Library 2018/04/09ANAHEIM PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MEETING MINUTES MEETING LOCATION DATE/TIME Central Library April 9, 2018 500 W. Broadway 5:00 p.m. Anaheim, CA 92805 CALL TO ORDER — The agenda having been posted on April 5, 2018, the regular meeting of the Anaheim Public Library Board of Trustees was called to order by Chair Laviguer at 5:04 p.m. PRESENT: Rose Chen, David Laviguer, John Leos, Stan Oftelie, Claudia Perez -Figueroa STAFF: Audrey Luj an, City Librarian, Jennifer Foxx, PT Management Assistant GUESTS: Helen Carter, Friends of the Anaheim Public Library, Ginny Gardner, Anaheim Public Library Foundation, Kris Lasher, Friends of the Canyon Hills Library I. INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND COMMUNICATION FROM OTHERS: A. FRIENDS OF THE ANAHEIM PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT: Ruth Vonderloh was honored by the Anaheim Bulletin on her 92nd birthday with a brief article. Nancy Carlberg and Diane Sargent will represent the Friends at the WAND BBQ on April 21st. They will pass out library literature and accept donations. B. FRIENDS OF THE CANYON HILLS LIBRARY: FOCAL thanked the Community Services Department for the recognition they received at the Volunteer Recognition Luncheon. Kris also thanked the Board for the Certificate of Appreciation she received in recognition of her time as President. They will be holding a book sale from April 24 -28th at the Canyon Hills Library. C. ANAHEIM PUBLIC LIBRARY FOUNDATION REPORT: They are very excited for the Mystery Authors Luncheon on April 15, 2018. Ginny thanked the Friends of the Anaheim Public Library and the Friends of the Canyon Hills Library for their sponsorships. She also thanked staff and Audrey for securing additional sponsors for the event. More than 300 seats have been reserved. D. UNSCHEDULED ORAL COMMUNICATION: None. E. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION FROM OTHERS: None. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE MARCH 12, 2018: The minutes were approved as presented. III. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. LIBRARY RULES OF CONDUCT: The City Attorney's Office is reviewing the possibility of having the Rules of Conduct made into an Ordinance that will also apply to other Community Services facilities that directly serve the public. B. POET LAUREATE: Grant Hier has been appointed Anaheim's Poet Laureate. Central Library will host An Evening with the Poets on April 26th, and Mr. Hier will do his first public presentation as Poet Laureate. IV. NEW BUSINESS: A. WORKING OFF LIBRARY FINES: Presenter unable to attend, topic postponed to a future meeting. Anaheim Public Library Board Meeting April 9, 2018 Page 2 B. CHILDREN BEHAVIOR GUIDELINES: The Board discussed the guidelines. The topic will be postponed to a future meeting when the appropriate staff member can attend the meeting to answer questions. MOTION: That the Anaheim Public Library Children Behavior Guidelines be reviewed by the City Attorney once finalized by the Library Board. M/S: DL/SO, 5 ayes. C. CREATIVE WRITING CONTEST: The Altrusa Creative Writing Contest will be expanded to Olive and Lincoln Elementary Schools in addition to Ponderosa Elementary School. The contest will be held for fourth grade students. Board Members, Rose Chen, David Laviguer, Stan Oftelie, and Claudia Perez - Figueroa volunteered to serve as judges. V. INFORMATION A. CITY LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: • Haskett Library's parking lot has been restriped. • On Saturday, May 12th, City of Anaheim employees will "Give Back" and volunteer their time. One of the service projects is the outdoor beautification of Haskett Library. This will include painting and planting, along with opportunities to assist with inventory. All materials and supplies will be provided • The Placentia/Yorba Linda School District is reviewing the MOU to participate in Project ACES. • The City Council will be having a Developer Fee Workshop in April. B. BUDGET: Supplementals for funding for staff will be submitted. C. MARKETING: The marketing team continues to look for partnerships. D. LEGISLATIVE UPDATE: None. VI. ACTIVITY REPORTS A. STATISTICS: Included in packet. B. ACTIVITY REPORTS: Included in packet. VII. MONTHLY RECOGNITION OF SUPPORT/CERTIFICATE BY BOARD MEMBERS: None. VIII. BOARD ITEMS MEMBER JOHN LEOS: The partnership with the OC Probation Department is on hold for now as the section that worked with the Library is being eliminated. He believes that other divisions will be looking to partner with the Library in the future. MEMBER CLAUDIA PEREZ-FIGUEROA: Would like to invite local School Board Members to attend future Library Board meetings. MEMBER ROSE CHEN: Made a donation to the Foundation as she is unable to attend the luncheon. VICE CHAIR, STAN OFTELIE: Attended the farewell party for Brent Dennis. He also requested a presentation on the results of the Library Survey when they are completed. CHAIR DAVID LAVIGUER: Encouraged everyone to attend the Foundation Luncheon on April 15, 2018. Anaheim Public Library Board Meeting April 9, 2018 Page 3 A. NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be May 14, 2018 at the Haskett Library. B. ADJOURNMENT: Chair Laviguer adjourned the meeting at 6:28 p.m.