Rsgular Meeting
Thursday, February 18, 1965 - 1:30 Po Mo
Anaheim City Hall, City Council Conference Chambers
Rector Lo Coons, Chairman
The meetin~ was called to order ~ Chairman Coons.
Rector L. Coons
Charles Currier
Dick Glover
Paul Hughes
Harry Knisely
Absent: None
Alan Watts, Deputy City Attorney
Fred Sorsabal, Administrative Assistant
Dr. Ray Snyder, Physical Education - Athletics Dept., UoC.LoA.
Jack Boettner, Los Angeles Times (arrived 2:20)
Phil Hanf, Anaheim Bulletin
Approval of F~nutes
The Minutes of the meeting of February ll, 1965 were approved as written and
mailed, with the following correction:
Page ~ Use of Mufflers - Lines ~-?
"Mr. Atkinson went on to say that the mufflers lasted about three weeks and
the drivers started taking them o~'and the complaints didn't change'." -
corrected to read, 'no additional complaints were received'.
Field Trip to Ascot - February 21, 196~
As promised at the last meeting, Mr. Art Atkinson, President of CoA.Ro furnished
tickets to the auto racing event at Ascot Speedway in Gardena, California, to be
held February 21, 1965. Plans were made to meet at the main gate at 12:00 Noon.
Commissioners Currier, Hughes and Knisely indicated that they definitely plan to
attend and Commissioner Glover said that there is a strong possibility that he
will be able to go also, however, Chairman Coons advised that he will be unable
to make the trip as planned. It was learned that members of the City Council
intend to attend and arrangements have been made for an employee of the Utilities
Department to be present for the purpose of taking sound level readings.
Anaheim Stadium Comm~osion ¥~nutes February 18, 1965
Automatic Canteen COo Contract
A prelimina~ review and discussion of the proposed Concession Agreement between
the City of Anaheim and Automatic Canteen Company of America was held between
the Commission and Mr. Alan Watts of the City Attorney's Office. However, due
to the lateness in receiving the Agreement, the Commission members had not b~en
able to fully study the contract and only had a few questions°
One question was regarding paragraph (e) on page 2 of the Agreement, which reads
as follows: "(e) The term 'paid turnstile admission' means an admission for which
an admission charge is made and a person is actually admitted through the turnstile
for a complete event, provided, however, that if a person pays less than the regu~
lar admission charge set for such event only the first such admissions
per year will be included as paid turnstile admissions per year°"
Mro Watts was requested to check further into the definition of "turnstile admission",
and whether or not there should be any relief on any paid admission.
Mro Fred Sorsabal was asked to check on whether or not lettershad been written to
General Indicators Coo, Fair Play Scoreboard Co. and Bloomingdale as indicated in
the Stadium Commission Minutes of October 8, 1965.
M~. Sorsabal was also reauested to find out what the Commission's status is in
relationship to scoreboards.
Movable Grandstand
Chairman Coons announced that when he and the representatives of the City Council
were in Houston, Texas, making their presentation to the American Football League
in January, he was told (off-the-record) that three American League teams will be
looking for a home in 1966. However, none of these would make any commitments
until probably the latter part of 1965o In any event, whichever team does decide
to make Anaheim its home, they will be expecting the movable grandstand as shown
in the configuration presented and it is necessary that the engineering and under~
ground work be done immediately to facilitate this structure°
Chairman Coons entertained a motion of recommendation to the City Council for the
necessary authorization to get the above engineering and design work started. The
motion was made by Commissioner Hughes, seconded by Commissioner Glover and carrted~
as follows:
The Stadium Commission recommends to the City Council that authorization be
made for the immediate engineering and design work for the movable grandstands
to effectuate the configuration for football as displayed to the American
Football League in Houston, Texas on January 13, 1965 by representatives of
the City Council, Mayor 0dra Chandler and Mayor Pro Tem Jack Dutton; Stadium
Commissioner Rex Coons; Mr. Bud Nagle, City Information Officer and Mro Cedric
Tailis, Business Manager of the Los Angeles Angels.
Commissioner Currier - Request to Act as Official Representative of City
Commissioner Currier reported that he would be in Washington, D. C. on April 2, 3,
and 4, 1965 and in Atlanta, Georgia, April llth and 12th, and requested that
authorization be obtained from the City Council to make him an authorized repre-
knaheim Stadium Commission ~inutes February 18, 1965
Commissioner Currier o Reauest (cont)
sen%ative of the City to inspect scoreboards and other stadium facilities in these
two cities, and report back to the Commission on his findings. Chairman Coons advised
that he would initiate a letter to the City Council to this effect°
Concession i~tand Location Plans
l~ne balance of the meeting was devoted to examining and discussing the plans submitted
by Automatic Canteen Companv of America showing the proposed location of their concession
The meeting was adjourned at 3:00 Po Mo to the followi~m Thursday, February 25, 1965,
at which time a review of the Field Trip to Ascot and further discussion of the Automatic
Canteen Coo Agreement will be held.
~espectfully submitted,
Betty D. Wilson, Secretary