RES-2018-020RESOLUTION NO 2018- 0 2 0
WHEREAS, the City of Anaheim and the Anaheim Firefighters Association,
Local 2899 have engaged in discussions to establish a pilot program establishing an
alternative dispute mechanism for workers' compensation claims; and
WHEREAS, the Anaheim Firefighters Association, Local 2899 is in agreement
with the terms outlined in said Labor Management Workers' Compensation Alternative
Dispute Resolution Agreement; and
WHEREAS, as a result thereof, the Labor Management Workers' Compensation
Alternative Dispute Resolution Agreement dated February 15, 2018 between the parties
has been prepared and signed; and
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Anaheim does find that it is in the
best interest of the City of Anaheim to approve said Agreement.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of
Anaheim that the Labor Management Workers' Compensation Dispute Resolution
Agreement dated February 15, 2018 between the Anaheim Firefighters Association,
Local 2899 and the City of Anaheim, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated
herein by reference herein, is hereby approved.
THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and adopted by the City Council
of the City of Anaheim this 27th day of February, 2018 by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Mayor Tait and Council Members Moreno, Murray,
Vanderbilt, Barnes, Kring, and Faessel
NOES: None
into by and between the City of Anaheim ("City" or "Anaheim") and the Anaheim
Firefighters Association, Local 2899 ("AFA"). This Agreement is created pursuant to
California Labor Code §3201.7(a) (3) (c).
Nothing in this agreement diminishes the entitlement of a covered employee to
compensation payments for total or partial permanent disability, total or partial temporary
disability, Labor Code §4850 benefits, or medical treatment fully paid by the employer
and otherwise provided for in Division 4 of the Labor Code. Nothing in this agreement
denies to any covered employee the right to representation by counsel at all stages during
this alternative and expedited resolution process.
The City of Anaheim and AFA negotiated. this agreement by forming a
partnership known as the Joint Labor Management team (JLM). The Management team
is comprised of Human Resources Executive and Administrative Management staff
members, or designee(s). The Labor Team is comprised of the AFA Board President, or
designee. The Labor Representatives will be appointed by the Union President or
The purpose of the Joint Labor Management team (JLM) is to develop policy and
procedures of the Alternative Dispute Resolution ("ADR") program; review
implementation and progress of the program; address any issues at time frames agreed to
by the committee; and to ensure that the program terms and conditions are administered
in harmony with this agreement.
Article I: Purpose
The purposes of this Agreement are:
1. To provide active employees and retirees (whose injury occurred and was
filed during active employment during the term of this agreement but whose injury has
not been stipulated to or settled by compromise and release) claiming compensable
injuries under Division 4 of the California Labor Code ("Workers' Compensation Law")
with an expedited procedure to resolve disputes in accordance with the provision of this
Agreement and to facilitate those employees' prompt recovery and return to work;
2. To reduce the number and severity of disputes between the CITY and
covered employee, when those disputes relate to workers' compensation;
3. To provide workers' compensation coverage in a way that improves labor
management relations, improves organizational effectiveness, and reduces costs for the
These purposes will be achieved by utilizing an exclusive list of medical providers to be
the sole and exclusive source of medical -legal evaluations for disputed issues
surrounding covered employees in accordance with Labor Code §3201.7(c);
Now, therefore, in consideration of the mutual terms, covenants and conditions
herein, the parties agree as follows:
Article II: Term of Agreement
The CITY and AFA enter into this Agreement with the understanding that the law
authorizing this Agreement is new and evolving. The parties further understand that this
Agreement governs a pilot program and that it shall become effective July 1, 2018, after
it is executed by the parties, submitted to the Administrative Director of the State of
California, Department of Industrial Relations, Division of Workers' Compensation in
accordance with Title 8, California Code of Regulations § 10202(d), and accepted by the
Administrative Director as evidenced by the Director's letter to the parties indicating
approval of the Agreement. This Agreement shall be in effect for two (2) years
beginning July 1, 2018. Thereafter, it shall continue and remain in force unless
terminated by either party as provided for below. Any claim arising from an industrial
injury sustained before the termination of this Agreement shall continue to be covered by
the terms of this Agreement, until the claim is stipulated, reaches a compromise and
release or is reopened as statutorily allowed. The parties reserve the right to terminate
this Agreement at any time for good cause, by mutual agreement or by act of the
Legislature. The terminating party must give thirty (30) calendar days written notice to
the other party of the intent to terminate. Upon termination of this Agreement, the parties
shall become fully subject to the provisions of the applicable Labor Code provisions to
the same extent as they were prior to the implementation of this Agreement, except as
otherwise specified herein.
Article III: Scope of Agreement
A. This Agreement applies only to injuries, as defined by Workers'
Compensation Law, claimed by the following referred to herein as "Covered
Individuals:" 1) active employees; 2) retirees (whose injury occurred and was filed during
active employment during the term of this agreement but whose injury has not been
stipulated to or settled by compromise and release); 3) active employees and retirees
where a petition to reopen a pre-existing claim to seek new and further disability or to
reduce a prior award is filed after the effective date of this agreement.
