Golf 2003/10/23GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 23, 2003 - 4:00 P.M. Community Services Department Large Conference Room COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: CITY STAFF PRESENT: VALLEY CREST GOLF: CALL TO ORDER Chairman Schultz Vice -Chairman Gaby Commissioner Kresal Commissioner Raab Commissioner Wright Michael Lautenbach, Bob Johns, Dave Johansen and Linda Harrah Bill Houlihan, Superintendent Chairman Schultz called the meeting to order at 4:02 p.m. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Chairman Schultz had the following corrections to the Minutes: • Page Two, August Financial Summary — first sentence, delete "..round at.." • Page Three, New Business, first sentence add "and" to "Commissioner Wright stated she "and" several..." The Minutes could not be approved as the Commissioner who seconded the motion was not in attendance at the meeting for which the Minutes were being approved. Approval of the September 25, 2003 Minutes will be placed on the December 4, 2003 agenda. ACTIVITY REPORT Jack Kudron presented to each Commissioner a Dad Miller mug as a sample of promotional items for the courses. Jack Kudron stated that this year's holiday card that is sent by Golf Operations will have a rendering of the new clubhouse. Chairman Schultz asked about the opening reception dates for the clubhouse. Jack stated there will be a VIP reception on Friday, January 16, 2004 and dedication ceremony and a community open house on Saturday, January 17, 2004. COURSE CONDITIONS REPORT Dave Johansen stated that both courses are in very good condition. Dave reported Dennis Chiotti is the new superintendent at Anaheim Hills. Craig Morrison has been assigned to another Valley Crest property. Chairman Schultz asked the Valley Crest staff be cautioned about leaving tread marks when the turf is unusually wet. Also, the tee markers were not moved after heavy watering. GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 23, 2003 Page Two DIRECTOR OF GOLF'S REPORT Bob Johns stated there are 170 golf tournaments booked for 2004, 110 at Anaheim Hills and 60 at Dad Miller. At Anaheim Hills 70 tournaments are scheduled on the weekends with 40 during the week. At Dad Miller 34 are weekend tournaments with the balance during the week. Bob Johns stated there has been an increase in interest at Anaheim Hills with the new clubhouse soon to open. Commissioner Gaby asked about charity golf events. Jack Kudron stated the City offers six Monday dates during the year at discounted charity rate. Also, the City provides complimentory golf for Anaheim based non-profit organizations for their fund raising activities. FINANCIAL REPORT A. September Financial Summary B. First Quarter Financial Summary Jack Kudron stated the range figures were up but the rounds continue to drop. Jack stated our courses continue to do better than many courses in the county. Jack stated there is an oversupply of courses and not the demand. Several courses have decided to close. Jack Kudron stated staff is developing promotions, however, the number of discount offers will be reduced. There will be fee increases beginning January 1, 2004. A new tournament package is being developed. Jack Kudron stated in the First Quarter Summary Report the net operating income profit is down 2% which reflects the downturn in rounds. The contribution to the General Fund was reduced from $2,295,000 to $2million in the City's adopted budget for FY03/04. OLD BUSINESS A. Clubhouse Update Jack Kudron commended Michael Lautenbach on his tireless commitment in finalizing all the details, large and small to open the new clubhouse. Jack reviewed the "Certificate of Occupancy" requirements/procedure with the Commission. Commissioner Schultz asked if the current food and beverage staff will be retained for the new clubhouse? Jack stated Orin Abrams has asked existing staff to complete applications so that he could interview for possible openings within his operation. GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 23, 2003 Page Three B. Tiger Woods Learning Center Update Jack Kudron stated the Tiger Woods Foundation has filed their Conditional Use Permit with the Planning Department. The public hearing is scheduled for November 17, 2003. The Foundation has hired a project manager who is coordinating the project. The start of the project is scheduled for November 2003. C. Commission Outing Michael Lautenbach stated the Commissioners are scheduled at Anaheim Hills with the first tee time at 10:30 a.m. A tour of the new clubhouse will be conducted afterwards. NEW BUSINESS A. November/December Golf Commission Meeting Jack Kudron stated the next scheduled Commission meeting in November falls on Thanksgiving. Traditionally, the meetings for November and December are combined and a date selected during the first week in December. Commissioner Wright requested the subject of customer service practices be placed on the agenda for the next meeting. Commissioner Wright reviewed the circumstances of her tee time telephone conversation at Anaheim Hills. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, a Motion was made by Commissioner Wright, seconded by Commissioner Raab and unanimously approved to adjourn the Golf Commission meeting to Thursday, December 4, 2003 at 4:00 p.m. in the Civic Hall East 4th Floor Conference Room. The meeting adjourned at 4:55 p.m.