1964/12/17ANAHEIM STADIUM ut i~MISS ION Regular ~' Thursday, December, 17, !964- ?lO0 P. N, Anaheim City Library Auditor,ium,~ 300 West Broadway, Anaheim The Anaheim $i?ium Co~.m.iss;ion met for the f'irst, time s~,nce the last ~eg~ar meeting of Novembe~ ]9, t'o fac:~i~tate a j nt meet~.g o:f the Coimmss~o~ers w:i't.h Anaheim City officials and rer~esentatives of the - ' ,,ad~m, Inc~ (a non-orofiz corporation). The scab,ia m~tel cf ~v9 ~laheim Stadiom, [~repared't%, the uti.den ~est: Baseball Club and the en~'~ueer and ar~hi~ect, ~ H .....Ler~.,~ was put on disp'iay arid the combined group was brousht up to date on 1::.ne ~,r,',e~s~ of ~J~e s t.,adi~ eonst~ction Those in a~_[endance were as fo~/ows: Stadium Co~m[ission~rs: City 0 ~ .... ' ~. Ox:he rs Present Reporters~ Ora L: Chandler, l~iayor Jack C~, Dutton, Mayor Pro Tern Koi. th ~!r,toeh~ ~t:y }'~nager Bob Davis, Ass:istan% City Manager Tho:~ton Pear'sa'i!~. P~bli~ Works Di:~etor ~ld Nag]e, Public ~foI~ta'tion Offi. oer Ken Clements, Pnbtic Inf~,~at:lon Officer Cedric Taillis, Business Manager, Los Aogete$ Angels Noble Herzberg, EngM~leer & Architect of A~heim S~ ~ Smith, Project ~gineer for. Del We'bb Leonard S~at.'h, President, ~aheim S~.t~m, ~e, Bill Yo'~'~g~ Keeler Advertising Phil Haul', Anal~eim Bullet:in Jerlf%r Teague, Orange County New~ The next meeting of the ~aheim Stad:i.mn Commission ~itl be held on January' 7, 1965 at, 1:30 P~ M, in the Anaheim City Hall, Coune~.[ Chambers Conference Room. AGENDA Study of Stadium scoreboa:~i sketches snd specifications, 2~ Ccmsideration of a proposal, ~ich has been submitted, to 'build a midget auto race 'track in the Anaheim Stadi'um. MERH~ CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NE%~ YEAR! Respec'tfuIly submitted,