B. Injuries occurring and claims filed after termination of this Agreement are
not covered by this Agreement.
C. This Agreement is restricted to establishing an exclusive list of medical
providers to be used for disputes as described in Article IV, Paragraph E.
D. For purposes of this Agreement a "claimed injury" is one for which either
a (1) DWC-1 workers' compensation claim form or (2) an Application for Adjudication
of Claim has been filed with the Workers' Compensation Appeals Board ("WCAB").
Article IV. Expedited Medical -Legal Process
A. Physicians who serve in the capacity as Independent Medical Examiner
("IME") pursuant to this Agreement will receive enhanced compensation for services
performed as outlined in the physician contract in exchange for expedited examinations
and report preparation.
B. This Agreement does not constitute a Medical Provider Network
("MPN"). Physicians who act as a Covered Individual's treating physician, or have
provided treatment to the Covered Individual shall not act as the Independent Medical
Examiner (IME) in the Covered Individual's claim. Pre -designation of a physician must
comply with the requirements set forth in Labor Code section 4600(d) (1).
C. All employees with a disputed issues as described in Article IV, Paragraph
E must be evaluated by an approved physician from the exclusive list of IME's. Should
the employee claim injuries requiring more than one (1) medical specialist, the employee
shall be provided an IME appointment in each area of specialty. Attached hereto as
Exhibit A is an exclusive list of IME's agreed upon by the parties. If the IME requires
the opinion of an additional sub -specialist, the IME shall refer the employee to a
physician of the IME's choice, who need not be on the IME list or in the MPN. The
consulting specialist charges are subject to the Official Medical Fee Schedule (DMFS).
The IME may not refer the employee to his treating physician for this purpose.
D. The exclusive list of IME's shall include the specialties as agreed upon by
the parties.
E. An IME shall be used for disputes that arise in connection with a workers'
compensation claim including but not limited to:
1) The determination of AOE/COE causation;
2) The nature and extent of TTD/4850;
3) The nature and extent of permanent disability and apportionment;
4) Work restrictions;
5) Ability to return to work, (including transitional duty); and
6) The need for future medical care (post MMI, and subject to the Utilization
Review Process).
The parties agree that the covered individual shall use the originally chosen IME
for all subsequent disputes and injuries claimed arising under this agreement. In the
event that said IME is no longer available, the parties shall utilize the next specialist on
the list pursuant to Article IV, paragraph (I)(5), as set forth herein. The agreement herein
does not cover medical treatment disputes arising from Utilization Review/Independent
Medical Review.
F. The IME process described above will be triggered when either party
provides the other written notice of an objection in connection with any issues set forth in
Article IV paragraph E above. For example, a delay notice to the claim will trigger the
IME process. Objections from the CITY shall be sent to the employee with a copy to the
employee's legal representative, if represented. Objections from the employee or
employee's legal representative shall be sent to the employee's assigned claims examiner
with a copy to the CITY's legal representative, if applicable.
G. Objections shall be sent within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of a
medical report or a utilization review decision addressing any of the issues set forth
above. A letter delaying acceptance of the claim automatically creates a dispute; further,
all denials and or delays of benefits including a denial of the claim automatically creates
a dispute. Delayed decisions based on legal issues shall not trigger the IME process. A
subsequent acceptance of the claim and/or resolution of the disputed issue may eliminate
the need for completion of the dispute resolution process set forth in this Agreement.
H. The exclusive list of IME's shall serve as the exclusive source of medical -
legal evaluations for all disputed medical issues arising from a claimed injury, unless
otherwise agreed to by the parties in writing.
1. The parties hereby agree that from time to time the exclusive list of IME's
may be amended. For either party to propose adding an IME to the exclusive list of
medical providers, the party must provide notice, in writing, to the other party of its
request to add a physician to the list. The parties must mutually agree in writing to the
addition of physicians to the IME list. A physician may only be deleted from the
exclusive list of medical providers if s/he breaches the terms and conditions of the
contract with the CITY or by written mutual agreement of the parties. The list shall be
reviewed quarterly by the JLM from the execution date of the Agreement and quarterly
thereafter for additions and deletions of newly selected or deleted IME'S. Any IME
proposed for consideration of addition or deletion after the review period will be
reviewed at the next interval review period of the JLM unless there is a breach of the
terms and conditions of the Agreement or by mutual written agreement of the parties.
J. Appointments.
1. Risk Management shall schedule appointment(s) with the IME and
provide notice of the appointment within ten (10) calendar days of the date of
receipt of the objection issued by any party subject to the terms and provisions of
this Agreement. The notice of the appointment location, date and time shall be
sent to the employee and to his legal representative, if there is one.
