Regular Meet.lng
Tnursc[ay~ January ?~ 1965 .... 30 P~ Mo
Anaheim City Hafi, Couz~em~ Conference Chambers
Harry Kniseiy~ Chairman Pro Tem
The me. etmn6 'was called to o~e~: at. 2:00 P. M~. by Chairman Pro Tern Knisely~
Pre ~ en ~ Absent
Harry Kr~ seiy
Charles Cu_~ri er
Dick Glover
Rector L~ Coons
Paul Hughes
~ack Bo~et,taer, L~s A~'~geles T~les
Je~ry Teag~e~ O~smge News
Orange County Racing Assoaiation (0~ C,~ R.~ Ao) and
Cat~.for~ta AuZo Rae:Zr~z Inco__~(C A:. R. ~ R~. resen~atives
Robe~· A~wes~ Memoe?
A~. At~mson~ Pre~dent of Co A~ Ro
Viz~cent Cameron, Architectural Designer of plans and layout
Ralph Cooke ~ Member
D~lgias C~ E~ech~y, Attorney for Association
Mr~ Do~gias [aechty~ A~t~,rney and spokesman for the Orange Couuty Racing Association,
presented each Conn~issloner with a copy of $fheir proposal for a one-half mile
asp?m.lt oval auz. om~0ile racing fa~±ity, with an initial seating capacity of
8,000 to i0,000 spectato~':s~ W~mch would be constr~cted 'upon the surplus acreage
sou*~h of Oraz~gewood. Avez~ue mn the C'zt~ of Anaheim° The estimated cost of the
proposed faci2ity~, desl. gned to be compatible in qoality and design with the
nearOy Anaheim Stadi~m now ~nder constroct~on, wou~d be approximately $450,000,
Fzrianczag wo~ild be provided ~nder one of tJ~ree options, either 'by the City or
with pre.rate financing, a~d ~he City wou2d receive a percentage of the gross
recei'pts. Under' Option 3, the City wo'~d contzdbute a portion of the construction
Allane~ Stadium Compri ssi on %~ ~
~,nn~tes ~cont) January 7, .-96.>
costs and in e×ch~nge, a foo!:bail-size field smd cinder track suitable for second-
ary and j~ior college foo~Sba~, track and field events, and other collateral uses,
such as Lit~-le Leag~e Baseball and Pop Warner F¢,otball games, would be constructed
~,~i~hin the paved oval~. The City wouild then have the right, to use the facility at
muy time it mwou~d not ~or~fLict wA~th the duYy scheduled automobile racing events,
amd any ~venues from these ~o]~].atetal uses would be retained entirely by the City.
A copy of said proposal has bee~ received and filed.
When 'the Commiss:ior, ers had. had a chance 'to read the proposal, ~[~, Liechty then
made ?~s v'e~b~l prese~tat~on w~th the use of l~y'~t sketches, ~s~ssion ~t~en
the C~m'~ssioners and me~bers of O~ C R. A~ ~d C~ A~ R,, ensued, ~e po~t brought
out in this c~dscussion waa ~ether or not ~.~ wo.~..[o~ " ' ~ econo~e~ly feasible shoed
the CZ!~z dec~de it had o~:her uses for 'the k~d in less than the ~n yezrs spec~ated.
~ ~e<.:h~y reP.l~ed 'tha~ <rider 'pr~va~ fi~:~anc~g he tho~ht ~e lo~ co~d be
a~a,:~r<.~.z~ed :in ~ ~_,,e ye~r:~ '~,- ~.e::..~ ~.3vmver~ a ten yea~ (or mo~) lease wo~d. be far
Cha,iz~uam Pro Tern D0~iseiy advised ~na~ since two of the Commissioners were absent
and needed 'to be briefed on the proposal ~a~ich had been presented, mo~ t~e was
needed fo:r~ f:urther, s~udy kC; the Co~zission aud o%her Ci'~ departments concerned
b~fo.,:~ a d~':;~.~o:n coa~[d 'oe made, ~e A~sociat&on representa%ives ~ asked to
leave 't~e ar.':h:itectnral, pl.ans for the proposed S~ltO racing facility ~d advised
The mee~i:ng 'was adjourned at; 3:00 P~ M i'o the fo['{7towing Thursday, January 14, 1965
at 1~30 P~, M~ mn t.~,e Co,.,:a.:,l Cot~er~nce ChamOers fo~, further study' of the afore-
Respectfully submitted,