AA 03 19 2018 Anaheim Planning Commission Action Agenda March 19, 2018 Anaheim City Hall, Council Chambers 200 S. Anaheim Boulevard, Anaheim, CA 92805 Commissioners Present: Chairperson: Bill Dalati John Armstrong, Jess Carbajal, John Gillespie, Kimberly Keys, Steve White Commissioners Absent: Chairperson Pro-Tempore: Michelle Lieberman Staff Present: Leonie Mulvihill, Deputy City Attorney IV Rafael Cobian, Principal Traffic Engineer Irma Hernandez, Acting Planning Services Manager Kathy Nguyen, Associate Engineer David See, Principal Planner Roger Bennion, Code Enforcement Supervisor Scott Koehm, Senior Planner Mike Eskander, Principal Civil Engineer Joanne Hwang, Associate Planner Esperanza Rios, Assistant Engineer Wayne Carvalho, Contract Planner Eleanor Morris, Secretary Agenda Posting: A complete copy of the Planning Commission Agenda was posted at 11:30 a.m. on Wednesday, March 14, 2018, inside the display case located in the foyer of the Council Chamber and in the outside display kiosk.  Call to Order – 5:00 p.m. Chairperson Dalati presented the 10-day appeal rights for all public hearing items. The appeal period for the public hearing items end on Thursday, March 29, 2018.  Audience Attendance: 16  Pledge of Allegiance by Commissioner Keys  Public Comments  Public Hearing Items  Commission Updates  Discussion  Adjournment MARCH 19, 2018 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA 03-19-2018 Page 2 of 4 Public Comments: None Public Hearing Items: ITEM NO. 2 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 4010A (DEV2018-00002) Location: 1515 South State College Boulevard Request: To amend a previously-approved Conditional Use Permit by modifying or deleting a condition of approval pertaining to a time limitation for an existing self-storage facility (Everest Self Storage). Environmental Determination: The Planning Commission will consider whether the proposed action is Categorically Exempt from the requirements to prepare additional environmental documentation per California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, Section 15301, Class 1 (Existing Facilities). Resolution No. PC2018-016 (Gillespie / Keys) Approved VOTE: 5-1 Chairperson Dalati and Commissioners Armstrong, Carbajal, Gillespie and Keys voted yes. Commissioner White voted no. Commissioner Lieberman was absent. Project Planner: Wayne Carvalho wcarvalho@anaheim.net OPPOSITION: None DISCUSSION TIME: 9 minutes (5:03 to 5:12 p.m.) MARCH 19, 2018 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA 03-19-2018 Page 3 of 4 ITEM NO. 3 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2018-05960 (DEV2017-00108) Location: 928 North Euclid Street Request: To permit and retain the replacement of existing nonconforming signs for a restaurant (Jo Won Restaurant). Environmental Determination: The Planning Commission will consider whether the proposed action is Categorically Exempt from the requirements to prepare additional environmental documentation per California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, Section 15311, Class 11 (Accessory Structures). Resolution No. PC2018-017 (White / Armstrong) Approved the request per conditions of approval and findings as read into the record by staff at the public hearing. Added a condition of approval to state that the applicant is required to obtain building permits for the existing nonconforming signs within 90 days. VOTE: 6-0 Chairperson Dalati and Commissioners Armstrong, Carbajal, Gillespie, Keys and White voted yes. Commissioner Lieberman was absent. Project Planner: Wayne Carvalho wcarvalho@anaheim.net OPPOSITION: None IN SUPPORT: Two persons spoke in favor of the subject request. DISCUSSION TIME: 43 minutes (5:13 to 5:56 p.m.) MARCH 19, 2018 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA 03-19-2018 Page 4 of 4 ITEM NO. 4 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2017-05928 (DEV2017-00068) Location: 3270 West Lincoln Avenue Request: To permit the construction of a new 1,649 square foot fast food restaurant with a drive-through lane (Taco Bell). Environmental Determination: The Planning Commission will consider whether the proposed action is Categorically Exempt from the requirements to prepare additional environmental documentation per California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, Section 15303, Class 3 (New Construction). Resolution No. PC2018-018 (Gillespie / White) Approved with modifications to Condition No. 17 to state that a private water system with separate water service for fire protection and domestic water shall be provided and shown on plans submitted to the Water Engineering Division of the Anaheim Public Utilities Department, or as otherwise approved by the Public Utilities Department and/or Fire Department. VOTE: 6-0 Chairperson Dalati and Commissioners Armstrong, Carbajal, Gillespie, Keys and White voted yes. Commissioner Lieberman was absent. Project Planner: Joanne Hwang jhwang@anaheim.net OPPOSITION: None DISCUSSION TIME: 20 minutes (5:57 to 6:17 p.m.) MEETING ADJOURNED AT 6:20 P.M. TO MONDAY, APRIL 16, 2018 AT 5:00 P.M. The scheduled meeting of April 2, 2018 was cancelled due to a lack of agenda items.