2. The employee shall be responsible for providing Risk Management
with his/her work schedule prior to an appointment being made so that
appointments can be made, if possible, during an employee's non -working hours.
3. Compensation for attending medical appointments under this
Agreement shall be consistent with CITY policy.
4. Mileage reimbursement to covered employees shall be in
accordance with Labor Code § 4600(e) (2), unless transportation is provided by
the CITY.
5. For purposes of appointments, Risk Management shall select the
IME(s) by starting with the first name from the exclusive list of approved medical
providers within the pertinent specialty, and continuing down the list, in order,
until the list is exhausted, at which time CITY Risk Management/TPA will
resume using the first name on the list.
6. The IME shall submit the medical reports thirty (30) days
following examination of the employee, pursuant to the contract terms, unless a
longer period of time is agreed to by the parties.
K. The CITY is not liable for the cost of any medical examination used to
resolve the parties' disputes governed by this Agreement where said examination is
furnished by a medical provider that is not authorized by this Agreement. Medical
evaluations shall not be obtained outside of this Agreement for disputes covered by this
agreement, notwithstanding Labor Code Section §4605.
L. Both parties shall be bound by the opinions and recommendations of the
IME selected in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, subject to legal challenges
brought by the parties.
M. Either party who receives records prepared or maintained by the treating
physician(s) or records, either medical or nonmedical, that are relevant to the
determination of the medical issue shall serve those records on the other party
immediately upon receipt. If one party objects to the provision of any nonmedical
records to the IME, the party shall object within twenty (20) calendar days of the service
of records. Objection to the provision of nonmedical records may result in the denial of
the claim on the basis that the IME did not have complete and accurate information.
There shall be no objection to the provision of medical records to the IME, subject to the
provisions of the Labor Code.
N. The CITY shall provide to the IME records prepared or maintained by the
employee's treating physician(s) and medical and nonmedical records relevant to the
determination of the medical issue(s). The CITY shall prepare a list of all documents
provided to the IME, and shall serve a copy of the list on the employee and/or on his/her
O. All communications with the IME shall be in writing and shall be served
on the opposing party. This provision does not apply to oral or written communications
by. the employee or, if the employee is deceased, the employee's dependent, in the course
of the examination or at the request of the evaluator in connection with the examination,
or to administrative communications with the IME's staff.
P. Ex parte communication with the IME is prohibited. If a party
communicates with the IME in violation of paragraph O and P of Article IV, the
aggrieved party may elect to terminate the medical evaluation and seek a new evaluation
from the next IME chosen from the list pursuant to paragraph J(5). If a new examination
is required, the party making the communication prohibited herein may be liable for the
cost, pursuant to Labor Code §5811, or as ordered by the WCAB.
Q. If either party disputes a medical or medical -legal finding of the IME, they
shall notify the other party of this dispute by way of written objection within thirty (30)
calendar days of actual receipt of the IME's report. All disputes of this nature shall be
resolved either by way of supplemental interrogatory and report or by way of deposition.
Article V: Discovery
A. Covered Individual shall provide Risk Management with fully executed
medical releases, and any other documents and information reasonably necessary for the
CITY to resolve the employee's claim, when requested. If the employee fails to return
the release and it is determined that the medical information is not sufficient for the IME
to provide a comprehensive evaluation, the parties shall meet to resolve the issue(s) prior
to setting an evaluation. This Article does not supplant or diminish the parties' rights to
pursue or contest discovery issues pursuant to the remedies provided in the Labor Code,
through the WCAB.
B. This Agreement does not preclude a formal deposition of a covered
employee or an IME when necessary. Attorney's fees for depositions of covered
employees shall be paid at the rate of $350 per hour, consistent with Labor Code §5710.
This rate of reimbursement for attorney's fees for depositions of covered employees is
subject to an annual review to determine if adjustments to said rate of reimbursement
should be made. There shall be no attorney's fees for depositions of IMEs.
Article VI: General Provisions
A. This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding of the Parties and
supersedes all other agreements, oral or written, with respect to the subject matter in this
B. This Agreement shall be governed and construed pursuant to the laws of
the State of California.
C. This Agreement, including all attachments and exhibits, shall not be
amended, nor any provisions waived, except in writing signed by the parties which
expressly refers to this Agreement.
D. If any portion of this Agreement is found to be unenforceable or illegal the
remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect.
E. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts.
F. Notice required under this Agreement shall be provided to the parties as
R. Motsick, Acting Human Resources Director
's Association:
Rick Cheatham, AFA President
,72--1 � ---/ ff
DATED: Z115 , 2018 By
r.City C rk
y Attorney
I, THERESA BASS, Acting City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing
is the original Resolution No. 2018-020 adopted at a regular meeting provided by law, of the
Anaheim City Council held on the 27th day of February, 2018 by the following vote of the members
AYES: Mayor Tait and Council Members Moreno, Murray, Vanderbilt, Barnes,
Kring, and Faessel
NOES: None
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 27th day of February, 2018.