007 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM authorizing the Director of Public Works or designee to submit an application to the United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation for the Watersmart Grant: Water and Energy Efficiency Grant for FY 2017 for the La Palma and Richfield Storm Water Sustainability Improvement Project and if awarded, authorizing the acceptance of such grant on behalf of the City and amending the budget accordingly ($1,000,000 in grant funds with local or state matching funds of $1,000,000). RESOLUTION NO. 2017-008 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM authorizing the Director of Public Works or designee to submit an application to the United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation for the Watersmart Grant: Water and Energy Efficiency Grant for FY 2017 for the Modjeska Park Underground Storm Water Detention and Infiltration Project and if awarded, authorizing the acceptance of such a grant on behalf of the City and amending the budget accordingly ($1,000,000 in grant funds with local or state matching funds of $1,000,000). 21. ORDINANCE NO. 6393 (ADOPTION) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM amending Sections 4.05.100, 4.05.110, 4.05.140 and 4.05.180 of Chapter 4.05 (Short-Term Rentals) of Title 4 (Business Regulation) of the Anaheim Municipal Code relating to short-term rentals, and finding and determining that this ordinance is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) and 15060(c)(3) of the State CEQA Guidelines, because it will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment and is not a project, as defined in Section 15378 of the CEQA Guidelines (Introduced at Council meeting of December 20, 2016, Item No. 39). Item No. 21 Discussion. Motion: TT/SF Approved Vote: 7-0 22. ORDINANCE NO. (INTRODUCTION) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM adding Section 14.32.162 to Chapter 14.32 of Title 14 of the Anaheim Municipal Code relating to parking on designated city streets (establish no parking zones between the hours of 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. on designated streets). Item No. 22 Discussion. Motion: LK/TT To Postpone indefinitely. Approved Vote: 7-0 23. Approve revised minutes of the City Council meeting of September 13, 2016 and minutes of the Council meeting of September 27, 2016. 7 January 10, 2017 END OF CONSENT CALENDAR 8:45 P.M. 24. RESOLUTION NO. 2017-009 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM expressing opposition to a street car system in Anaheim. Item No. 24 Discussion. Motion: DB/SF Approved Vote: 6-1 (Ayes: Mayor Tait, Mayor Pro Tem Vanderbilt and Council Members Barnes, Kring, Moreno and Faessel; Noes: Council Member Murray). 25. Review the list of regional agency appointments and appoint or reappoint representatives to serve on the following regional agencies (continued from Council meeting of December 20, 2016, Item No. 49). Fire Training Joint Powers Authority: (RE)APPOINTMENT: Council Member Moreno (currently held by Council Member Lucille Kring) Mayor Tait nominated Council Member Moreno (Vote 7-0) ALTERNATE: Mayor Pro Tem Vanderbilt (currently held by Mayor Pro Tem James Vanderbilt) Mayor Tait nominated to re-appoint Mayor Pro Tem Vanderbilt (Vote 7-0) Four Corners Transportation Coalition: APPOINTMENT: Council Member Murray (3 year term, ending December 31, 2018) (vacant, held by Jordan Brandman) Motion: KM/LK to appoint Council Member Murray (Vote 7-0) Orange County-City Hazardous (HAZMAT) Emergency Response Authority: (RE)APPOINTMENT: Council Member Barnes (currently held by Council Member Lucille Kring) Motion: DB/LK to appoint Council Member Barnes (Vote 7-0) Metropolitan Water District (MWD): (RE)APPOINTMENT: Council Member Faessel (currently held by Council Member Stephen Faessel) Motion: TT/KM to re-appoint Council Member Faessel (Vote 7-0) 8 January 10, 2017 Orange County Sanitation District (OCSD): (RE)APPOINTMENT: Council Member Barnes (currently held by Council Member Lucille Kring) Motion: KM/LK to re-appoint Council Member Kring (Vote 3-3-1; Ayes: Council Members Kring, Murray and Faessel; Noes: Mayor Tait and Council Member Barnes and Moreno; Abstain: Council Member Vanderbilt). Motion: DB/TT to appoint Council Member Barnes (Vote 4-1-2; Ayes: Mayor Tait, Mayor Pro Tem Vanderbilt and Council Members Barnes, Kring and Moreno; Noes: Council Member Murray; Abstain: Council Members Kring and Faessel). ALTERNATE: Council Member Kring (currently held by Mayor Pro Tem James Vanderbilt) Council Member Moreno nominated Council Member Kring (Vote 7-0) Orange County Water District, District 9: (RE)APPOINTMENT: Mayor Pro Tem Vanderbilt (4 year term, ending December 4, 2020) (currently held by Jordan Brandman) Mayor Tait nominated Mayor Pro Tem Vanderbilt (Vote 4-0-3; Ayes: Mayor Tait, Mayor Pro Tem Vanderbilt and Council Members Barnes and Moreno; Abstain: Council Member Murray, Kring and Faessel). Motion: SF/LK To re-appoint Jordan Brandman (Vote 3-2-2; Ayes: Council Member Murray, Kring and Faessel; Noes: Council Members Barnes and Moreno; Abstain: Mayor Tait and Mayor Pro Tem Vanderbilt). Santa Ana River Flood Protection Agency (SARFPA): APPOINTMENT: Council Member Moreno (vacant, held by Jordan Brandman) Mayor Tait nominated Council Member Moreno (Vote 7-0) ALTERNATE: Rudy Emami (currently held by Rudy Emami, staff) Mayor Tait nominated to re-appoint Rudy Emami (Vote 7-0) 9 January 10, 2017 Southern California Association of Governments (and OCCOG): (RE)APPOINTMENT: Council Member Murray (2 year term, ending May 2019) (currently held by Council Member Kris Murray) ALTERNATE: Council Member Kring (2 year term, ending May 2019) (vacant, held by Jordan Brandman) Mayor Tait nominated to re-appoint Council Member Murray and Council Member Kring to serve as the alternate (Vote 7-0) Transportation Corridor Agency, Foothill Eastern Area (TCA): (RE)APPOINTMENT: Council Member Moreno (currently held by Council Member Lucille Kring) Mayor Tait nominated Council Member Moreno (Vote 4-0-3; Ayes: Mayor Tait, Mayor Pro Tem Vanderbilt and Council Members Barnes, Kring and Moreno; Abstain: Council Members Kring, Murray and Faessel). Council Member Faessel nominated to re-appoint Council Member Kring (Vote 3-1-3; Ayes: Council Member Murray, Kring and Faessel; Noes: Council Member Barnes; Abstain: Mayor Tait and Mayor Pro Tem Vanderbilt and Council Member Moreno) ALTERNATE: Council Member Kring (currently held by Mayor Pro Tem James Vanderbilt) Council Member Moreno nominated Council Member Kring (Vote 7-0) 26. Approve the appointment of Dennis Leonard, Part-Time Self Contained Breathing Apparatus Maintenance & Repair Specialist, as a retired annuitant prior to the 180-day waiting period to fill a critically needed position in the Anaheim Fire & Rescue Department. Item No. 26 Discussion. Motion: SF/KM Approved Vote: 7-0 27. RESOLUTION NO. 2017-010 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM approving the Equipment Lease Purchase Agreement with De Lage Landen Public Finance LLC and Escrow Agreement with De Lage Landen Public Finance LLC to procure from Pricon, Inc., replacement equipment for City's network core; and authorizing the Finance Director to execute the agreements and any related documents and take such actions as necessary to implement and administer the agreements. Accept the proposal of Pricon Inc., in the amount of $753,655 plus applicable tax, for the purchase of equipment and all necessary components for the Citywide network core replacement and authorize the Purchasing Agent to execute the purchase order, in accordance with RFP #8793; approve and authorize the Finance Director and City Clerk, to execute and attest the 10 January 10, 2017 Equipment Lease Purchase Agreement with De Lage Landen with annual payments of $251,218.34 for three years so long as such Agreement is in substantial conformance with the approved agreement and updated summary of terms and conditions, as determined by the City Attorney's Office; authorize the Finance Director to take such actions as are necessary, advisable, or required to implement and administer the Agreement; and authorize de minimis changes that do not substantially change the terms and conditions of the agreements, as determined by the City Attorney's Office. Item No. 27 Discussion. Motion: SF/TT Approved Vote: 7-0 and Use - Zoning Report on Closed Session Actions: Kristen Pelletier, Acting City Attorney, reported City Council authorized the City Attorney to file cross- complaints against Little Arabia LLC and Fusion Looks LLC and their principals as applicable or necessary (Closed Session Item No. 1). Council Communications: Council Member Murray thanked her colleagues for supporting the recognitions of the Orange Unified School District and the CARE program volunteers. She wished