1964/10/22 (2) AGEk~A
Regular' Meeting
Th~orsaay, October 22, 1964 - 1:30 P. N.
~naahe~m City Hall ~ Council Chambers Conference Room
1~ Roll Call
2. Approval of Minutes of October 15, 1964
Concessionaire Contract Bids
4~ Adjour~nment
Regular Meeting
Thursday, October 15, 1964 - 1:30 P. M.
~maheim City Hall, City Council Chambers
Harz7 Km~sely, Chairman P~o Tern, and Rector L. Coons, Chairman
Tbe ~e,~t:~n~-~j was oalle6 to on, er at 2:].0 P. M~ by Chairm. an Pro Tern Harry KnXsely
~:~C___M, CAL!~:
Rector L~ Coons
Charles Currier
Dick G/over
Paul Hughes
Harry Knisely
(arrived 2:30)
City Offlcials:
Ora L~ C~dle~. Na~,~
Kei~h Murdoch~ City Mamger
Fred Sorsabal, Administrative Assistant
Joe Geisler, City Attorney
Alan Watts, Deputy City Attorney
Mrs~ Dene Williams, City Clerk
Mrs~ Alona Fattens, Deputy City Clerk
Roy Heissner, Personnel Director
(left 3:30)
(left 3:30)
(left 3:30)
(left 3:30)
Cedric Tallis, Business Nanager of Los Angeles Angels
st~ Howmrd, Vice-President of Cal-i-rama Concessions (left 3:~0)
R ~
usselz Nelson~ Representative for American Canteen Co0 of America
Jack Boettner, Los Angeles Times (left 3:30)
Phil Hanf, Anaheim Bulletin
Mi__n.u.%e~ - Approva]
It was moved by Commissioner Hughes and seconded by Commissioner Currier that f~he
Minutes of the meeting of October 8, 1964 be approved as written. Motion carried.
~o_ncessionair~ Contract.- Ope~!r~, of Bid~
Commissioner Currier moved that the bid which had been received by the City Clerk
one hour and three ~nutes late be accepted. The motion was seconded by Commissioner
Hughes and carried.
........... Cohesion Minut~ s October
Fro Tern Knis~!y opened ~acb. bid as list~, below, checked for the en~io3~e
~ra..t or c~]sc., in the ~mo~L cf One Thousand Do..~ars and read ~he i~:~--
~ONCEooION~ ih~, l~os. A~geles, California
.... ~,.~-. NE~dS ~0~, Div~ of American 5~ew$ ,~o~, Inc., N~w Y
. or~ City, New York
'vd~lI~fE 3~VICE CO~A~'y~ SeattFe, W~shin[j
· ERS, ~mheim, California
~Al, lfOR~%.i oPOF. T.)SERVICE~ INC.,, Buffalo, New
AUI~.~L~T£C C3J~'TI.~N COMF~Y£ OF ~ICA, Chicago, Illinois
-~.~aH~h O.~)~SSIONS, INC., ~aheim, Cs.~for~a - NO BID S~TT~ -
~.Rfd~oE ~5~I~ CONul~o~ION~4 INC~m, ~mmhe~, ual:.iorn~.a
A~5~[IC~ COMCESSI.0NS, Anahe~_m, Californi~
~s th~ bids ~ere vo.l.~inou~:~ a~ '~ould req~re s great deal of st~z~y, the Co~ ssion
:eeq~ ~-t e,'] that a coml~ar~ son ~;ab~_la t~on of .fi gures con~in~ ~erein' be prepared by
the 'Fi.:na.n~: ~ 0ffice~ To e.~te the bid awaY, the Co~ssion agre~ to meet ' '
'~e~Say, Oc~c~ber 2,., 1.96~ at 7:30 p~m~ [o study the tibula'tion ar,~ evaluate the bids
~bra~.ed. At ~is %im~ Mr. Knisely reiluq~sh~ ~e Chair. to Mr. Coons.
Z-~ay'-. Char~d]~r and ~,~mmiss'ioner Coon,~ reporLed on ~.e~r recent trip back es. st. to
:~eet ~.~ Mr. BiLl Sullivan, ~'~rican Foott~ll League President, a~ Mro L~ar. Hunt,
Cha;~m'aar, ,'~f the Expansion s.:~J Relocation Co~ittee, in rega~ to their com~ideration
of' /uua. heim as a s~t~ should the ~L decide to ~xpand,.
