Public Utilities 2018/05/23CITY OF ANAHEIM PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD MINUTES MAY 23, 2018 The agenda having been posted on Thursday, May 17, 2018, the Regular Meeting of the Public Utilities Board (Board) was called to order by Vice -Chairperson J. Seymour at 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 23, 2018, in the I Ph Floor Large Conference Room, Anaheim West Tower, 201 S. Anaheim Blvd., Anaheim, California. Board Members Present: Vice -Chairperson J. Seymour, A. Abdulrahman, R. Nelson, V. Baroldi Board Members Absent: Chairperson E. Medrano, V. Ramirez, J. Showalter City Staff Present: D. Lee, L. Quiambao, M. Moore, J. Lonneker, B. Beelner, A. Kott, G. Bowen, J. Lehman, P. Oviedo, M. Seifen, M. Walker, A. Nguyen, Y. Saldivar, C. Pereyra, M. Robledo, Y. Gaytan, L. Tsoi Guest(s) Present: Logan Eldridge, Student Scholarship Recipient; Janet and Richard Eldridge, Parents; Yasmine Yu, Friend; Angelica Loya, Student Scholarship Recipient; Alma Loya, Parent AGENDA ITEM ACTION TAKEN 1. RECOGNITION: ANAHEIM PUBLIC UTILITIES SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS. The Board recognized L. Eldridge, and A. Loya as recipients of Anaheim Public Utilities High School Scholarships. 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS. Vice -Chairperson J. Seymour invited the public to address the Board. 3. APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD MEETING OF APRIL 25, 2018. * 2018-36 There being no public comments, Vice- . Chairperson J. Seymour closed the public comments portion of the meeting. R. Nelson moved approval of the Minutes of the Public Utilities Board Meeting of April 25, 2018. V. Baroldi seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED: 4-0. ABSTAINED: 0. ABSENT: 3 (E. Medrano, V. Ramirez, and J. Showalter). 4. DISCUSSION: FAIR POLITICAL PRACTICES COMMISSION CONSIDERATIONS RELATING TO APPROVAL ITEMS. D. Lee, Public Utilities General Manager, provided the Board with background information indicating that the Department would, on a going forward basis, be providing additional information pertaining to approval items so Board members can evaluate whether a potential voting conflict exists. D. Lee asked A. Kott, Assistant City Attorney, to discuss Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) considerations relating to approval items. A. Kott explained that in 1974 California adopted Proposition 9, which is better known as the Political Reform Act, and created the FPPC to administer and enforce ethics laws. 5. PRESENTATION: PUBLIC UTILITIES STUDENT ENGAGEMENT PROGRAMS. M. Walker, Utilities Analyst I, gave a presentation on the Department's student engagement programs. M. Walker discussed the progression of the programs, which begins with student education, transitions to student engagement, and concludes with career exploration. M. Walker indicated that over 20,000 students benefit from the Department's student engagement activities, including field trips, conservation education, and career symposiums. The Board asked about the cost impact on the Department and how the students are selected to participate. M. Walker indicated that she works closely with the Anaheim School District office and with the Anaheim's Innovative Mentoring Experience (AIME) coordinator, who provides a list of student candidates to the Department. Staff indicated that most of the activities with student mentoring involves staff time and therefore does not materially affect the Department's budget. 6. PRESENTATION: 2018 POWER SUPPLY SUMMER M. Robledo, Integrated Resources Manager, gave a presentation on how the Department and the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) prepare for summer peak electricity loads to serve customer demands. M. Robledo also discussed the elements contributing to summer peak demands, which include prolonged heat waves that increase air conditioning loads. M. Robledo indicated that extreme heat and local natural gas shortages are risks that could require controlled rotating power outages to preserve system integrity in emergency conditions; however, no such rotating power outages are expected this summer because the Department and the CAISO both have adequate resources to serve customer needs, including operating reserves. Lastly, M. Robledo 2018-37 discussed the interdepartmental emergency preparedness exercise, which was conducted on May 15, 2018 in preparation for rotating power outages should they be needed. 7. PRESENTATION: GROUNDWATER SUPPLY COST OUTLOOK. M. Moore, Assistant General Manager — Water Services, provided a presentation on the history of Orange County Water District (OCWD) and its water rates. OCWD has developed a diverse water supply portfolio that represents about 75% of the Department's water supply through groundwater. M. Moore indicated that this source of supply allows the Department to offer lower rates than agencies that do not have access to groundwater. M. Moore mentioned that the Department works closely with other OCWD agencies to protect Anaheim's interest in land use and potential impacts to rates. Lastly, M. Moore mentioned that the Mayors of the cities of Anaheim, Fullerton, and Santa Ana recently submitted a joint letter, which included their respective OCWD Directors, to request a reduction to the proposed OCWD rates. In response, the OCWD Board reduced its planned water rate increase. The Board asked if there is a risk of earthquakes occurring within the aquifer and if so, would it have an impact on the Department's water supply. M. Moore indicated that if an earthquake occurred, there is a known fault that could potentially impact the groundwater basin by seawater intrusion into the fresh groundwater. The Board inquired about dams located in Anaheim, specifically regarding Prado Dam and OCWD's involvement with getting permission to raise the amount of storage in the dam. M. Moore indicated that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is currently conducting a study to evaluate if raising the levels of storage for Prado Dam is feasible. 