everyone a Happy New Year and requested the following agenda items: 1) Council Policy for equal agenda setting for each member of council and 2) staff report outlining the goals and objectives of the Mayor’s Welcome Taskforce and noted other various components she wished to have included. Council Member Kring wished everyone a Happy New Year. Council Member Moreno requested the following agenda items: 1) an action/discussion item assessing the camping ordinance addressing the following: assessment of the ordinance; demographics of the homeless; how the homeless pay for tickets received and if not paid, what are the consequences; cost of enforcement; what measures have been taken to support the homeless population; review of safe zones, and the pros and cons of keeping the bathrooms open; 2) review of Resolution No. 88-124 and 3) an update on the enforcement of the short-term rental ordinance. Council Member Barnes thanked all in attendance and requested the following agenda items: 1) park status for District 1; and 2) status of the Beach Blvd Specific Plan. Mayor Pro Tem Vanderbilt spoke of his meetings with Congressman Correa, Senator Newman, Assembly Members Quirk-Silva and Daly and shared their interest in collaborating and providing assistance to the City. He requested the following agenda items: 1) proclamation recognizing North Orange County Community College District Board retirees Leonard Lahtinen and Antonio Onterveros; 2) closed session update on Angel negotiations; and 3) the conversion of the four Neighborhood Council Districts to six. Council Member Faessel requested staff evaluate needed park land related to the land development east of the community center and spoke of the parking survey. He spoke of his attendance at the Anna Drive Christmas Posadas and the River Church Outreach event. Mayor Tait shared the passing of city employee Maureen Meza, Community Services Department (Pearson Park) and Carl Totoro, active parishioner of St. Anthony Claret Church. He expressed his condolences to the families and requested the meeting be adjourned in their name. 11 January 10, 2017 Adjournment: 10:13 P.M. Meeting adjourned in memory Maureen Meza and Carl Tortoro. Next regular City Council meeting is scheduled for January 24, 2017. All agenda items and back-up materials are available for review at the Anaheim City Clerk’s Office, www.anaheim.net and the Central Library. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the City Council regarding any item on this agenda (other than writings legally exempt from public disclosure) will be made available for public inspection in the Office of the City Clerk, located at 200 S. Anaheim Blvd., 2nd Floor, Anaheim, CA 92805, during regular business hours. If requested, the agenda and backup materials will be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. Sec. 12132), and the federal rules and regulations adopted in implementation thereof. Any person who requires a disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, in order to participate in the public meeting may request such modification, accommodation, aid or service by contacting the City Clerk’s Office either in person at 200 South Anaheim Boulevard, Anaheim, California, or by telephone at (714) 765-5166, no later than 10:00 AM on the day preceding the scheduled meeting. TRANSLATION SERVICES: Spanish interpreting services are provided at City Council meetings. Simultaneous Spanish interpretation is provided through the use of headsets and consecutive interpretation (Spanish-to-English) is also available to anyone addressing the Council by stating your request at the podium. The use of city provided interpreters is not required and persons are welcome to use their own interpreter. Because many dialects and regionalisms exist the City cannot guarantee that interpreters will be able to interpret into a particular dialect or regionalism, and disclaims any liability alleged to arise from such services. For translation services in other languages, contact the City Clerk’s office no later than 48 hours prior to the scheduled meeting. POSTING STATEMENT: On January 6, 2017, a true and correct copy of this agenda was posted on the kiosk outside City Hall, 200 S. Anaheim Blvd. Internet Access to City Council/Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency/Housing Authority agendas and related material is available prior to City Council Meetings at www.anaheim.net.