'it ~,.~.~s ~eir opina~n that, since the League is ~.uteres%ed in locating te~ms in areas
w~t.h ~, climates, ~ahoim is on top of the l~st of contempts, o~ers being New
0 r 1 k%~'mn S ~ ~ Atlan~ Also, ~ey felt t~at ~e gentlemen were well ~ ~ss~ wi~m
the '~r'ea a~ Mr. Sullmvan told them tkat, of a~ ~eball te~ ~at ~r group
wo~ ~d be requir~ to work ~, he was sure the ~wgel organization was one w~fth
~,h:i~.:h th%r could co~e~.ally do so~
Football. (toni)
;.;:~.?;r ~4~ard .~e~. adv,.seal that he would ask the City Council for authority bo present.
A~heim~'s potan~a]$ at. the I~a~ue's meeting in Ne~ Orleans scheduled for Januar-y,
at. which time their decision regarding ewpansion ~J~i]. probably be made.
A!.o~ this llne, ?h~-.! rman Coons reported that the 9tadium~ should be prepared for.
football in ~.egar~ ~o 'locker room faeli~.'cies, score~a~ls, e~, a~'! that Mr, C~dr:ic
T~.'l~%~: h~d b.~en ~.~orking om th~ layout p':an:t to ~.'~e ~ham eomplete].y adap~b]..e,
Mr~ Tal!~s show~ ~e plans ef the :~;t~'-.i~i~.~-~ ,~r'essin~ :,~om, training a~ storage
fa.~:f ties s~ point,~':~ out bt'.~eir fler!bilii.y for b~.seba!! s.~M foot~ll.,
'"'~'~ ....... :,:, ::,r;a ~.-:,,~t~,,.f ~hat: sil~l[te ~.~le Co~ission feels 'that ult~ately the S~di~ -
C~:nveutio~ Ea].l.....~.~,~ +~-,~ is goiIl~ 'to be t~e bi~.:est'"-~' ' operation in ~e Cd~ and
as?.il?,wJ t.,,. Sorsaln..t. his off, ce to do ~e job of "bi~. dogging" for ~e
Co,m'Ls~on rmtil $~hey have a chance ~ rev'ie~:: the ~t~$r a~ rake a dete~nation.
He ?,:rther ,~S~S~s~J that Mr. 2o?sabi] hs.s already begun worki~ by scOff.nE letters
tc ~[1 the scoreboa~ comp~:~es, urging ~ ~ se~ in ~eir specifications, etc.,
an~J f~rt~er, has been acq~i~n[] contracts 'w~ch can be used for s~ples in ~ture
n~:'~tia~ons vht~ far tYne'il
At. 'ti¥i:~ time Mr~ !~unJoah in~ited the Commzssion a~ Mr~ TsAlis to renew '~e
persom~el f.iles of the applJ, cants for the position of Stadi'~ Manager in his office
at t.h~ etose of the meeting~
Co~,~is$ioner Glover msde the motion that tranm~ission of the recommendation
to the ~:.ty ,,~:m ..... t for f,he services of Mr. Collier, Park a~ Recreation
D!.rec~r, ~ ~i~hhe].d '~til applications could ~ reviewS. Co~ssioner
Hu~hes ~ec,:~ the rooting,, Carrie.
~uest of Future .Us_~e of '"~ '~
~o~mn~ss~oner. t,urrier re. fred that he had had an informal request for the rental
o.f the Stadi~zm for. 'the ~ven~ng of July ~, 19~16 b.y To,ny Walker. He was advised
tn }mv~ Mr'~ W~k~.. ~_ sub~i~ ;'~ ~.tter; ..... :..~,..~o~i~-~,~c his interest to the Comm/ssion.
Co,~:.issioner Hughes move~ a.~ Commissioner ~- ~
~u.r~er seconded that the meeting be
adjourned, and tAat h~, Comnisslon and Mrlo Tal!is retreat to Mr. Murdoch's office
for review of t~e abov~mentioned..~pplications. Meeting adjourned at 4:2.0 p.m.
TheCommzssaon~ ~ ~ll/ meet at the City Hall. next Tuesday, October 20, 1964 at
7:30 p.m. for the review of the Concessionaire Bids~
~e next regular meeting_' of the Co~ission 'will be Thursday, October 22, 1964
at 1:30 p.m. in t~e City Council Chambers Conference Room.
Betty D. Wilson, Secretary