Golf 2007/01/25COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: CITY STAFF PRESENT: CITY STAFF ABSENT: VALLEY CREST: CALL TO ORDER GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES January 25, 2007 — 5:00 p. m. 4th Floor Conference Room 1 Chairman John McCulloch Vice Chairman Bud Schultz Commissioner Patty Gaby Commissioner Skip Keys Commissioner Kathy Wright Dave Johansen, Bob Johns, and Linda Harrah Michael Lautenbach Kevin Neal, Golf Course Superintendent Chairman McCulloch called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. and introduced Skip Keys as the newest member to the Anaheim Golf Commission. PUBLIC COMMENTS Mr. Bill Lemming introduced himself as the President of the Anaheim Hills Golf Club and made a request to the Golf Commissioners from Anaheim Hills Golf Club Board and members. Mr. Lemming stated that non-resident members feel like "second-class members" since they do not receive the resident rate on weekends. Mr. Lemming stated that the Anaheim Hills Golf Club members have supported the golf course for a very long time and feel they should be given the same rates as Anaheim Resident Card holders. Mr. Lemming also asked that the same privileges be extended to all clubs at Anaheim Hills and Dad Miller Golf courses. Commissioner Gaby made a Motion, seconded by Chairman McCulloch to review the Anaheim Resident Card with relation to the clubs at Anaheim Hills and Dad Miller golf courses at the next Golf Commission meeting. Motion passed. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - Vice Chairman Schultz made a Motion, seconded by Commissioner Wright, to accept the Golf Commission Meeting Minutes of October 26, 2006. Motion passed. ACTIVITY REPORTS A. Golf Superintendent Update Vice Chairman Schultz complimented everybody involved on the tee box improvements, the cart path work on the 91h hole and the walkway construction on the 8th hole at Anaheim Hills Golf Course. GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES January 25, 2007 Page Two Vice Chairman Schultz stated that the greens at Anaheim Hills Golf Course are starting to look better, yet on certain greens, pin placements have repeatedly been put in almost unplayable locations. He stated that the Golf Course Superintendent needs to do a better job of monitoring where the pins are placed, especially on weekends. He also stated that the Golf Course Superintendent must monitor the greens — the bumpiness is not getting any better, the greens should be allowed to grow longer due to players being unable to putt, and the traps are getting worse. Kevin Neal, Valley Crest, stated that new employees have placed holes in the wrong locations on some of the greens but these issues have been addressed with the staff. He also explained the continuing problems regarding pin placements on the 8tH 10th 12tH 14th, and 16tH greens. Due to design problems very few "playable" pin positions are available on these greens, especially in the winter months. City staff and Valley Crest are working on plans to "re -design" those greens. Vice Chairman Schultz and Commissioner Wright inquired about the plans for the short game facilities at Anaheim Hills Golf Course. Dave Johansen stated that the golf course architect will supply a first draft of possible locations within a week. Plans will be presented to the Golf Commission at the February meeting. B. Golf Course Superintendent Dave Johansen reported the cold temperatures had a serious impact on the turf appearance at both golf courses. C. Director of Golf Bob Johns stated that check-in procedures at Anaheim Hills Golf Course will be changed due to the addition of the concrete area by the driving range. Customers will be able to check-in up to one hour prior to their tee time and get a golf car to drive down to the driving range. Currently customers have to walk down to the range. Golfers only using the Driving Range (without a tee time) will use the intercom system to the golf shop to request a pick-up by a shuttle. The new ball machine will be installed within the next two weeks. D. Valley Crest Presentation — Due to time constraints, the presentation will be rescheduled to the February 22, 2007 meeting. FINANCIAL REPORT Dave Johansen stated although rounds were down in November and December at both golf courses, revenues in many categories are higher than last year: Combined gross revenues, green fees, food & beverage revenues and merchandise. This is mostly due to fewer twilight rounds being played having a less impact on overall revenues. GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES January 25, 2007 Page Three OLD BUSINESS A. Golf Course Improvement Update The following projects have been completed at Anaheim Hills Golf Course: - Tee box renovation on holes #5, #&, #9, #15, and #17 - Cart path on #9 - Walkway on #8 - Parking area by the driving range - Wiring for the new ball machine was put in - Speakers on the driving range were installed The following projects are pending at Anaheim Hills Golf Course: - Installation of the new ball machine - scheduled for mid-February - Tree trimming - Short game facility plans -scheduled for mid-February The following projects are pending at Dad Miller Golf Course: - Clubhouse restroom repair plans - scheduled for mid-February - Tree trimming Vice Chairman Schultz stated at Anaheim Hills Golf Course the locks in the men's bathrooms are broken. NEW BUSINESS A. Proposed 2007 Golf Commission Meeting Calendar Commissioner Wright stated in reviewing the proposed calendar, if the Commission will be conducting outings at each of the courses because the outings are not listed on the calendar. Dave Johansen stated none are scheduled as of this date, but could be at a later date. Dave Johansen stated the difference from past years is with Thanksgiving Day falling later in the month, the combined November/December meeting could be held in November. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Wright made a Motion, seconded by Chairman McCulloch, to adjourn the meeting to February 22, 2007 at 5:00 p.m., City Hall East, 200 S. Anaheim Blvd., 4th Floor, Conference Room #1. The Motion passed. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 6:15 p.m.