8. APPROVAL OF AN AGREEMENT WITH WESTERN AN FOR AUDIOVISUAL SYSTEM UPGRADES IN FOUR CONFERENCE ROOMS AT ANAHEIM WEST TOWER IN THE AMOUNT OF $186,815.67 PLUS AN ADDITIONAL 15% FOR AS -NEEDED EXTRA SERVICES. * D. Lee requested the Board's approval for replacement of audio and visual (AV) equipment in four conference rooms at Anaheim West Tower. D. Lee indicated that the existing AV technology is outdated and replacement parts are difficult to find. D. Lee mentioned that while the Department has over twenty conference rooms, the recommendation to replace equipment is for the four rooms that are used most for public meetings and by other City departments. The conference rooms include the Gordon Hoyt on the 2nd floor and large conference rooms on the 7d', 9d', and l ld` floors that are used extensively for conducting City business 2018-38 R. Nelson moved approval of an agreement with Western A/V for audio and visual system upgrades at Anaheim West Tower. V. Baroldi seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED: 4-0. ABSTAINED: 0. ABSENT: 3 (E. Medrano, V. Ramirez, and J. Showalter). including meetings subject to the Brown Act requiring modern recording equipment. The Board asked how long the current AV technology has been in place, the impact on the Department's budget, and the timeframe for upgrades to be completed. Staff indicated that the current AV technology is twenty years old, therefore making it difficult to find replacement parts. Staff explained the timeframe for upgrades would take approximately several weeks per conference room, and that the Department has allocated sufficient funds in the budget for the upgrades. 9. APPROVAL OF AN AGREEMENT WITH P2S INC. FOR AN ARC FLASH HAZARD STUDY AT SELECTED WATER UTILITY FACILITIES IN THE AMOUNT OF $29,160, PLUS AN ADDITIONAL 10% FOR AS -NEEDED EXTRA SERVICES. * J. Lehman, Chief Risk Officer, provided the Board with an overview of the proposed Arc Flash Study Agreement, which will evaluate the electrical arc flash risks posed by electrical equipment at water facilities and will identify the level of personal protective equipment that an employee is required to wear. In addition, the study will identify measures that can be taken to lower the exposure to high-energy arc flashes. 10. APPROVAL TO RECOMMEND ADOPTION OF FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 PROPOSED BUDGET. * B. Beelner, Assistant General Manager — Finance and Administration, requested the Board's approval for recommendation to the City Council of the Department's Fiscal year 2018/2019 (FY 2019) $584.3 million budget proposal. The Department's proposed FY 2019 budget is a $10.5 million (1.8%) increase over the Fiscal Year 2017/2018 budget. This increase is primarily due to a $14.2 million increase in capital spending as the Department proactively replaces aging infrastructure throughout its water and electrical systems. B. Beelner explained the proposed increase in capital spending is offset with a $3.7 million decrease in operating in operating expenses primarily due to the divestiture of the San Juan Generating Station from the Department's power supply portfolio. The Board discussed the budget as well as the Rate Stabilization Adjustment and how the Department uses it to stabilize rates and smooth out rate changes over the long run and keep utility bills affordable for customers. 2018-39 V. Baroldi moved approval of an agreement with P2S Inc. for an arc flash hazard study at selected water utility facilities. A. Abdulrahman seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED: 4-0. ABSTAINED: 0. ABSENT: 3 (E. Medrano, V. Ramirez, and J. Showalter). A. Abdulrahman moved approval to recommend the adoption of Fiscal Year 2018-2019 proposed budget. V. Baroldi seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED: 4-0. ABSTAINED: 0. ABSENT: 3 (E. Medrano, V. Ramirez, and J. Showalter). 11. UPDATE ON ELECTRIC SYSTEM ISSUES. J. Lonneker, Assistant General Manger — Electric Services, made the Board aware of a power outage that occurred on May 16, 2018 where a high voltage cable failure damaged additional cable and equipment within an underground electrical vault, resulting in an outage lasting over 12 hours. J. Lonneker reported the long outage period affected several mid-size hotels throughout the evening. As a result, J. Lonneker indicated that the Department would be evaluating ways to separate equipment and reconfigure the cable installation within the electric vaults to minimize multiple equipment damage in the future. Lastly, J. Lonneker invited members of the Board for a field visit to an installation of an underground electrical vault. 