Golf 2003/04/24GOLF ADVISORY COMMISSION MINUTES April 24, 2003 - 4:00 p.m. Community Services Department 4th Floor Conference Room MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Ed Klein Vice -Chairman Bartholomew Commissioner Jerry LeMar Commissioner Bill Martin STAFF PRESENT: Jack Kudron (arrived at 4:15 p.m.), Bob Johns, Michael Lautenbach, Dave Johansen and Linda Harrah VALLEY CREST GOLF: Craig Morrison, Superintendent at Anaheim Hills Chairman Klein called the meeting to order at 4:03 p.m. The minutes of the March 27, 2003 meeting were approved on a Motion by Commissioner LeMar and seconded by Commissioner Martin. There were no questions regarding the Minutes from the Commission. ACTIVITY REPORT Jack Kudron stated that there were no additional items. There were no questions from the Commissioners. COURSE CONDITIONS REPORT Dave Johansen reported that both courses are in great condition and ready for the City Championship Tournament to be held over the following two weekends. Dave stated that routine maintenance was conducted at both courses during the month. There were no questions from the Commissioners. DIRECTOR OF GOLF'S REPORT Bob Johns reported that a new scoreboard for the City Championship Tournament was constructed for The Hills. The new golf ball dispensing system has been installed at Dad Miller's driving range. Bob Johns answered questions from the Commission. Golf Advisory Commission Minutes April 24, 2003 Page Two FINANCIAL REPORT A & B. March and Third Quarter Financial Summaries Jack Kudron reported the financials are stabilizing. There is an increase of play at The Hills due tc the promotions staff developed. Jack stated that the courses are in good shape, the core clientele is back. The per capita revenue of dollars per golfer is lower than during the "golden years" when the courses were generating about $28.00 per golfer per visit compared to $19.00 dollars per golfer per visit in today's economy. A greens fee increase is proposed in the new fiscal year budget. There were no questions from the Commission. OLD BUSINESS A. Clubhouse Update Jack Kudron reported that the contractor is building the clubhouse in two sections, the banquet facility and golf operations. The foundation has been poured for the banquet facility with the slab for the facility to be poured this week. The Golf operations foundation will be poured next week and the slab is scheduled to be poured in two weeks. The contractor stated that work would be made up lost due to the rain delays. Jack reported for this operation, the food and beverage concessionaire is changing their name and dba. Their new name will be The Clubhouse at Anaheim Hills. Staff is preparing the staff report for City Council's approval of the name change. Jack stated staff has been meeting with the concessionaire on the FF&E items to be purchased prior to the clubhouse opening. Jack Kudron answered questions from the Commission. B. Tiger Woods Learning Center Update Jack Kudron reported the Tiger Woods Foundation Groundbreaking ceremony on April 16th was a great success. Staff continues to work with the Foundation's independent consultants in coordinating the many facets of the project. Jack Kudron answered questions from the Commission. Golf Advisory Commission Minutes April 24, 2003 Page Three C. City Tournament Michael Lautenbach reported there are 180 golfers registered for the Men's Handicap Tournament. The Senior and Championship flights are being finalized. It is projected that there will be 90 players for the Seniors flight and 80 players in the Championship flight. There is a 10% reduction in entries from last year's tournament, which is consistent with the trend in tournaments. Michael Lautenbach commended Scott Stubbs for the tremendous job he was doing in supporting, organizing and assisting in the various areas of the City Tournament. There were no questions from the Commission NEW BUSINESS A. New Golf Cart Lease Michael Lautenbach reported the new golf car fleet agreement with Jacobsen EZ Go is scheduled for City Council approval at the April 291h meeting. It will take approximately six weeks for the contractor to prepare the fleet for delivery to the courses. Michael answered questions from the Commissioners. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 4:55 p.m. The next Golf Advisory Commission meeting will be held Thursday, May 22, 2003 at 4:00 p.m. in the Civic Center 4`h Floor Conference Room.