Golf 2003/07/24MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBER ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 24, 2003 - 4:00 P.M. Community Services Department Large Conference Room Vice -Chairman Gaby Commissioner Raab Commissioner Wright Commissioner Kresal Chairman Schultz Jack Kudron, Bob Johns, Dave Johansen and Gail Barruga VALLEY CREST GOLF: Bill Houlihan, Superintendent Jack Kudron stated the Commissioners at the June 26, 2003 Golf Commission meeting decided to elect the Chairman and Vice -Chairman positions at this meeting. Jack Kudron noted that, although two members absent, there was a quorum and the Commissioners had two options: 1) to continue with the election, or 2) to postpone it until the next meeting. The Commissioners chose to continue with the election. Nominations for Chairman were opened and a motion by Commissioner Raab, seconded by Commissioner Wright, to elect Commissioner Schultz to be the Golf Commission Chairman for a one year term. Motion passed. Nominations for Vice -Chairman were opened and a motion by Commissioner Wright, seconded by Commissioner Raab to elect Commissioner Gaby to be the Golf Commission Vice -Chairman for a one year term. Motion passed. Jack Kudron stated that Michael Lautenbach is on vacation. Jack introduced Larry Pasco, Urban Forestry Manager and Acting Park Superintendent who was attending as a guest. Vice -Chairman Gaby asked if the Commissioners were to keep each month's Commission packet or not. Jack Kudron stated it was at the preference of each Commissioner. Staff has copies of the meeting minutes and tapes. CALL TO ORDER Vice -Chairman Gaby called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES The Minutes of the June 26, 2003 meeting were approved on a Motion by Commissioner Wright and seconded by Commissioner Raab. Commissioner Wright requested that the Minutes reflect the Commissions asking the question with a summary response. Jack Kudron stated that future Minutes would reflect this request. GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 24, 2003 Page Two ACTIVITY REPORT Jack Kudron stated that included a report on the current promotions. Championship evaluations that were received from the participants. committee to keep or make changes in future years tournaments. N Also included are the City This information is used by the Commissioner Raab asked if the promotions are still run in the paper? Jack Kudron stated the purpose of the promotions at Anaheim Hills was to insure that a drop off would not occur with the start of the construction of the new clubhouse. The cost of the ad in the Register every two weeks was $450.00 each time. The promotions have been a success, the numbers of rounds are up at The Hills and staff will be evaluating the need to continue the promotions in the Fall. COURSE CONDITIONS REPORT Dave Johansen referenced the June Maintenance Activities report. Dave stated that the summer maintenance programs includes spiking to improve the water infiltration, preventative fungicide application for control of summer thatch and growth regulators will be applied on the greens to reduce the seed heads on the Poa grasses. At Anaheim Hills the product Primo, a growth regulator is applied on the fairways to reduce the scalping on Kikuyu grass. The greens are leached to reduce the salinity primarily at Anaheim Hills. Commissioner Wright asked if a replacement for the Oleander shrubs have been found? Dave reported that he is researching a recommendation of the Japanese Oleander. Commission Wright asked if the City would consider the use of bamboo as is used at Goose Creek. Jack Kudron stated that although it does look nice, bamboo is a very aggressive and invasive plant that will get into the turf very easily and is difficult to get rid of. Jack stated that not all Oleanders will be replaced a shrub type plant, but perhaps vines could be planted where there is a fence such as the Lavender Star flower that is used at Dad Miller on the fence between tees #2 and #6. Dave stated that the City's current aerification program is set up to remove cores and replace the material with clean sand to reduce the thatch build up. Three times per year 5/8" tines are used and then top dressed. Periodically, during the summer, a smaller tine will be used.. The process is quick and smooth. Dave reported that he researched The Planet Air system as requested by the Commissioners at the previous meeting. The users he contacted are quite pleased with the machine. Dave stated the machine does punch holes in the turf, however, there a various types of tines that could be used such as slicing, coring. Dave stated the more radical the more long term effect. Aerification is a long term process perhaps a 6, 12, 18 month results. Dave stated that the machine would have some uses on the courses. GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 24, 2003 Page Three Commissioners Wright and Raab complimented staff on the great condition of the two courses. Jack stated that staff is very pleased with Valley Crest who has been able to bring techniques, equipment and experiences in the industry such as the growth regulators which cuts down the time it takes to maintain the courses. DIRECTOR OF GOLF'S REPORT Bob Johns reported that the new cart fleet has been installed at both courses. The new carts have been well received by the golfers with the only complaint that they bounce a bit more. There have been no problems with the fleet at Dad Miller, however, at Anaheim Hills , three carts that have been seriously damaged by golfers' reckless driving. Bob Johns reported that the two junior golf programs were a success. There were 25 junior golfers at Anaheim Hills and 40 at Dad Miller. The Dad Miller junior program is a year long program on a quarterly basis which can reach 75/80 junior golfers in the program during the Winter and Spring breaks. Anaheim Hills conducts a two week school during the summer. Commissioner Wright asked if the junior players are allowed on the courses later in the day at no charge, as is the practice at other courses? Bob Johns stated that the City does not allow free golf, but that the Junior players pay the 9 -hole fee anytime any day. He has not received any complaints about the program. Jack stated that the late afternoon hours are very popular for players. Also, each of the boys and girls high school golf programs pay only $300 per team for a season. Canyon and Katella high schools use Anaheim Hills. Savanna, Loara, Western, and Magnolia high schools play at Dad Miller. Oxford Academy in the Anaheim Unified High School District and Fairmont Prep School, a private school, also