Golf 2003/12/04COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: COMMISIONER ABSENT: CITY STAFF PRESENT: VALLEY CREST GOLF: CALL TO ORDER GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES DECEMBER 4, 2003 - 4:00 P.M. Community Services Department Large Conference Room Vice -Chairman Gaby Commissioner Kresal Commissioner Raab Commissioner Wright Chairman Schultz Michael Lautenbach, Bob Johns, Dave Johansen and Gail Barruga Bill Houlihan, Superintendent Vice -Chairman Gaby called the meeting to order at 4:01 p.m. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES The Minutes were approved on a Motion by Commissioner Wright and seconded by Commissioner Raab. ACTIVITY REPORT Jack Kudron stated that there was no additional information for this item. COURSE CONDITIONS REPORT Dave Johansen stated JKB Construction started December 3, 2004 to remove the silt accumulation in the lake at Anaheim Hills. The project includes building a dike system to divert the water around the lake to allow their equipment to remove the silt. Jack Kudron stated that staff has researched this issue for a more permanent solution. It would involve the construction of a system of drop structures upstream to catch the silt which then could easily be removed using a backhoe. However, the cost associated is prohibitive at this time. Commissioner Raab stated she received a complaint about the conditions of the sand traps at Dad Miller. The golfer stated he golfs early in the morning and there is a lot of mud in the traps. Bill Houlihan stated the watering is done at night and the course has not had time to dry out for the early morning golfers. Jack stated he would follow-up with the golfer. Commissioner Wright asked if the bees had been removed on #10 at Dad Miller. Bill Houlihan stated there was a hive inside a pipe and has been removed. Commissioner Wright also complimented staff on the gorgeous condition of the greens at Anaheim Hills. GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES DECEMBER 4, 2003 Page Two DIRECTOR OF GOLF'S REPORT Bob Johns stated during the past month there were several incidents of vandalism at both courses. At Dad Miller Golf Course Driving Range someone broke all the lights. At Anaheim Hills high schools students broke into the cart area and damaged several of them. The Anaheim Police investigation has several suspects. Bob Johns stated that some of the incidents have been caused by "former" employees of the golf course. Commissioner Gaby asked about the inventory for the new clubhouse golf shop. Bob stated that they are in great shape. FINANCIAL REPORT A. October/November Financial Summaries Jack Kudron stated that the October and November figures are down 4%. However, the preliminary figures are up by 1,000 rounds for November. Jack Kudron stated our courses could be benefiting as a result of the closure of several golf courses — Cypress and Hidden Valley. Jack Kudron stated beginning January 1, 2004 the weekend (Saturday and Sunday) greens fees will change. At the Hills the increase will be $5.00 for both residents and non-residents, and at Dad Miller the increase will be $3.00 for non-residents and $2.00 for residents. This is the first rate change in over four years. Commissioner Wright asked for clarification of the rates stated on the sign at Dad Miller regarding the resident green fee include "does not include cart." Bob Johns stated carts are not mandatory at Dad Miller therefore the rates do not include the cost of a cart. However, if the golfer does want to use a cart the rate is indicated separately. OLD BUSINESS A. Clubhouse Update Jack Kudron reported Michael Lautenbach has been receiving deliveries of equipment for the clubhouse and will be stored in temporary storage units until the clubhouse is available. Jack Kudron stated there has been a delay due to various backorders and issues with sub -contractors which has a domino effect. The contractor, KPRS stated the building will be ready for temporary occupancy on December 19, 2003. The New Year's Eve party is still a possibility. The Grand Opening has been rescheduled. Staff is waiting for approval from City Council prior to publishing the new dates. GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES DECEMBER 4, 2003 Page Three Jack Kudron reported that the Oak tree was planted in the circular area in front of the clubhouse. It is a multi -stemmed, 30 ft. high oak tree. All the concrete work is completed and the asphalt will be installed this week. Commissioner Wright asked about the number and location of handicap parking spots. Jack stated there will be eight spots located to the left of the main entrance next to the cart barn. B. Tiger Woods Learning Center Update Jack Kudron reported the Tiger Woods Foundation's Conditional Use Permit (CUP) was approved by the Planning Commission. There is a 30 day comment period the public may appeal to the Planning Commission regarding the CUP. If there are no appeals, then the CUP is in effect. Jack stated there were between 40 — 45 conditions. Staff continues to review their designs. The start date has been moved to January 2004. Jack Kudron stated the agreement continues to be negotiated between the Foundation and the City. Until this agreement is approved, the City is unable to apply for the $1 million grant for the course modification, and TWF cannot apply for a $400,000 grant from the City as part of the project. NEW BUSINESS A. Customer Service Commissioner Wright requested information on the type of customer service training programs available to the golf course employees. Jack Kudron reviewed the types of programs the City uses which include videos and the secret shopper program. During the year there are two customer training sessions for the Marshals and two or three customer training sessions for Bob Johns' staff depending on the turnover rate. Jack stated part of the problem is the high rate of turnover. Employees come in with higher expectations than what the actual job entails, become disillusioned and leave. Bob Johns also stated that besides he and the two Pros all other employees are part-time, who partially work for the perk of playing golf, and their focus is not the same as Bob's or the Pro's. In today's market it is difficult to find employees who understand the "service" attitude. Vice -Chairman Gaby left the meeting at 4:45 p.m. B. Commissioner Golf Privileges Jack Kudron distributed the annual golf passes for 2004 and reviewed the privileges with the Commissioners which includes two rounds of golf per month preferably once at each course. GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES DECEMBER 4.2003 Page Four Commissioner Wright stated that the Golf Outing was very good opportunity to meet the staff and review the course and suggested that this should occur four times per year. Jack stated, that for the outings, staff from both courses and the landscape maintenance vendor, Valley Crest, participate. Jack stated he would put this on the agenda for the next meeting to have a discussion on future outings. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, a Motion was made by Commissioner Raab, seconded by Commissioner Wright and unanimously approved to adjourn the Golf Commission meeting to Thursday, January 22, 2004 at 4:00 p.m. in the Civic Hall East 4th Floor Conference Room. The meeting adjourned at 4:55 p.m.