12. UPDATE ON WATER SYSTEM ISSUES. M. Moore provided an update on the Department's water supply. He indicated that the Southern California region is experiencing very low precipitation this year•, however, the water storage reservoirs are in good shape. M. Moore also discussed the Huntington Beach Desalination Plant project, which will be requesting that the OCWD Board amend its existing non-binding term sheet on June 5, 2018. M. Moore mentioned the project is still seeking two permits that will take at least a year to obtain. 13. UPDATE ON FINANCE ISSUES. B. Beelner made the Board aware that the Department has recently hired two temporary employees to augment Call Center staff during the busy summer months. B. Beelner mentioned that during the summer, there is an increase in call volumes due to inquiries about high summer bills, and service calls to connect and disconnect service as more customers move in or out of their residences during the summer season. B. Beelner then discussed the monthly dashboard indicating that the year to date electric revenue through April 30, 2018 was 3.7% higher than budget ($13.3M) with costs coming in below budget by 2.7% ($9.OM) causing a year to date net budget variance of $22.3M. B. Beelner then mentioned that year to date water revenue was 4.4% ($2.8M) above budget due to stronger than anticipated customer demand, and costs were 3.9% below budget ($2.2M) causing a positive net $S.OM budget variance. 2018-40 Staff sent an invitation to the Board for a field visit to an installation of an underground electrical vault. 14. UPDATE ON POWER SUPPLY ISSUES. G. Bowen, Assistant General Manager — Power Supply, provided the Board with an update on the Department's resources for the month of April 2018. G. Bowen indicated that renewable energy contract which was scheduled for March, was moved to April in order to make up for the planned outage of the Intermountain Power Plant that occurred at the same time. G. Bowen also provided the Board with an update on the Kraemer Power Plant's repairs noting that repairs were almost complete and that the unit was due to be added back in service towards the end of the week. G. Bowen also discussed with the Board that the Solar Boat Cup Race took place this past weekend and that the Department had sponsored an all -female team from Anaheim High School. G. Bowen also shared with the Board that the twenty-four winners of the Anaheim Water Poster Contest were recognized at Angel Stadium on May l Oth. Out of the twenty-four winners, five of them will be picked to go on to the Metropolitan Water District (MWD) Water Poster Contest for the 2019 Calendar with winners to be announced in August or September of 2018. Lastly, G. Bowen updated the Board on the 26th annual Anaheim Children's Festival at Lincoln Park and the Pitch, Hit, and Run Competition and Carnival event that took place in May. 15. UPDATE ON ENTERPRISE RISK MANAGEMENT. J. Lehman shared with the Board that June 1, 2018 would be a key legislative deadline where all bills must pass out of their house of origin in order to move forward. J. Lehman mentioned that approximately half the bills currently monitored by the Department have yet to meet this milestone. J. Lehman indicated that the bills that do move forward will be the subject of careful focus to ensure that the Department's issues are understood and addressed. Lastly, J. Lehman invited the Board to the Department's Emergency Response Exercise on August 29, 2018. 16. ITEM(S) BY SECRETARY. D. Lee informed the Board that upcoming events were outlined in a memo, and highlighted the Downtown Recycled Water Extension open house scheduled for June 27 prior to the next Board meeting. Items scheduled for the following Board meeting include: • WaterFix Presentation • Underground Conversion Program 5 -Year Plan Update • Master Agreement for Electrical Contractors 2018-41 D. Lee shared a presentation on the Big Give event, in which City employees donated their time and efforts on community projects. Utility employees participated in the event and assisted with painting, furniture assembly, and food shelter organization. Finally, D. Lee thanked Board members R. Nelson, V. Ramirez, and J. Showalter for their assistance in making the first scholarship program successful. 17. ITEM(S) BY BOARD MEMBERS. R. Nelson thanked the Department for giving students the opportunity to obtain a scholarship for college expenses. 18. ADJOURNMENT: (REGULAR MEETING ON JUNE 27, 2018, AT 5:00 P.M., IN THE 11TH FLOOR LARGE CONFERENCE ROOM, ANAHEIM WEST TOWER, 201 S. ANAHEIM BOULEVARD, ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA). ectful su miffed, Dukku Lee Public Utilities General Manager V. Baroldi moved approval to adjourn the Regular Meeting at 6:55 p.m., to the Board's Regular Meeting date of June 27, 2018 at 5:00 p.m. A. Abdulrahman seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED: 4-0. ABSTAINED: 0. ABSENT: 3 (E. Medrano, V. Ramirez, and J. Showalter). * Indicates item(s) that will be forwarded to City Council for action upon recommendation by the Board. ** Indicates item(s) that will be forwarded to City Clerk and City Council for informational purposes. 2018-42