play at Dad Miller, however they are required to pay. Jack stated that to provide a free or substantially lower cost program, staff would need to find additional funding sources to replace the difference in revenue. Jack Kudron stated that the Tiger Woods Learning Center may be able to offer a similar program in the future. Commissioner Wright inquired if the GPS system were recalibrated when installed in the new fleet at Anaheim Hills. Bob Johns stated that he has not had any complaints but will check with staff. FINANCIAL REPORT A. June Financial Summaries Jack Kudron reviewed the various financial reports which indicate a full three years of data. Jack stated that the number of rounds for the past two consecutive months continues to rise. Staff analysis indicates that the core of golfers is coming back and building. The new cart fleet and the new clubhouse have aided in the results. Jack stated that the year end reports, which are more detailed, will be provided at the next Golf Commission meeting. r1' GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 24, 2003 Page Four Commissioner Wright asked about the 2 for 1 incentives to attract the 30% non resident players, such as offering resident rates on specific days. Jack stated that prior fee resolutions did not allow staff to offer percentage discounts. In the new fee resolution, staff has the ability to offer up to a 20% discount. Jack reviewed with the Commissioners the Email Club. Michael Lautenbach reviews the two course's tee sheets for opportunities to offer a specials through the email club. OLD BUSINESS A. Clubhouse Update Jack Kudron stated the project to date is ahead of schedule and under budget. Jack stated that the roof tiles have been stacked on the roof. The stucco and rock work will begin and completed prior to the roof tiles being put into place. The two FF&E orders are proceeding on schedule. Jack reported that "substantial completion" is projected for October with an additional 30 days required to move in equipment, services, and furniture. Jack stated Orin Abrams, the clubhouse concessionaire, has booked two December events contingent on the clubhouse availability. Vice -Chairman Gaby inquired about open house programs for the new clubhouse. Jack stated there will be a dedication activities. Staff is in the preliminary stages of developing those activities which may include a community open house and a VIP event. B. Tiger Woods Learning Center Jack Kudron reported he met with Greg McLaughlin, the Executive Director of the Tiger Woods Foundation and Bryon Bell, the Operations Manager, to discuss that status of the project's various aspects. Jack stated that Brian Bell will be interviewing for a project manager to coordinate the various consultants working on the project. Vice -Chairman Gaby inquired about Tiger Wood's involvement in the Learning Center project. Jack stated that he and his father, Earl Woods who is the President of the Foundation, have approved all the plans. NEW BUSINESS A. Tournament Surcharge Jack Kudron referenced the Tournament Surcharge report included in the packet. Jack stated that the tournament surcharge has been in place many years before the Resident/Non-Resident fee structure was adopted by the City Council. When the Resident/Non-Resident fee structure began, a policy was made that all tournament players would play at a Resident rate with a surcharge added, instead of determining which tournament player was a resident or non-resident. Jack reviewed the revenue collected from the surcharge for last fiscal year ($90,154) and the projected amount ($93,840)for this fiscal year. GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 24, 2003 Page Five Commissioner Wright asked how many tournaments are booked per year? Bob Johns stated that there are approximately 300; 120 at Dad Miller and 200+ at Anaheim Hills. Commissioner Wright asked what type of contract is used and if a deposit is collected. Bob Johns stated that there is no deposit collected, a contract is sent to the tournament chairman which states the current fees, etc. The chairman signs it and returns the contract which is reviewed and approved by Jack Kudron. Fifteen days prior to the tournament all the fees must be pre -paid for all guaranteed players. Bob Johns stated an incentive to book their tournament if offered that for every 16 paid players they will receive four free rounds of golf at Anaheim Hills or two rounds at Dad Miller to be played Monday through Thursday. Jack Kudron stated that a balance is needed between open play and tournaments and currently we have reached that balance. If too many tournaments are booked, then the regular players will complain. Additionally, the surcharge provides a substantial revenue dollars ($90,000) that would still need to be replaced in another manner if the surcharge is discontinued. Jack reviewed the process if the Commission desired to discontinue the surcharge and staff would present that recommendation to the City Council along with staff's recommendation to replace the lost revenue and to indicate agreement or disagreement with the Commission recommendation. Commissioner Wright indicated she would like to give this issue more thought. B. FY03/04 Budget Jack Kudron reviewed Golf Operations budget for (Fiscal Year) FY2003/04 with the Commission. The budget includes a narrative giving an overview of the changes in the new budget compared with the previous year's. Also included is a line item budget summary for revenue and expenditure. Commissioner Raab asked who develops the budget. Jack stated that he and Michael Lautenbach develop the budget Vice -Chairman Gaby stated she had received an inquiry if the City would consider using zip codes rather than Anaheim for the Resident/Non-Resident discount rates? Jack stated that the current City Ordinance is specific only to Resident/Non-Resident rates. Vice -Chairman Gaby asked Bob Johns if he would consider having retailers, such as Nordstrom's and/or Chick's Sporting Goods provide a display of women's clothing. Therefore, Bob wouldn't make the financial investment. Interested people could purchase a few items there and for more go to the retailer's location. Bob Johns stated that he is always open to anything that would benefit the players at the courses. Jack Kudron stated that staff would research this further. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, a Motion was made and passed by Commissioner Raab, seconded by Commissioner Wright to adjourn the Golf Commission meeting to Thursday, August 28, 2003 at 4:00 p.m. in the Civic Hall East 4th Floor Conference Room. The meeting adjourned at 5:22 p.m.