1965/07/15 MINUTES
July 15, 1965
Anaheim City Hal. l~ City Council Chambers
Rex Coons
Charles Currier
Dick Glover
Paul Hughes
Harry Knisely
Mayor Krein
Councilman Chandler
Bob Davis, Assistant City Manager
Phil Hanf, Anaheim Bulletin
Dave Distal, Santa Ana Register
Tom Liegler, Stadium Manager
Alan Watts, Deputy City Attorney
Dick McClellan, Intern
Jack Boettner, Los Angeles Times
Noble Herzberg, Architect
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Coons at 2:05 PoM~
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting of July 8= 1965 were approved as written°
Mr~ Herzberg, Architect for the Anaheim Stadium explained to the Commission the structure
of the stadium in relation to earthquake design~
The reason, for the triangular stadium design was primarily considered because a tri-
angular design is best flor baseball and other sports and this principle makes it the
finest all purpose type of operation where the maximum number of seats are close to
the area of playo
Mro Herzberg reported that the official stadium seating totals 43,158, permanent seats~
%his figure does not include any outfield stands or the press box areas° The total
includes 19,386 terracotta seats in the lower deck, 6,900 orange on the club level and
16,872 beige seats in the upper deck°
A sample of the exterior finish was shown to the commission by Mr, Herzbergo He explained
that the quartz finish has a high light refraction and is very attractive in sunlight or
at night when lights are directed on ito It' is non-porous and can be washed easily°
Chairman Coons asked if there are any new features in this stadium that have not been
designed in any other st'adiums~ Mro Herzberg explained that the waste disposal system
has not been utilized in any other stadium and there are more restroom facilities than
any other stadium~ 56 cooled drinking fountains and a two level press box are other
outstanding features°
July 15, 1965
Councilman Chandler reported to the Commission and those present that his firm had
been retained by Automatic Canteen Company to obtain a liquor license for the Anaheim
$tadium~ He stated that he had met with the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board and
there is some question as to the wording in the contracts between Automatic Canteen
Company, the Angels and the City of Anaheim°
Counci]man Chandler suggested that the City of Anaheim Attorney's office, a repre-
~entative of the Angels and himself meet with the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board
to discuss any changes in the contracts~ so that the contracts may be amended as soon
as pe~sibleo Mr~ Watts will, make the arrangements with the Attorney's office° A
~otice has been posted at the Stadium site as of July 13, 1965o
KANSAS CITY TRIP - Harry Knisely
Co~issioner Knisely reported on his trip to the Kansas City Municipal Stadium° He stated
~hat the stadium is very old and in need of a lot of refurbishing, but promotiom by owner
Charles Oo Finley have increased attendance°
Mr~ Liegler reported on the varions subjects that were reviewed at the last Committee
meeti~go One of which is the location of the Edison Towers° It is impractical to move
~hem at this time~ There is a q~estion as to whether they can park under the tower lines°
Concerning the well site~ it was determined that it will probably be fenced off° The
Katella roadway location was not determined because of the condemnation suit on that
The movable stands and the structure of same will be studied further by the Stadium
Review' Committee as to the number~ height, etco The seats in the movable stands probably'
,~ill be the same seats that are in the stadium~
%he sod farm is ready to be pi, anted and as ~oon as the Parks and Recreation Department
receive their supplies and equipment, planting will begin°
Mro Dick McClellan~ Administrative Intern is compiling the information concerning the
rental rates for' other facilities and expects to 'have completed copies for the
Commissioners at thei~ next meeting°
Mr,, Liegler reported that he met with Joe Connors and Ed Nix of the NHRA and showed them
the parking lot grade layout~ Mro Connors said they will hold their annual hod rod race at
Long Beach this year but ~hope to have it in Anaheim next year° They discussed the possibil~
ity of having the track in the riverbed and using the Stadium parking lot for their parking°
This will, have to be studied further~ Additional discussion was held on the site propertie~
fro~ting on Katella Avenue~
Commissioner Glover moved to adjourn the meeting at 4~08, seconded by Commissioner Currier~
Respectfully submitted,