Golf 2005/10/27COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: CITY STAFF PRESENT VALLEY CREST: CALL TO ORDER GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES October 27, 2005 — 5:00 p.m. Chairman Wright Vice -Chairman Schultz Commissioner Gaby Commissioner Kresal Commissioner McCulloch Michael Lautenbach, Bob Johns, Dave Johansen, and Gail Barruga Kevin Neal, Golf Course Superintendent Chairman Wright called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. PUBLIC COMMENT There were no comments. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Vice Chairman Schultz made a Motion, seconded by Commissioner McCulloch, to accept the Golf Commission Meeting Minutes of September 22, 2005. Motion passed. ACTIVITY REPORTS A. Golf Manager Michael Lautenbach reported the AquaPhyD system was installed at Anaheim Hills and will be installed at Dad Miller in two weeks. Commissioner Gaby asked when the system will provide noticeable results. Michael Lautenbach stated by next spring. Michael Lautenbach provided information regarding the Dad Miller's driving range contractor providing updated grading plans due to changes in the fence line; also using the Conservation Corp to complete several projects at Anaheim Hills. B. Golf Course Superintendent Dave Johansen reviewed the past month's report with the Commission including the aerification of the greens at Anaheim Hills and top dressed and tees over seeded. C. Director of Golf Bob Johns reported he is almost at 100% staffing at Anaheim Hills. The transition to the new automated driving range is progressing well. Bob reviewed the process used to obtain range balls using the automated ball machine at Dad Miller. In addition, to the one time receipt with a code to use at the ball machine, there are cards at various denominations which can be purchased and are quit popular. Commissioner Schultz asked if the system at Dad Miller can be used at Anaheim Hills. Michael Lautenbach stated that the cost to purchase a new automated ball machine at Anaheim Hills is very significant but the City will continue to evaluate that possibility. Michael Lautenbach will also research if range cards could then be used at both facilities. Chairman Wright commended a new employee at Anaheim Hills, Arnold Maravilla, for his excellent customer service. Golf Commission Minutes September 22, 2005 Page Two FINANCIAL REPORT A. September Financial Summaries Michael Lautenbach reviewed the financial reports with the Commission. Commissioner Schultz asked about the decrease in restaurant figures primarily from Dad Miller, however, with the opening of the new driving range certain statistics should be increasing. OLD BUSINESS A. Anaheim Hills Flag Pole Installation Michael Lautenbach reported the project has passed final inspection. Chairman Wright presented the flag from Congressman Miller's office which flew over the capital in D.C. Michael Lautenbach stated the flag will be raised the next day at Anaheim Hills. NEW BUSINESS A. November and December Golf Commission Meeting Michael Lautenbach stated that due to the Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday coinciding with the Golf Commission meetings in the respective months, an alternate date is selected. December 1s` is the first Thursday in December. The Commission could adjourn this meeting to that or any other date in December. B. Golf Commission Input and Review of RFP and Bids Commissioner Schultz stated as an advisory commission it should have input on RFPs prior and reviewing the bids results. Michael Lautenbach stated he will research the commissioner's role in City's business. Commissioner Schultz asked if there was any feed back from the City Manager's Office regarding the Commission's letter on the capital improvement priority project list. Michael Lautenbach reported there are no funds available for the improvements. However, he is looking into various ideas to generate additional golf revenue to fund some of the improvements. One such idea is selling/leasing excess property. Michael stated he will be working with the City's Property Management Division staff to determine the best plan to take. Michael Lautenbach explained the golf operations annual contribution to the General Fund. Commissioner Schultz asked if smaller projects such as leveling off a few of the tees at Anaheim Hills especially the front tee on #17 on the lower tee. Michael Lautenbach stated that is not an inside project but should be done by a private contractor that has the proper laser leveling equipment. Michael Lautenbach stated in this year's FY05/06 budget there is a $10,000 per course for capital improvements at each course. C. Golf Commission Meeting Time Chairman Wright asked if the revised meeting time from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. is a suggested time or required. Michael Lautenbach stated the City Manager's Office directed all commission meetings to be held either prior to work or after 5:00 p.m. ADJOURNMENT Vice -Chairman Schultz made a Motion, seconded by Commissioner Gaby to adjourn the meeting to December 1, 2005 at 5:00 p.m. in the Community Services Department's Conference Room #1. The Motion passed. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 5:45 p.m.