Golf 2005/05/26COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: CITY STAFF PRESENT: VALLEY CREST GOLF: CALL TO ORDER GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES May 26, 2005 — 4:00 p.m. Chairman Gaby Vice -Chairman Wright Commissioner Kresal Commissioner Raab Commissioner Mc Culloch Michael Lautenbach, Bob Johns, Dave Johansen, Gail Barruga Kevin Neal, Golf Course Superintendent, Anaheim Hills Chairman Gaby called the meeting to order at 4:01 p.m. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Vice Chairman Wright made a Motion, seconded by Commissioner Schultz, to accept the Golf Commission Meeting Minutes of April 28, 2005. Motion passed. ACTIVITY REPORTS A. Golf Operations Manager Update Michael Lautenbach reported the installation process for the flagpole at Anaheim Hills would begin within the week. Vice -Chairman Wright asked if small capital improvement projects could be included in the negotiations with Valley Crest. Michael Lautenbach stated Valley crest's responsibility is to maintain the City's two golf courses, and it is difficult to put a fixed price on future capital improvements. Michael Lautenbach stated the contracts would increase approximately $120,000 per year. The new agreement will begin in December 2005. Commissioner Schultz asked about the Dad Miller Senior Photo ID card. Michael Lautenbach stated seniors would have the opportunity to purchase a card for the purpose of booking tee times 3 to 4 days in advance. Currently seniors pay a walk-on/standby fee. At Anaheim Hills there is a promotion for seniors to book tee times. Bob Johns provided history on the former senior resident/non-resident fee program that was discontinued when approximately 70% of the seniors stopped playing at the City's course and played elsewhere. Staff reinstated the senior rate and they have all returned. B. Course Condition Report Dave Johansen provided an update on the new lake at Dad Miller regarding the filling pipe issue. Both courses were aerified in early May. Dave Johansen reported the fence around #14 and #15 at Dad Miller will be removed the following week. Golf Commission Minutes May 26, 2005 Page Two C. Director of Golf's Report Bob Johns reported the City's Championship Tournament and City of Anaheim Chamber of Commerce and City of Lakewood Chamber of Commerce events were very successful. The Lakewood Chamber will be booking again next year as well as the Orange County Traffic Engineers who just completed a shotgun tournament. The shotgun style of tournament is increasing in popularity. Chairman Gaby asked if the Golf Pro's position had been filled. Bob Johns stated notices have been sent to the local academies and the PGA. Chairman Gaby asked if there would be a summer academy. Michael Lautenbach stated there is an academy and the information is available on the City's golf website. FINANCIAL REPORTS A. April and 3d Quarter Financial Summaries Michael Lautenbach stated the report for April indicates better figures. Anaheim Hills continues to improve with tournaments, daily play and the restaurant bookings especially weekday events. Dad Miller's figures reflect lower rounds due to the construction. The third quarter summary reflects lower figures due to the numerous rainy days and course closures at Dad Miller course due to flooding. Michael Lautenbach stated approximately 5% to 6% reduction in play is due to the construction. Commissioner Schultz asked what the estimated Golf Operations contribution to the General Fund is this year. Michael Lautenbach stated the budgeted contribution is $2 million. Chairman Gaby asked who is using the Anaheim Hills banquet facilities mid -week. Michael Lautenbach stated in addition to high school functions many businesses are also booking events during the week. OLD BUSINESS A. Dad Miller Golf Course Modifications Dave Johansen reported the tee lines and sidewalks poured in addition to the information previously discussed regarding the new lake fill line. B. Capital Project Prioritizing Michael Lautenbach added an item to the list for Anaheim Hills. The project consists of determining if the galvanized 60 -inch pipes located under the lake at #7 and #10 and #18 fairways need to be removed. These pipes were causing sinkholes on the course from the rain earlier in the year. The Commissioners submitted their capital improvement priority list to Michael Lautenbach, who will email a final list based on the Commissioner's ratings. Commissioner Schultz suggested the list be presented to City Council.during the budget hearings. Michael Lautenbach provided information to the Commission on the budget approval process and the list. Golf Commission Minutes May 26, 2005 Page Three NEW BUSINESS A. FY05/06 Proposed Golf Operations Budget The Commissioners reviewed the proposed FY05/06 Budget. Commissioner Schultz asked if the increase in fees at both courses was across the board and Chairman Gaby asked when the last increase was effective. Michael Lautenbach stated the increases were across the board and the last fee increase was January 2004. The proposed increase would be effective January 2006. Chairman Gaby stated everyone should understand costs are increasing. Commissioner Schultz stated there are insufficient funds to maintain capital upkeep that is required at the golf courses. If there is another bad winter, or other major event, there aren't sufficient funds to make the necessary repairs. Michael Lautenbach stated funds would be made available to make any out of the ordinary repairs at the course. The proposed budget is balanced to guarantee we have well maintained golf course, capital items are a separate issue. What the City is providing to the golfing customer is a very good product. Chairman Gaby stated she has heard the same that golf here in the City is a very good bargain. . Commissioner Schultz made a Motion, seconded by Vice -Chairman Wright, to approve the proposed FY05/06 Golf Operations budget as presented with the additional statement the Golf Commission understands there are some dynamics occurring at the golf courses that may require additional funding to both maintain the level of the quality of the golf course and possible improvements. Motion passed. B. Golf Outing — Dad Miller Michael Lautenbach stated the golf outing is at Dad Miller on June 23, 2005. The Golf Commission meeting will begin at 10:00 with golf beginning at 11:00 a.m. C. Nominations for Chairman and Vice -Chairman Commissioner Schultz made a Motion to nominated Vice -Chairman Wright for the position of Chairman for the term beginning July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006. Commissioner Raab seconded the Motion. Motion passed. Vice -Chairman Wright made a Motion to nominate Commissioner Schultz for the position of Vice - Chairman for the term beginning July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006. Commissioner Kresal seconded the Motion. Motion passed. Vice -Chairman Wright requested staff consider adding more water coolers to the course similar to those at other courses that are secured or coolers to each golf cart. Michael Lautenbach stated he would again research this item. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Gaby made a Motion, seconded by Vice -Chairman Wright to adjourn the meeting to June 23, 2005, at 10:00 a.m. at Dad Miller Golf Course, 430 N. Gilbert Street, in the small conference room. The Motion passed. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 5:06 p.m.