AHA-2018/01/30ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 30,2018 The Anaheim Housing Authority regular meeting was called to order at 5:28 P.M. in City Council Chambers located at 200 B. Anaheim Blvd. fora joint public comment session with the Anaheim City Council. The meeting notice, agenda, and related materials were duly posted on January 26'201D. PRESENT: Chairman Tom Tait and Authority Members: Jose F. Moreno, Kris Murray, James Vanderbilt, Denise Barnes, Lucille KriOg.and Stephen Feeo8e/. PRESENT:STAFF Interim City Manager Linda /\nda|.Acting City Attorney Kristin Pelletier and Acting Secretary Theresa Bass. COMMENTS:PUBLIC Tim Schindler thanked Council for its service and for appointing him b]the Senior Citizen Commission and spoke infavor 0fItems No. O2and 21. Hmcommented onthe need to maintain open space inthe downtown area and oOthe high-cost ofhousing. Mr. Schindler encouraged becoming ocity ofrespect aowell os kindness. Paul Vioknair.Senior Commission, spoke insupport ofItems No. O2 and 21. Hestated the parking lot and adjacent green area, were vital to the operation of the Downtown Community Center, stated the Community Center addressed needs of seniors, youth, groups, and people ofall abilities, and asked Council hnapprove the proposal. Lillian Forryspoke about the city selling land todevelopers and expressed concerns about seniors losing their parking lot and children losing space inwhich 0o play. CALENDAR:CONSENT /U7:3OP.M.,the Consent Calendar was considered with Authority Member Vanderbilt pulling Item No. 2for discussion. Authority Member Khngmoved toapprove the remainder of the consent calendar as presented, seconded by Vice Chairman Moreno. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES— 7: (Chairman Tait and Authority Members K4orenV, Murray, Vanderbilt, Barnes, Kring'and F@eome|). NC]EG—D. Motion carried. D155 1. Approve a Preliminary Funding Commitment Letter, insubstantial form, with Greenlaw Partners, Inc. to allocate $2.900'000inaffordable housing funds for the first-time homebuyer down payment assistance program for the Anaheim Boulevard Homeownership Affordable Housing Project |ooRtedot1D0-394VVem1CerhbosAveOue; authorize the Executive Oinyc1or, or his designee, to execute and administer the Preliminary Funding Commitment Letter; and authorize the Executive Director, or his designee, toenter into subsequent agreements necessary tnimplement the project, provided that such agreements donot materially increase mrextend the assistance provided by the Authority under the Preliminary Funding Commitment Letter. AHA1 77 3. Approve minutes of Housing Authority meeting of January 9, 2018. Anaheim Housing Authority Minutes ofJanuary 30,2018 Page 2 of 3 END OF CONSENT AGR_ 2. RESOLUTION NO. ARESOLUTION OFTHE ANAHEIM 10955 HOUSING AUTHORITY approving a Cooperation Agreement with the City of Anaheim, substantially iDthe form submitted with this resolution; authorizing the Executive Director and the Director of Community and Economic Development to finalize the exchange of properties and transfer of certain park fee credits pursuant to such Cooperation Agreement; authorizing the Executive Director and the Director of Community and Economic Development to implement such Cooperation Agreement; and making certain other findings in connection therewith [property located adjacent to City Hall with street boundaries ofBroadway Avenue, Philadelphia Strae1, Olive Street and Lincoln Avenue /APNO37-1O1-03.04.17to27.and 28\and property located onHarbor Boulevard and Carl Karcher Way (APNO37-283-34and O37-283-38)l(related toCouncil Item No. 21). O|8CU88|[)N: Authority Member Vanderbilt questioned whether the intent was to provide affordable housing next to freeways and whether mitigation measures would be taken to minimize freeway po)|utants, as well as if there were plans for affordable housing elsewhere in the city. Housing Authority Executive Director John Woodhead reported sharing Authority Member Vanderbilt'sconcerns regarding affordable housing being adjacent to freeways and stated staff advised him there were physical features that mitigated many of the issues and many could be mitigated through development techniques. |nterms ofproximity 0ofreeways, hereported there was asignificant buffer of2O0to4UOfeet from the freeway, and the development would be elevated so heavier particulates would not filter up to residents. /\ddiUVnaUy, vvhena affordable housing has been developed adjacent to freeways, staff has worked to mitigate noise and was investigating other mitigation measures, including air filtration. He reported commercial developers had approached the Citv/Autho[ib/vvith interest in the property. As part ofconsideration ofthe site, hestated staff would becognizant ofalternatives, and ifitwas decided to do something else with the site, the city would sell the property and put the money into an affordable housing project elsewhere. Authority Member Vanderbilt asked that the motion include astatement memorializing staff MOTION: Authority Member KhnQmoved to adopt RESOLUTION NO. AHA 2O18-OO1.A RESOLUTION OFTHE ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY approving a Cooperation Agreement with the City of Anaheim, substantially in the form submitted with this resolution; authorizing the Executive Director and the Director of Community and Economic Development to finalize the exchange of properties and transfer of certain park fee credits pursuant to such Cooperation Agreement; authorizing the Executive Director and the Director of Community and Economic Development to implement such Cooperation Agreement; and making certain other findings in connection therewith [property located adjacent to City Hall with street boundaries of Broadway Avenue, Philadelphia Street, Olive Street and Lincoln Avenue (ApNO37'1O1-03. 04,17 to 27, and 29) and property located on Harbor Boulevard and Carl Karcher Way (APN O37-2O3-34and O37-283-38)] and include the report from Housing Authority Executive Director John Woodhead, seconded byVice Chairman Moreno. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES —7: (Chairman Tait and Authority Members: Moreno, Murray, Vanderbilt, Barnes, Kring, and FaeGsm|). Nc]EG—O. Motion carried. Anaheim Housing Authority Minutes ofJanuary 3l2Ol8 Page 3 of 3 There being no further business, without objection, Chairman Tait adjourned the meeting of the Anaheim Housing Authority at 7:43 P.M. Respectfully submitted, heresa Bass, CIVIC Acting Secretary, Anaheim Housing Authority